How To I Overcome Laziness

How do you overcome laziness?

If you set a list of goals daily. They don't have to be intense goals. Little things. Write them down and check them off.

-Post Office
-Super Market


When you see those check marks at the end of the day you feel SO good about yourself. You feel so accomplished that your day wasn't a waste.

How to overcome laziness in salah?


AlSalam Alaykum:

There are certainly people who are lazy at their prayers, and I guess I am one of them. Before I didn't have that feeling until when I started to speed up my prayers. Now, I feel lazy for praying. I just don't feel like before. I pray late a lot. When I go to pray, I feel that I am standing up a lot or just I need to finish it quick. Even for the Qunut, there are some Dua that will take handful of seconds that I skip! When I do other stuff, I don't have that feeling. I know that I need to feel that I am standing to the Creator of the Earth and the heavens and the merciful, but I have that feeling which many people had like "OK?" or "So??." I cannot feel that greatness because maybe I haven't reach such a level of faith. I know it's the Shaytan, but I have no idea how to overcome this, and insha'Allah if anyone helped me, he might help others who are just like me or worse.

How do I overcome fear and laziness?

Fear is an emotion felt by each and every one of us as it has a survival value. Can you identify what you are fearful about? If you can then you can definitely work on overcoming it.As for laziness, yes another universal phenomenon. So well if you feel that you are being lazy due to physiological reasons; anemia, obesity, side effect of medications, sleep deprivation, etc then the best part would be get yourself tested and invest in a good dietician and a good gym.If you are being lazy because you lack motivation then you could begin by beaking down your tasks into smaller goals. Reward yourself with 15 extra minutes in bed for having completed at least 50% of the tasks to begin with.Work with a buddy who could motivate you to get out of bed/home and enjoy the world outside. Physical exercise or a sprot is a must as it releases adrenaline which makes us feel energetic and happy. Pursue a hobby that will make you feel enthusiatic and reduce your laziness. Create a schedule so you are less likely to procrastinate.Good luck :)

How can I overcome mental laziness?

“95 percent of all cognition occurs in the subconscious mind”(ref. Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman)If mental laziness is defined as being lazy in using your conscious mind and staying on autopilot (subconscious) most of the time, then the question arises is it a good thing or bad thing? It depends….if your subconscious is wired to fulfill your goals, then most of the time you dont have to consciously think about working on your goals. But if its the other way around- i.e. if your subconscious is wired to work against your goals (bad habits etc) then we have a problem and we may want to consider getting off of autopilot and using more of the conscious mind.To answer your question specifically, you need to understand the WHY first…create a leverage….a strong lucrative reason for change….so WHY DO YOU WANT TO OVERCOME LAZINESS??? One way to do this is to take a sheet of paper and ask yourself the following:I am at my deathbed and i realize that i never overcame my mental laziness.What have i missed in my life just because i did not overcome my mental laziness?How has this impacted my loved ones?How will this impact them going forward?Be as detail oriented as you can be and write it down. This exercise will help you understand how important your goal (in this case overcoming mental laziness) is.Then list down all the Pain and Pleasure points:Pain:If i dont change now:what will this cost me and my loved ones?what has it costed me and my loved ones in the past?Pleasure:If i change this now,how will my life be?what will it mean to my loved ones?By listing and thinking about the pain and pleasure associated with your goals, you will be able to create a leverage (your WHY) to pursue that goal. This will create the hunger, momentum and commitment to breakthrough all the barriers that are stopping you from achieving your goals.Hope this helps. Happy to discuss further.Regards,Self Discovery with Aneel Syed

How do I overcome laziness in writing?

That's a million dollar question. If I had a guaranteed solution to that, I'd be a rich writer!Over the years, I've seen different things work for different people, including me. So here are some of the tips I can recommend, depending on what kind of a person you are.For the busy writer with tight schedules: Put in time slots in your calendar to write. Set alarms and reminders. For that duration, sit in front of your book or laptop or writing device of choice and write. Don't move till the time is done. Don't get distracted. Just write.For the erratic writer: Commit a deadline to someone else. Make it non-negotiable. Let the guilt of potentially defaulting eat you up till you sit and write. Ask the person you've committed the deadline to, to make you feel like crap it you don't deliver.For the easily bored writer: Work on multiple projects in parallel. When bored with one, move to another. Keep cycling. If long term projects are scary, write short stories and essays in between.For the writer in denial: Stop making excuses and take responsibility for how much you're writing or rather how much you're NOT writing. Figure out which of the above categories you fall under. Apply appropriate solution.Finally, go easy on yourself. Writers are fickle creatures. It's in our nature to be easily distracted. Be patient with yourself and just slowly keep moving towards getting back into that space where you're writing feverishly, struggling to keep pace with the words pouring out of you. That is the only sustainable solution to whatever prevents you from writing.

How do I overcome laziness? Is it genetic?

Drink lots of water, it will give you energy.

How do I overcome laziness and fear of coding?

By getting to it.You are exactly like I was 6 years ago : wanting to learn programming. Being lazy, having excuses.I had a mandatory computer science course at that time, I am now a full time software engineer.I still have fear of coding. It's exactly the same feeling a writer gets when he wants to start a new book. Except you have it 10 times a month.How do you beat it ?Allow yourself to fail, but create high incentive to succeed. For me the incentive were my studies, but you can decide to only buy that "really-nice-bike-you-always-wanted" only if you are able to program a command line Tetris game. If you fail there will be no consequences, but if you succeed, you will be double happy. It's up to you not to try to find excuse to buy your bike even if your Tetris is not done. You don't have any. Really.Now I still have those fears, and I fight it by dividing my work into very small achievements that I can fail, but if I succeed, that will bring something more into the product. The good news is that it's quite compatible with the way software design should be done, and this fear has become an asset : I cannot start working on a project that is so complex that it's meant to fail.Also, be warned that programming teaches you humility. Your code is always the problem, there is no one else you can blame. You also have to accept that your code will not work the first time. If it does, it's probably even more wrong than you think. But in the end, if you can endure that, it really is rewarding, both socially and personally.Few tips :- Making mistakes is normal, do not feel ashamed. I still cannot code the most basic piece of software, without being wrong somewhere.  - Test early, test often. If you are writing more than twenty lines of code without testing what you did, you will have problems.- Checking that your program crashes when you think it should crash by reading the code, is a pretty good test. If it does, then your test is successful.- Ask for help, and make sure you understand the answers that are given.- Do not aim for perfection. Depending on the context, the purpose, the history, the people you are talking to, ... perfection will be different. If you can explain "why" you chose to do things this or that way, it's usually good enough.Man up and go code that Hello World.

What is the best way to overcome laziness and fatigue?

A Japanese Technique to Overcome LazinessAlmost all of us periodically sets ourselves a new goal or challenge — and just as often in the end fails to achieve them.We end up telling ourselves that we’re just not ready yet, that we’ll do it next week, next year.See Also: 10+ Ways to Look Better With Your Body LanguageWe might even pursue them with zeal at the start.But once we’ve made a small amount of effort, we’ll tell ourselves we’ve done enough, and it’s time to take this whole ‘starting a new life’ thing more slowly.Why does it always turn out like this?See Also: 16 World Records You Can Break Any MinuteThe answer’s fairly obvious: Because we try to achieve too much, too fast; because we get sick of the new responsibility; because it’s difficult to change old habits and try something new.Why do we give up so easily?How to stop procrastinating?How does the method work?Why does the method work?- The technique is called Kaizen, or the one-minute principle. Kaizen originated in Japan, and it is something that anyone can attempt in any sphere of their life.- At the heart of this method is the idea that you should practice doing something for a single minute. Every day at the same time. Just for a minute, no more.- Challenging programs of self-improvement that deprive you of vast amounts of energy can end up exhausting you, and leave no tangible results.- The one-minute principle lets you see the progress you’re making. And it’s a critical part of forming new habits! It’s important to overcome that lack of confidence you might have in your abilities, as well as free yourself from guilt and helplessness.- The moment those feelings inspire you, you will gradually begin to increase the amount of time you spend on the goal that you have set yourself.Read in Detail: