How To Help A Person Through Anxiety And Depression Help.

Can dogs help with depression & anxiety?

Yes, they are really good companions and someone to be there for you. They can tell when your upset and just their cute little faces will cheer you up :) My dog means the world to me and whenever i'm depressed or my family is a mess, he is always there to comfort me. Even though he/she can't talk, you can talk to them. It helps.

How can I help someone who is repressing anxiety, depression, and some minor PTSD? I'm afraid my friend will just shut down without help.

You probably can’t, nor can I from a distance and from someone I know nothing about or hasn’t asked for my help. How would your friend react to your suspicions and would the friendship survive if you were to interfere?You might mention behavior that seems out of character and see if a question from your friend follows concerning getting some help. In that case you can refer the individual to the local county mental health center for assessment and possible treatment.

How can I help someone with anxiety /depression?

What he/she needs is not your sympathy.They need strength ,which you could give them by motivating them.They need someone with a good heart to listen to their problems ,understand their problems and help if possible.They will only get more hurt if you make fun of them (just to make them feel that their problems are just nothing, they can overcome it.) saying things like “oh stop it,you are a drama queen ”/“so you are depressed for this silly reason?”or giving advice without understanding completely his/her situation. It will create a sense of feeling that “no one understands me”,pushing them to be depressed more.If they talk about suicide seriously or even indirectly in a funny manner, it means it’s high time to seek medical aid for him/her.They might be thinking “no one understands me”,“no one loves me” “no one cares about me” “there is no point on living on this Earth”I can’t tolerate this anymore ” “I am a burden to this world” and the list goes on…Make them a part of your activities. Don’t allow them to sit alone because they will overthink and become depressed more. Don’t ignore them .Tell them to do activities which will help them cure depression like exercise or their hobbies that they have left it in the way of depression (actually they won’t do it because they will be lazy and drained all the time. So it’s you who must take care of it.)Don’t let them hear sad songs .(they will always select such songs because their situations can be related, by which they will do a recap of their situation.)Make them listen to songs played on celebrations or rock type which will boost their mood. Suggest them to start writing whatever they think in a diary on a daily basis. It will really give a great relief for depressed people.If you try doing all these I am sure you could bring your friend back to life. But this time it will not be that "old friend " it will be the old and modified version of him/her, because by now they will have a greater insight of life.All the best.

How do you help someone with depression?

I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love and adore but sadly she has been through a horrific ordeal that has lead to her being diagnosed with depression. She is often sad and worryful and is always worrying about my health, which is lovely but i would rather her feel as though im safe. She worries about me getting into a car crash or planes crashing into her backgarden. I realise that maybe this is because she feels as though the world is against her but i would love her to see the greater side of life and what it does have to offer. I dont earn money, i go to college but i would love to do something for her or even just say something that would make her know how much i love her. I don't know what to say to her when she is upset because i know what the reason is and it's something that cant be fixed its sortof like her pet dog died but obviously a lot worse! i often find her just gazing into space which breaks my heart and i sometimes notice her mood just dropping. I always ask her what's wrong? but she says either '' nothing '' or she just doesnt speak and it doesnt matter how many times i ask her she just will cry or i will get frustrated that she isnt telling me and we end up rowing. I love her so much and she doesnt need arguments right now but i dont know what the best way is to help her get through it. I have been through hard times but never depression and i know its a dark time which you cannot just simply ' pull ' someone out of. I will always listen to her and she knows that but she does find it very challenging to speak to me which hurts but i guess that's the way it is. Have you ever been through a loved one with depression? what were there symptoms and how did they get through it? How did you help them? Thank-you for all your answers and advice.

Will this anxiety and depression depersonalize ever go away ,? Hey you guys ib been struggling with anxiety since November?

Hey you guys ib been struggling with anxiety since November, I had before in June when I had my daughter, but it went away it all started when I hit a blunt that was my first serious panicked attack. After that , my anxiety was sky high , because I had thought that everything was fake and that I had died the night I had my attack felt like I was looking my mind I was so scared to sleep , and I couldn't really get any. I had tingling all over, brain fog , I felt smothered , and I felt as if I couldn't think at all , after two weeks it webt away but when my menstrual cycke cane on , it return , this time with horrible headaches and depersonalization. I couldn't remember anything before days prior , but also kept thinking about the I could really get into meditating it seemed impossible , I never get a break , I while all this is happening I start feel as if I don't care anyone , when I love my daughter and boyfriend deeply , but yet I'm 20. And grew up a bit fast , I live in my own it's a really stressful thing going through all this including my mental health. , When January hit still felt like everything that I went through Dailey wasn't real , it's til this day I struggle , I know stuff needs to be done in the house , but lately I been sleeping so much , throughout the day and I sleep all night but yet still sleepy , I can't get my self to get out if bed , i be the happy person I want to be , I feel unhappy , I'm agitated by everything , I get blurry vision

Would smoking weed help my anxiety and depression?

Smoking weed actually makes anxiety and depression worse. I've had friends go to their doctors to ask about their depression, and they are always told to quit smoking pot for quite a while before they consider going on meds or anything like that. It also heightens anxiety, I have seen more than one person, who granted, was already probably prone to anxiety, go on to have full fledged anxiety attacks from smoking pot. Sometimes doctors will prescribe it for anxiety and things like insomnia, but I can guarantee that most of those prescriptions are given on suggestion from the patient. I live in an area where there are decriminalized areas in the city, marijuana dispensaries, and for things like 4:20 they extend the decriminalized areas to hold big, public, pot-smoking parties in front of art galleries. I have never met a single person who was prescribed pot that didn't already smoke it, but I have met many people who agree that they don't smoke pot anymore because of the anxiety is causes them. In addition I would say that the only way that pot might be able to help someone who is suffering from anxiety and depression is by making them lethargic. This pseudo-addiction to lethargy actually turns into a cycle, because it goes from being anxious and depressed to being lethargic and okay with it, but as you continue on that path you realize that you are doing basically nothing in your life and you start to feel like a failure, then you start to think that you are where you ought to be because you can't do anything anyway and the world is just so hard to face that you develop more anxiety about trying to face up to your fears and the various obstacles that living a life might present outside of your basement, and then you are depressed more because you realize this and you realize that if you continue on that path you will never amount to anything that you dreamed of. I'm totally serious, I have seen this cycle a hundred times. I know it seems like it helps sometimes, but it is a temporary facade that leaves you dependent, and seriously, but without being prejudiced against pot; it really isn't what you need, and you probably already know that. Get up and get for yourself exactly what you need because trust me, it is by no means impossible no matter what you have to deal with, but it will never happen if you will not let it.

Can video games help a person cope with depression?

At best it can help you take your mind off it briefly but doesn’t really do much to help per se.A game might give you temporary highs in mood but these are fleeting and ultimately won’t soften your depression, you can be seriously depressed and still smile in small moments of relative happiness… but the depression isn’t gone, you’ve just pushed it aside for a moment. It’s like when you’re angry you can still find a joke funny but just laughing for a moment won’t suddenly make your anger dissipate.So you can immerse yourself into a game and push all your problems to the back of your mind, you can have a blast while you’re playing but your problems don’t magically disappear with a temporary mood change, they’re waiting for you when you stop playing and come back to the real world. That’s not to say that playing a game is a wasted endeavour though, temporary or not, it’s good to be happy even if it’s just a moment and sometimes, that brief respite can give you the strength to jump back in to life with a little more enthusiasm.It can actually become a bigger problem though. Gaming won’t fix your life, and it doesn’t matter how much you obsess over a game, how high you are on the leaderboard or how many stats you pump into your memory, eventually you’re gonna have to face your problems because they don’t stop affecting you just because you aren’t paying attention. It’s easy to keep playing and ignore the world and I think a lot of gamers with depression have been there. It can at times make your problems harder to face so you just dive back into the game but the longer you ignore it, the harder it is to face it and that’s a dangerous cycle to find yourself stuck in.