How To Have My Dad Get Watch Dogs On Release Day

How to get my parents to let me play watch dogs?

ok. first i'm 13 , 14 in two weeks. Now some of you guys might say (respect my parents choice.) Im not saying I don't but listen. they say no because its M rated. In their defense Im only almost 14. But I'm really responsible. and help a lot around the house.and I have most likley seen everything or heard something bad in there somewhere like here. blood. I have seen blood before, who hasn't. INTENSE VIOLENCE. My dad took me to see red dawn when I was 11 and it was a pg-13 movie so I have definitly seen It before. especially in cod witch they let me play. STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT/ NUDITY. really just because it has it doesn't mean i will go see it in there. plus i have seen what there is to be seen in health. even a birth video in health. and lastly. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL. I have seen my dad smoke before and him drink alcohol. I have saw my mom drink alcohol. and both of my parents know I'm not easly influenced by video games and its imposible to get me to do drugs. unless my doctor prescribes me a drug. I know alcohol is a drug, but Im in no rush for that I can wait till i'm 21. so how do I convince them beyond saying that

Is it possible to convince my parents to let me play watch dogs?

I have the money and a ps3. do you think it is possible to convince my parents. im 13 and a guy. Im a good kid. Im allowed to watch friends play gta and stuff but never play it. im allowed to play cod and halo ( yes i have a ps3 but im allowed to play at friends houses). i never asked. My dad is the more lean one but still doesn't let me play gta till im 15. and my mom I could show her what it is and stuff and she would usually be conivince it the gamestop guy says ok. my dad doesn't care aslong as no nudity or sex/ porn and that kind of stuff. my mom worries a little about violence and gore but mainly on nudity and sex/porn like my dad and a little about drugs. do you think i can convince them.

Which other breeds are good watchdogs / guard dogs?

EDIT/response: Sweetie, I think you're reading too much into the pamphlet. Why anyone would discourage getting another dog of the same beloved breed to avoid comparisions, is beyond me. By look-alike, I think it means trying to match a dogs exact physical features, I doubt seriously it refers to breed.
I've owned 6 GSD's, two of them moms to the rest.. All were/are wonderful and ALL were/are special to me in their own ways. I'll breed my male in the near future so I can continue to have the bloodlines of his beloved grandmother....but I won't expect the pup I keep to fill his 'paws', or hers.
As for look-alikes, we aren't talking cloning here, which I agree is creepy. Take a look at my avatar.....just one example of the vast array of colors / markings shepherds come in. So you do have some variety to choose from.

I don't want to push you into getting another shepherd so much as I want you to really look at why you're excluding them.
You may be rushing into another dog while the hurt is still too fresh from losing your old girl. A different breed won't make you miss her any less.
Whatever your choice, best of luck to you and your other pup!

I'm sorry for your loss.
Don't know what to tell you. You want a good guard dog. You've had just about the best there is. :)
Your reasons for not wanting another shepherd are emotional, not rational. Do you want to let your emotions choose a dog you want for protection?
Maybe it's too soon to get another dog. Grieving is normal for humans and dogs. Why not mull it over for a while longer and think about whether your heart or your head should win out here?
If you truly don't want to try another shepherd, a malinois, rottie, or dobe would be a good 'second' choice. ;-)

Edit: Life's gud, that list is NOT a watch dog list. It's a list of the 10 'most popular' breeds (ie, # of dogs registered) from the working group. Sorry, but any watch dog list that doesn't have the GSD on it is blatantly incorrect!! :)

Need a watch dog and wher to get them?

i am 12 and i am scarred to go into my house i asked my parents to get a sacirite system and they said no so i said what about a watch dog and they said ok. So what kind of dog should i get and how do i train it to be mean to strangers? i kneed help i am scared of people coming into my house that is what i am scared of

How do I convince my dad to buy a dog as a pet?

I'll tell you a story. The true story based on him who became the symbol of loyalty and fidelity in Japan.In 1924, Tokyo Japan, there once lived a man named Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor in Agricultural department in the University of Tokyo. He adopted a pet, a dog (Breed Akita).The professor’s daily commute involved going to the Shibuya Station and boarding a train. The professor used to be accompanied by his fella (his dog) every morning till the station.(All pictures are taken from Google and are screenshots of the movie based on this story.)Pretty soon the dog started coming to the Shibuya Station by himself at the end of the day and would wait there to receive his friend. (I prefer to call friend over owner)One day during May 1925, the dog according to his daily schedule went to receive his friend whom he had dropped earlier in the morning at the station.He waited ….and waited …. and waited. But the professor never came.The professor had died of cerebral hemorrhage.Hachiko (the dog) never understood why his friend never came. So he did what a loyal friend would do.He waited.He would appear everyday at the station precisely when his friend's train was due at the station and wait.He waited through summers. (Yes I meant summers - plural)He waited through winters.He waited Each day for the next 9 years, 9 months and 15 days with the hope that he would meet his friend again.He waited till he met his end.(Hachiko - Courtesy Google)A monument of Hachiko near the station.Hachiko with his friend.“ We give dogs love we can spare, time we can spare and room we can spare. In return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal a man has ever made.”-Hachi: A dog's tale (Movie)Make your dad watch this movie. I am sure the movie will take care of the rest.