How To Hide Adding Of New Places From Wall

What is the best place to hide a dead body?

Any number of locations. Since you have between 5 minutes and never before the police discover that someone has been killed,, you will have ample amounts of time to dispose of the remains before they are discovered.Some thoughts:The septic tank of an abandoned property.Almost anywhere at a closed refinery (most refineries will never be torn down due to the massive remediation costs involved when they are. Find a good hiding spot there and place the body in the open or bury it)Numerous quarries are around and most are filled with water. If you ensure that the body will not float to the surface, they are often great disposal locations. Inside the wall of a home or building - If the body is allowed to desiccate (mummify) then there will be little or no odor. Simply open a wall,insert the body and replaster or drywall it and paint over it.Underneath an area to be used as a pen or feed lot for domesticated animals. The weight of the animals, plus their manure and the straw placed down to control it will form its own "cap" over the burial site.In plain sight - The roof of tall abandoned building (hidden from overhead viewing) , an open area in a remote part of the country (after staying there for 2-3 days to see if anyone comes along), or in a storm drain along a lightly used state or county road.Inside the trunk of a vehicle in a salvage yard. Make certain that the vehicle is a rather common model, but is in generally poor condition.A environmental ghost town - A town or area abandoned due to severe pollution or radiological concerns.If you have access to a private airplane and you live near an ocean, take the body out to sea, several hundred miles and dump it. Unless it is caught by a storm or current, animal predation and decay will take care of it within several days.Dig a narrow, but deep trench or hole and vertical bury the body. It won't look like a normal grave and it covers only a few square feet or meters at the most, Since the area disturbed will not resemble a hole or trench it is unlikely that it will ever be discovered.

How do I undo "Hide" in Facebook Timeline?

Click the Activity Log button on your Timeline page. - In the left-hand column select 'Posts You've Hidden', to the right of each item listed will be a slashed circle icon--clicking the icon will give you a menu with the option 'Allowed on Timeline'. In scrolling back if the scrolling pauses use the year/month in the righthand column to scroll farther back.

When you hide a Facebook post on your timeline, does your friend who posted it still see the post on your timeline? Or can they see that you hid the post?

They'd have to go to your news feed or if it was on your timeline and hidden then yes, the friend will have the ability to go look on your page to find the post.  If someone "likes" the post on your friends page, your hidden post may return.  If any changes on the post from any one's post where it was seen can cause the post to return to your page and news feed.  It's a glitche or known issue.

Is Huntington Beach a good place to live?

Huntington Beach is not artsy. It's actually a very conservative and Republican dominated town. HB just forcefully annexed a lovely beach town named Sunset Beach and it's artsy. Everyone is hoping they don't destroy the character of Sunset Beach like they did their own downtown.

If you want artsy move to Laguna Canyon, San Clemente or Orange which is considered inland. Laguna Canyon is home to several art studios. Laguna Beach is home to several art galleries and the hugely popular Pagaent of the Masters and the Festival of Arts.
None of those places are cheap. expect to pay over $700,000 for a basic house.
The area known as Old Towne Orange is very artsy and it looks like something from a Norman Rockwell painting.

Can you mix boric acid with something to make a spray and kill roaches?

i tried mixing boric acid with sugar, and it didnt work. i want to make a spray with boric acid to kill roaches. does anyone know what i can mix it with to make a spray?

How do I hide my likes and comments from my friends on Facebook?

You can't set custom audiences for comments and likes ("C/L"); rather C/L are generally visible to anyone who can see the post that was commented on or "liked"; this means that if you C/L on a public page, your friends could (and for that matter, theoretically anyone at all, though it's much less likely that a random non-friend would) see that.  FB maintain a database of actions, including comments and likes.  A handful of these will turn up in your friends' News Feeds.  You can see what actions you've recently done by going into your own profile and clicking "Activity Log" (so far, this functionality is somewhat limited in the mobile app).  You can right-click on the time of the action and bring up a window that looks like this (approximating what your friends might see):This will tell you who can see the post (in this case people who are friends with the person who posted it).  If you have poster's remorse in that you think someone could have seen what you did and you don't like it, you can "delete comment" or "unlike" the post from the little pencil in your activity log as so:I kind of agree with the earlier comment in that I don't worry about this for myself.  That's sort of the whole point of Facebook.  But if you absolutely MUST "comment" on or "like" a post without your friends knowing, you could make a second Facebook account or unfriend the people you don't want to know (technically, though, making a second account is against FB's terms of service).

Is Huntington Beach, California a nice place to live?

I work in Huntington Beach and I think the place is overrated.

Advantage: It's safe.

If you live no farther than a quarter mile from the beach than HB is nice. Inland it's pretty unexceptional and plain.
The majority of the homes look the same and were built in the 1950's. There are a surprisng number of trailer parks in HB. The city has lined many of the streets with cinder block walls and it looks like a desolate concrete canyon when you drive down them. HB is filled with boring looking strip malls and they have made their once cute beach city downtown look like any other cookie cutter shopping center you find in the Southwest. During the summer the locals stop going to Main Street because of the hoards of pasty tourists that come to visit, the lack of parking and the bottlenecked traffic on the Pacific Coast Highway.

Personally, I would pick Newport Beach, Seal Beach or Sunset Beach over HB.

Installing cabinet agaisnt bowed wall?

it should have been fixed before you installed the cabinets ..bbbuuuttt . since you did not and don't want to take it all down . on the back of the back splash add one inch of wood . lay it where it is supposed to go . draw a pencil line on the drywall around the backsplash . remove the backsplash . cut out the drywall to the studs .. slide the backsplash into wall . part of the backsplash will be in the wall and only one half inch gap will be there . now draw a pencil line on the wood that you put on the back of the backsplash . trim to the new pencil line . slide into place ..should not be any gap .you will notice the top of backsplash will be thicker some places and thinner at others . then caulk and paint wall with a color that blends in . then you will not notice it as much ..if you don't understand what i mean . go to youtube and search for installing backsplash .

What is the best way to get rid of cockroaches? i wake up fo find them on kitchen cupboards, kitchen tables?

If you use pesticides, roaches just hide inside the walls until the coast is clear. And if you sprinkle poison haphazardly, they simply avoid the poison.

You need a poison they gobble up with enthusiasm.

Mix some borax, maple syrup, and water together. Put the mixture in all the places you have seen roaches...on the counter, on the floor, etc. (Don't put it on the floor if there are children or pets in the house, tho.)

Put his mixture directly on surfaces, like counters. Don't even bother with a bowl or saucer. This way the roaches can get to it easily.

You can buy borax in the laundry section of most grocery stores. It's usually called "20 Mule Team Borax". The Maple syrup can be real Maple Syrup or "Maple Flavored Syrup" doesn't matter. Roaches love both.

This little dessert you made for them will kill them. It might take a couple of days to notice a difference. I would leave the poison out for at least 14 days to make sure you get the new babies, too.

Keep the poison moist by adding water every now and then.

Be careful to keep this out of the reach of children and pets. Borax is a poison, after all...but at least you won't have fumes or residue left behind all over your house.