How To Keep In Touch With Friends

Why is it hard to keep in touch with old friends?

Hmm, if you are out of state it is probably not body odor.

Maybe they are just busy.

Do you still keep in touch with high school friends?

I graduated only a few years ago. My graduating class was a tight knit group, but recently I just want nothing to do with them. I just want to move on. They all still hang out on holidays like it was high school again. I'm still close with my best friend from high school, but she still likes to hang out with everyone and I just hope she understands. Anyone have a similar experience?

How do i keep in touch with my friends over the summer?

Phone (calling or texting), Myspace, Facebook, email....or go and visit them in person! You could have a sleepover or go out for dinner to introduce everyone. Just do your best to hang out with them and enjoy your time away from school!

Good luck:)

I'm not good with keeping in touch with my friends?

This used to happen to me too. The key to this problem is just concentrate on about two or three people close to you (best friends). Adapt to calling, texting, 'facebooking'. Stay in touch, hang out together. I don't think thats too much of a problem. Keep them close. And about people other than these few, stay connected and updated about a few others closer to you (just friends) through social networking sites. Let others (acquaintances) walk in and out of your life. Its meant to be like that. There are a types of people in your life: family, best friends, just friends, and acquaintances. Classify. This can help keep you happy. And if anyone of the best friends category seems to drift away, try to contact and bring them back. Even if it doesn't work, you might feel bad for a while, but move on, you will find better people.
Last but not the least, keep your family closest to you.

Do you ever keep in touch with your high school friends?

I lost touch, and they were dead when I looked them up.Rikki L. Apothaker was my best friend in my second high school, in a nice middle-class town near Atlantic City. We both got into a lot of trouble and did a lot of drugs. We lost touch after a few years. I looked him up when I was in law school and had access to a professional legal database. He lost his RN license (for stealing drugs) and his wife. Eventually, a drug deal went bad and he beat a guy to death with a tire iron before walking into his house and overdosing.Recently, I looked up my childhood friend, Chris R. Martinson. We were very close in my first high school, urban New Brunswick. I saw him a few times over the years. I drove across country with him, but he got pretty obnoxious at times and I couldn’t wait for it to end. I visited him in Florida, where he had started a lawn service, and he had mellowed out some. When I looked last year, I found an obituary page for him, which I paid to keep up “permanently”. There are no comments from any friends or any information about what happened. Only condolences to his mother and father on their loss. I tried to contact his (divorced) parents, but they had died shortly after him.They were both 40 when they died. The age of wisdom, huh? The were weak and they were stupid and now they’re dead. I’m the last one standing.

How do you make cyber friends, that will actualy keep in touch.

You make a lot of them, if you start a correspondence with fifty at least around three of four will perpetuate it.