How To Get What You Desire

How to get rid of my sexual desire?

Hi I am 23 year old male and I am following a spiritual pah, I have given up masturbation, sex and porngraphy, I have not masturbated in 6-7 months nor looked at porngraphy, but I still have these desires and they are annoying, I have managed to gain a certain amount of control over them during waking hours, I don't have that many wet dreams but they are still there, is anybody else here following a spiritual path.

How can you get rid of the desire to love and be loved?

I was raised in a decent, tolerant, religious home. Though I was never taught to repress my desires, I ended up doing just that. Indirectly, through the fault of no one but my own will, I taught myself that desire led to sin and sin to damnation. Of course this is not true, desire is healthy. Desire drives humanity to improvement. I kept the negative philosophy for years and one day, I joined the Navy. Boot Camp adequately ripped personal desire from me to the point where I was willing to live on for an external cause rather than any wishes of my own. Once achieving my personal desireless state, I was content. That was short lived.Once I was out of boot camp, a deep/ heavy depression set onto me. For months after, I desired nothing. soon enough, I desired death. A life with nothing to hope for, nothing to desire was void of pleasures. It was void of potential happiness because I had nothing to look forward mental state was responding to a form of psychosomatic relationship with my emotions. I wanted to desire nothing. Lack of desire is linked to depression. So naturally, my mind helped me manifest what I wanted: at a price. Luckily, I have since been able to regain purpose for my life.My advice to you is this: Do not seek to stop desiring. Seek instead to improve your situation. Regardless of how much you feel you are “ugly”, there's no such thing. Physical characteristics are relative to the person viewing them. As they say: “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Personally, I understand how it is to be bullied as I was once in a similar situation. what may have you down could be your insecurities made manifest in your confidence. Talk to a counselor or someone close to you regarding this. It is supremely challenging to fight your negative self image on your own. A side effect of low self-esteem is that the affected individual can not convince others that they are worth getting to know. Once you defeat these negative stimuli, a loving partner will be simpler to come by. NEVER stop desiring love. You deserve love. repeat to yourself “I deserve love” daily to battle the negativity that may exist and seek ways to change your situation for the better. I wish you luck in all of your endeavor, I am rooting for you.

How do you get rid of a desire? You can only suppress a desire for so long. How can I search and destroy the root of the problem?

Desires generally cease due to satiation, environmental changes, and, sometimes, time. If you're hungry, there's nothing you can do (in the long run) to kill the desire besides eating. Some desires die on their own over time. Your attraction to novelty may wear away at them. In such cases, you can simply wait them out. Other desires may be situational (e.g. whenever you're around Jane, you lust after her, but when she's not nearby, you don't.) You can kill them by changing your environment (e.g. stop sitting near Jane.) Desires are often more basic than we think. We tend to overly specify them. Maybe you can't totally kill your desire for candy -- but is it really candy you're lusting after or just something sweet? A banana might seem like a poor alternative to a KitKat bar, but maybe you'll feel differently after actually eating the banana. Is it really something sweet you're lusting after or a reward after a hard day? Maybe there's a healthier reward you could give yourself. Is it really a reward you're desiring or better days? Maybe you need to get a new job or rethink your relationship. If you're waiting out a desire, the best way to make it end sooner is to refuse to romantize it. Romanticizing desires compounds them. We often see this in cases of unrequited love: Sally rejects Bob, and so he casts himself as "the tragic hero." He describes himself as "hopelessly in love," listens to sad music, and cries in the rain. He'd be much better off, every time Sally comes to mind, telling himself, "Well, she's not into you. Get over it." In other words, rip the bandaid off!

The gita says that you get what you desire after you have stopped desiring it. So what to do when I get it anyway? Do I yield it or do I give it up as I no longer seek it?

Desire, the blind grasping of the three unreformed gunas gives rise to this hunger..this gaping emptiness that can never be filled. Your doubt is very valid though, there is an inherent contradiction. However the key is that this state remains a contradiction when one still lives under the sway of the senses. Rise above the senses a little, silence the mind a little and one sees that what we thought was enjoyment by possession is a poor poor alternative as compared to that comprehensive possession via Self-Identity. In exchange for desires conceived of by the senses, gaining identity with the Immanent Divine gives one the delight of everything that is held within the Divine. Then there is no question of yielding or grasping. Gaining oneness with the Ishwara, and all of His manifestation, there is nothing else, no 'other' to desire. Even a remote approach of this poise is so unmistakable in its effects, Sri Krishna's promise stands still!

Girls, do you desire to get a husband like Rambo?

if you meet a young man who has similar activities like Rambo with strong heroism and fights for justice against innocent people - will you accept him to be your husband?

Suppose that you desire to get a lump sum payment of $100,000 two years from now. Rounded to full dollars, how?

divide by 2

How do I get rid of my sexually submissive desires?

I've recently confronted the fact that I am turned on by a man sexually dominating me and the whole idea of being a 'slave'.. being owned. I guess, to an extent, my fantasies do go into a BDSM context.

But I'm not happy with this at all. I want to get rid of these desires as quick as possible. It's been a conflict I've dealt with for a long time. My desires have escalated and grown for a while now. Although in bed, I'm submissive..outside of it, I'm completely different. I'm a very strong, dominant person. I dislike men to almost no end. My attitudes towards them would be characterized as 'extremely feminist'. I don't believe that women are 'naturally submissive'. I'm convinced that power dynamics/behavior between men and women are not biological, but a result of social constructions throughout history. Anyhow, I'm not posting to be convinced of otherwise.

I don't dispute either that they're perfectly normal desires. I'm just not comfortable with them period.I believe I would be happier and stronger without them.

I just want to know...are any really good approaches I can take towards destroying these desires? Does anyone know if psychotherapists can help people (who explicitly don't want them) get rid of their bdsm/sub/dom side? any ideas that would totally help me get rid of this?