How To Interact Like A Normal Person

How can I behave like a normal person?

Are you sure you want to behave like a normal person ?.First of all, If you are socially awkward it doesn’t mean you are not normal person. It just means you are having hard time to find compatible people in your life. Few months back I was having these sort of thoughts and unfortunately I came across this quote at right time“Great people can’t be fit every where in this world, they have only few relations and they are able to save those relationships”Yes, I totally agree with it.Next, you mentioned about carrying good small talks and hanging out with strangers. You know what the bitter truth is , no one is good at that in this world. Yes, I have a lot of friends who are really good at talking to strangers and I asked them once what’s the trick for that ? and here is their response“It’s all trial and error method, if something doesn’t workout in our way we just move on to next person instead thinking about why he/she didn’t respond well” - this really opened a new world to me.What all you need to do is , get out of your comfort zone and talk to more people. See how others talk to you ( but please don’t judge them ) and how they keep conversation flowing. At times you will definitely come across people who don’t like to talk to you, it’s neither of your fault.Finally, what do you mean by this in your question:“I often find myself struggling to behave in a normal way like normal people usually do in a daily life”After reading few auto biographies this is what I came to know about normal people,Normal peopledon’t expect to fit every where in this worldare not fascinated about money and lavish lifestyledon’t bother what others think about themaccept both appraisal and criticism in the same waydon’t over reactlive in present than worrying about past or futurethey maintain simple life style, it doesn’t mean cheap or miser things. They just get what they need to live.they prioritize things well in lifework on self improvementthey stand on their words and promisesthey show discipline and patience in doing thingsThe list never ends if we talk about normal life style. Also, it seems simple to read all the items in the list, but it is as hard as hell to follow them in life.Good Luck-Karthik Achanta

My sister has her friend over, how would a normal person interact?

I think I have some mild social anxiety and I have no idea what to do in social situations. Should I say hi? Should I attempt to make conversation? I'm always afraid that either the visitor will think I'm a creep or my sister will think I'm trying to steal her friends. I know I'm lame but please help.

Does our personal definition of "normal" affect how we interact with others?

Yes, but the relationship is quite complex and is mediated by the ego (in the Freudian sense of the term). The relevant Freudian terms are egosyntonic and egodystonic. They are related to normal human psychology, and not only related to diagnosis of mental disorders.Egosyntonic means in harmony with the ego’s sense of self. So, if a person says, “I am normal,” then his or her definition of normal will be what he or she identifies with and tries to do, and normal behavior would be egosyntonic.If a person says “I am strange,” “I am a rebel” or something similar, then the person is identifying with not-normal, and normal behavior would tend to be egodystonic, and they would be less likely to do what they consider normal.For example a person with a strong sense of propriety will tend to do what he or she considers to be normal. A person who has a self-identity as a rebel will tend to do what he or she sees as not normal. A person who is an individualist and sees most of humanity as a herd will steer away from normal. A person who is an individualist who sees what people do as a matter of choice will disregard normality and do what feels true to himself or herself according to ethical guidelines, beliefs, or values.If we add in social identity, it gets even more complex. Some rationalists think that rationality is rare, as in, “common sense isn’t so common.” They will be rational and think they are not being normal. Other rationalists might think that being rational is normal, and that irrationality is an aberration. That person we be rational, and think he or she is being normal.In addition, if a person likes “normal” then he or she will tend to relate to others who he or she sees as “normal.” And if a person prefers “different, rebel, strange” or something like that, he or she will tend not to relate to, or be comfortable around people he or she sees as too “normal.” But all of this operates from ideas of “normal” that are very personal. To cite one simple example, most people think of a person of the same race as normal. But sometimes people identify as “normal” and “like me” a race that is not their own. For example, there have been some dramas about teenage boys who are caucasian rejecting their parents and home culture and identifying with “black” rap or hip hop culture.

How do I act like a normal human being!!?

Maybe there is therapy with your university insurance. There was with mine. Try that. Also, network with other students. Between professor and student, it depends on their favorites. The large classes have professors, but the TAs mark the blue books. Make friends, even if you fake it. Go on dates, regular dates. Don't do anything. Don't drink. Don't go into strange homes with a guy. With professors, make appointments and ask innocuous questions for some attention time. Don't call attention to yourself in class and don't volunteer personal information. Don't argue with the prof. Take notes. Think of he professor as a king. He didn't get there without strife and hurdles and not by failing to publish and step over others.

Other than that, rarely do they take a personal interest. In my case, one did, and saved my hide.

Regarding jobs, dress professionally, and go. The interview, the resume is good practice. You are spooking yourself with irrational fears, and your shyness keeps you from getting the real story.

Study every night, get good grades, graduate, apply for a Masters and repeat. It is the greatest time of life, not a mystery. Think of it as a game, whereby you jump through X number of hoops to win the prize. With guys, ask them out and pay. Just get the practice. Harden yourself a little. You are not the same little girl, but a woman who wants, ultimately, to be independent. Stand tall, smile, greet people and make contacts with savvy people who can set you straight on what is what. I even made friends with a TA who became a famous psychologist, and at the time, she took me to see her house. It is so much fun to see her name in print and realize I knew her when....It just came about from me being friendly, smiling, engaging others in conversation, and me, a great laugher, and a good student, too. Go for it. Get out of your comfort zone. Now is the time for that. Very likely, you will go your own way, you won't see them again, so what is the harm in taking chances.

Why can't I socialize like a normal person?

I'm 16 and I can never relate to people and whenever I'm at school and with a group of friends I just end up being silent because I never have anything to say. It doesn't have anything to do with the people I hang out with its just the way I act around EVERYBODY. I am not shy and I always go to as much social events as I can but I just can't think of anything to say. What is wrong with me? I'm afraid I will be this way the rest of my life...

I also have NO interests at all, not even sports.

I do not want, do not feel the need to socially interact with other humans. Knowing this is not normal, what can I term this feeling I have and how do I become "normal" again?

I think it's perfectly normal. I have the same. I spend all day on my pc, can count the people I could call my friends on one hand, and never EVER receive social calls. I do however occasionally chat online, but very rarely in person. This has been going on for almost 6 years now, and it all started when we moved from where I grew up to a place I knew no one. Ever since, I generally keep to myself. However I keep close with my family.Occasionally, I miss the social interaction when I see/hear a bunch of people making all kinds of noises, but that feeling quickly passes when I get my head back to whatever it is I was doing. I actually tried that lifestyle, but it just doesn't work for me. It just gets really super-awkward when I try to get into a social setting, even though I am a great conversationist(real word?) and when I can establish common ground with someone else, we can have a good time.Personally, I have come to accept that this is my "normal" and I decided I won't try to change it in any way rather I'm embracing it, accepting myself as I am and diving deeper into my fields of interest.Perhaps you should try changing so hard and accept it, understand it, and see how to make the best out of it?

Why do i hate people and interacting with them???? HELP?

I am 20. I hate people, I don't know why?

I do have friends. I do have a boyfriend. I go to parties ,school, etc.. normal stuff. Even though I have friends and a boyfriend, I just hate spending time with them (there good people but no matter how fun great a person is I hate interacting with them) , so if one of my friends drops by I start cursing before I open the door. Then when I open it, I smile, laugh ,chat and entertain my friend or guest as politely as i can.

I also hate answering my cellphone and home phone and I love caller id so if its person I enjoy talking to I answer and if I don't feel like it I just put my phone on silent and leave it ringing, and make random excuses why i couldn't answer and I hate lying. I also do this to my boyfriend.
i just dream of living alone on an island far away from society and civilization. I just realllly hate people. Sometimes I wish I could live in mental hospital in a room and not speak to anyone ,
when I am alone; I like to organize, clean up , workout, go on my laptop,read,study,watch movies, TV,lay around doing nothing, cook. etc..

In front of people I am normal I smile laugh, chat,and polite, i feel like hypocrite, AAAAAAAAAAHH I also feel stress and anxiety when I am invited to parties or know someone is coming over.
aaahhhhhhh I don't know how to fix this........ the society i live in ,and my upper class up brining,and my friends and boyfriend all enjoy socializing.

Also people tend to like me; and want to form friendships with me and I end up befriending just to be polite. Even though I don't want to befriend them. Sometimes I get so annoyed I do something really rude to push them away. I don't even know how to get out of friendships, sometimes I wish people would leave me alone. okay I get I am nice BUT doesn't mean I want to be friends, how can I tell people that???????????

please tell me why?
yes, I have people that have hurt me before but I tend not to dwell on negative situations DUE TO IT CAUSES ME STRESS ANXIETY.