How To Heal Pulled Muscle From Splits

Pulled a muscle doing splits?

I've pulled hamstrings a few times (in the same spot you described) - yes, it does get better, but it takes a looong time. Tell your teacher that your muscle is pulled, and don't do anything for now that stretches it. If you have to do something in your performance that requires that muscle to be pulled so that it hurts, try marking the movement in rehearsals (don't go to your full range of motion), and only do it full-out in the show, and make sure you warm up VERY THOROUGHLY before you perform.

Always warm up thoroughly before you do any deep stretching. Hamstrings are really easy to pull, and they heal much more slowly than other muscles do.

Pulled muscle splits?

So basically you want to hurt yourself more because its fun?? hahaah once you pull your muscle which i think may be your groin ( which is the also known as the " inner-thigh") i recommend that you discontinue doing these splits until you are fully recovered and know how to stretch properly so you do not pull any muscle for that matter.

* and if you continue doing spits while you are hurt, it will only take longer. But i pulled my groin in soccer before and it takes a couple weeks to a month to heal.

good luck!

How to heal pulled muscle from splits?

You probably pulled the muscle. Sadly there isn't much you can do for a pulled muscle :( You'll just have to take it easy for a few weeks and don't go into your splits if it hurts. Sometimes ice or heat will make it feel better. When I pulled my hamstring from going into the splits too fast, I also used this Thera-Gesic cream that is supposed to ease muscle pain. You can find a similar cream at a drug store or probably Wal-Mart. Depending on how bad you pulled it it could take about 1-3 weeks to get better. When I pulled my hamstring it healed in about 2 and 1/2 weeks. You might have lost some flexibility in the area after it's healed, don't freak out and stretch too hard right away because you could re-pull it. Take it slow and easy and soon you'll be back to normal! Good luck! :)

Pulled a muscle while doing the splits?

Okay so today during my dance lesson I slid into my splits (bad leg) without properly warming up, and I think I pulled muscle like at the back of my thigh just under my bum. It really hurts and I'm really worried because I have a really important competition coming up and a dance exam in just over a month. I know that it was because I didn't warm up right, so o just need advice on what to do like do I see like a physio or whatever it's called, are there particular exercises etc. please help me!!!!

I think i pulled my muscle doing a split... could i have torn a ligament?

No, don't jump to conclusions about your joints or your spine. Most likely you have strained one of your hamstring muscles or your adductor muscles on the inner part of your thigh. The pop you heard could be from tendon snapping over other tendon or bone, not always a big deal. A muscle can be strained mildly (overstretched) or severely (torn from it's attachment on the bone). If you could still continue in your activities, it is most likely a mild strain. Take time off from stretching to let it heal. It is probably inflamed and this is why you hurt. I am a massage therapist in Canada with three years of training, so I know a fair bit about the human body.

Can I heal a pulled muscle in my leg in 2 days?

yes there is!! one time at a soccer tournament i pulled my hanstring badly (couldn;t walk had to go out of the game) that night i took an epsom salt bath. you have a hot bath and pour epsom salt (can be found at local drugstores, i got mine at walgreens.) pour some into the bath and soak. the next day i could play. this may not work for you, but i have had lots of sucess so you should try it. also after baths, ice it. it will help any swelling and the numbness should help it.

good luck and feel better

My pulled muscle won't heal?

Around a month ago, I was doing the splits in gym, and pulled my hamstring muscle really badly. I couldn't walk for two days, and have been slightly limping since. It's been over a month, and my leg still isn't healed. During the month, I was dancing still, and pushing my muscle hard. I know now that you aren't supposed to do that, but my family doesn't get injured much, so we didn't know. I went to a doctor a week ago, and he told me to rest it for a week. I still danced, but used it gently, and used a heating pad every night. When I first pulled it I used ice, but stopped after a week. I have auditions coming up in a few days, so how can I heal it ASAP?

My leg popped while doing the splits, how do I heal it quickly?

So while doing the right splits, my right leg popped (the bottom of my thigh near my crotch) and now my muscle hurts pretty bad, but I don't think it's anything serious, or at least I hope not. It just happened today so that's probably why it hurts so bad. But anyways, how can I heal it quickly since I'm getting tested on my splits in three weeks?

This is probably irrelevant but I had done the splits earlier and I was fine, and I have been able to sit in my splits without holding myself up recently, so I was pretty surprised when it popped.

I pulled my hamstring almost two months ago doing the splits and I still hasn’t healed, what should I do?

Do you really have any doubt you need to see a doctor? If you haven’t yet, how do you know for sure the injury is a pulled hamstring?I had a serious pulled hamstring years ago. My entire leg was one big bruise, and I could only walk with crutches. I was confined to sitting or lying down with that leg elevated as much as possible, and it took more than two months to heal. To this day, that muscle isn’t quite right.Go to a doctor and follow his instructions, before you make the injury worse.