How To Induce Mensuration

Is there a way to induce menstruation?

Yes, you can induce menstruation.Induction only works following ovulation - you only menstruate following ovulation, if you don't conceive, and you can't speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to menstruate earlier. Most commonly people use Vitamin C and Parsley to induce menstruation - Vitamin C starves the uterus of progesterone and Parsley softens the cervix - both can be used as home emergency contraception or home abortion, it's important then not to use these methods to induce menstruation if there's a possibility that you could be pregnant as it could cause serious problems. Note: Hormonal birth control such as 'the pill' does not induce menstruation, as a woman doesn't have a menstrual cycle or ovulate while on hormonal birth control she cannot menstruate. The bleeding women experience on the break from the pill is a withdrawal bleed. Can you kick start your period? How to Induce Your Period with Vitamin CParsley's ability to stimulate menstruation

How do you induce menstruation naturally if you have PCOS?

Start with jogging or walking everyday. Do some lower body exercise or yogasanas.Eat less carbs, more protein and fibre.Grind fenugreek, uchallu, kadu jeeraka, kalonji, omam in equal amounts like a powder. Take 1tbsp of this powder and add it to 350ml of boiling water. Let it boil for 5mts. Drink it early morning in an empty stomach. If you are not getting results, take this every time before your food. Sometimes this works within 3 days and some people feel a drained energy, as this reduces the sugar level in the blood. If you feel any light headedness or extremely tired drink some milk and jaggery….This video isn’t mine but it’s pretty good too.There is a lot of useless stuff circulating when it comes to PCOS. A lot of anecdotes without any real testing and sometimes (sadly) straight up snake oil. Magic pills and made up cures are far too common.I’m not against hope and being pro-active but what you really need is understanding of PCOS and your body. Trust me, I do with there was an easier answer.There are things you can do which will really help. If you haven’t seen it already take a look at Healing PCOS: [Free Audiobook] Healing PCOS: A 21-Day Plan for Reclaiming Your Health and Life with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

How do you use parsley to induce menstruation?

How to use Parsley to induce menstruationOption #1 - Parsley suppository. Parsley is a mild emmenagogue (stimulates menstruation) that works by softening the cervix, so one way to use parsley to induce menstruation is to use in direct contact with the cervix by using parsley as a vaginal suppository - inserting parsley vaginally. It is very important if inserting vaginally that you observe some rules in order to reduce risk of vaginal infection, Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), or risks from intimate contact with pesticides. Use fresh sprig of organic parsley and clean well before inserting vaginally, you would just need a few sprigs of parsley bound together: bind together with the stems of the parsley itself, not with string, to reduce TSS risk. You then need to change this sprig of parsley at least every 4-6 hours, no longer than this - make sure not to forget it's up there.Option #1 - Parsley tea.Dry parsley or tea bags could be used but these are not as potent as using fresh parsley - again organic parsley which has been cleaned well is the best option. Fill a medium sized pad with water and bring to the boil, remove from the heat and add 1-2 hand-fulls of chopped parsley, cover and let this steep for 20-30 minutes. Strain the tea and add honey to taste, drink every few hours. Do not add parsley to boiling water or boil after parsley has been added as this will destroy volatile oils so reduce potency. Important notes on using parsley to induce menstruation:Parsley cannot speed-up the menstrual cycle or allow you to skip phases of the menstrual cycle to cause menstruation when it is not due, parsley can only induce menstruation when menstruation is actually due. Can you kick start your period? If pregnant attempting to induce menstruation could increase risk of miscarriage or birth defects, if there's a possibility of pregnancy don't use anything to attempt to induce menstruation. Although parsley alone cannot be used to induce miscarriage.Parsley tea should not be used by anyone with kidney problems, it can be dangerous!Parsley tea is not pleasant to consume (see below links), there are other methods to attempt to induce menstruation but in all honesty it's best just to let it come naturally. Using Parsley to Induce Menstruation Parsley Tea for Inducing Menstruation

How to induce a period?

You can induce your period but only when it's actually due - for example you'd not be able to induce it if you hadn't already entered your luteal phase, you can't speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle.

There are multiple ways to induce menstruation, but the most common methods are parsley and vitamin c - as a note you cannot use these methods if there's any chance that you could be pregnant.

Vitamin C works by starving the uterus of progesterone so triggers menstruation, you need to make sure it doesn't contain bioflaviniods - these are added to cancel-out this effect on the uterus so it's not a risk to pregnant women. You'd need to take around 6,000 mg per day at regular intervals - your body will filter out extra vitamin C it doesn't need, so spacing out is important to make sure you get a high enough dose.

Parsley tea is a well-known for inducing menstruation but is a "helper herb" meaning it's best used with something else, vitamin C is a good combo as vitamin C triggers uterus shedding while the volatile oils in parsley are clinically proven uterine stimulants. Ideally you should be using fresh [organic] parsley for the tea and don't boil as you'll lose the volatile oils, but dried tea bags work fine in a pinch just be sure not to use boiling water and to allow to brew - you may want to add honey as parsley tea isn't nice taste-wise.

Some other tips to help with inducing your period include - taking a hot bath, masturbate as increased blood flow and uterine contractions during orgasm help, another good emmenagogue is ginger so eat some ginger or drink ginger tea, papaya juice, exercise, and generally relaxing will help too.

Hormonal contraception doesn't regulate your periods - the whole point of this method is to stop your menstrual cycles so you don't ovulate, thus you don't menstruate, the bleeding women experience on hormonal contraception is a withdrawal bleed...and it's unwise to use it for this purpose. If you can't take hormonal contraception chances are that also rules out the likes of Norethisterone to delay menstruation.

There's no real reason to induce or delay, unless you have an underlying health condition menstruation shouldn't be a problem and is easily dealt with by using the likes of menstrual cups.

Does an orgasm help induce menstruation?

Yes it does, but only if your period is actually due or overdue.

Orgasm helps 'bring down' menstruation because orgasms release oxytocin which causes uterine contractions and the cervix to open or soften - increased blood flow during arousal and relaxation may also help. Thus why orgasm also helps to induce or speed-up abortion, miscarriage and labour.

If your period is not due however no amount of climaxing will force it to come - menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, a domino effect of hormones between different areas of your reproductive organs and your brain - you can't really skip any of the steps that come before menstruation, thus orgasm cannot bring on your period any earlier than when it is due or speed-up your menstrual cycle.

What are some natural ways to induce periods?

There are lots of reasons behind it, that periods got delayed. The cycle can vary from woman to woman. There are natural ways you can try out -1 Drink ginger tea or include ginger in meal.2. High cardio exercise ( Perform under the guidance of trainer )3. Heat inducing fruits like Papaya, Pine apple, Pomegranate,mango it regulates menstruation cycle. 4. Its also good to eat Jaggery & drink glass of  water. 5. Do check for weight, being overweight can lead to irregular periods.6. Try to reduce stress and have a stress free life. 7.Eat food,fruits that contain Vitamin C.Hope this works! All the Best

How to induce my period?

Periods CAN be induced, but you can't induce yours.
There are various methods that can induce menstruation (as a note birth control pills suppress menstruation, and honey with warm water can't possibly induce menstruation), however no methods would work if you're not actually due your period. Your period is part of the whole menstrual cycle, a domino effect of different hormonal changes between your brain and reproductive organs, as such you can't skip phases of your menstrual cycle in order to menstruate earlier. Methods used to induce menstruation do so by starving the uterus of progesterone, softening the cervix, or triggering uterine contractions, but if there is no tissue there to expel these simply wouldn't have an effect.

Why can't you get your period on vacation?
Periods are as good or as bad as you make them, there is absolutely nothing you cannot do during your period, anything negative like cramps can be prevented, wear a menstrual cup so you'd not even have to worry about changing products, and there are many benefits to being on your period. Unless you have a serious health condition then your period is only a problem if you let it be a problem.

You could delay your period with norethisterone.
You can get norethisterone from your doctor, you start taking norethisterone three times per day from three days before your period is due and continue to do so until you want your period to start - this is a progesterone pill so prevents the natural dip in progesterone that would trigger menstruation.

How do I induce a period?

The reason that you are not able to loose weight is pcod.One of my client had pcod and thyroid issues and no matter how much strict diet and exercise she followed, she was not able to loose weight.Her doctors explained to her that since she is fat she has pcod, while her trainer and dietician told her that since she has pcod she is not able to loose weight, bad space.The primary reason behind pcod is insulin imbalance and body unability to utilize carbohydrates. The best way to control insulin and thus pcod is to eliminate carbohydrate from your diet.Ketogenic diet is your best bet. Refer to a qualified trainer or a dietitian, they should be able to help you.