How To Keep Living And Be Happy Without Dying

How long will a betta fish live without light?

A fish in your locker? That's not very sensible.

The fish will be ok without a light but in the long-term is likely to become stressed and susceptible to illness. Also the lack of a heater will cause more stress, especially on cold weekends, and how will you do your bi-weekly (at least, because the water isn't filtered) water changes when it's in your locker??

A locker is NOT an ideal place for fish and I would be very surprised if a school would even allow this!

Take your fish home, keep it in proper surroundings and it should live at least 3-5 years. In your locker it would be lucky to last a few weeks.

Edit: the girl below me got a few myths mixed up. Bettas thrive in proper filtered, heated tanks that have completed the nitrogen cycle, NOT cold unfiltered bowls, these are inadequate.

Guppies + Bettas = dead guppies.

Never mess with the pH of the water, especially in unfiltered tanks, that's more likely to kill your fish than have a stable, but little high, is fine. Mine have lived up to around 4 years in 7.8!

Why keep living?

No I’m not suicidal, I am the complete opposite, I am terrified of dying. The thought of what happens after is just scary as hell to me, and it only keeps getting worse. I think the fact that I have no control over it, and never will is what makes it so damn scary. Death is inevitable, no matter what one day nothing will matter, so what I struggle with is why? What is the point of fighting and working hard for something that will eventually just fade away?

Am I worth living this life?

i have the same problem. but for some reason im still here, this will sound gay but when you're by yourself dont think, just wonder look at everything positively, you can only get better by motivation. you are loved, and cared about, i didnt believe it either but this would affect a lot more people, you are worth something, all you have to do is let go and try your hardest, dont tell me you've tried or you cant because you can, im starting to get back on track cause i let go. and now i see i have my whole life ahead of me to make mistakes and fix things, i dont even know you and i could tell you im here and care. im not trying to sound gay but you're worth a lot more than you know, you're capabilities are endless and as long as you give time and let go and actually try, you can be happy, just stop being negative and just think to yourself think about others, find an alternative or goal. i tried teaching myself the piano and guitar and yes i was terrible at first ha but i kept trying and got better, this sound so dumb but its true, the harder you try or the more you try, in time it will get better, and when i play i feel happy and just get everything out and think and play whatever matches my emotions but then i try to make it sound "nicer" and turn it good. sorry im not much help but think about it. i care cause i just went through this. also find someone for advice and tell them everything, you feel a lot better.

Whats the purpose of living life if all we do is work, eat, have sex, and die?

All i can say to you is...HARUMPTH!

Why no make exciting things happen! Why not CREATE an ambition or excitement! MAKE your own path!@

Life is meant to lived. Or for that matter. There is no meaning to life?! why do we have to always have reason for things. Why can't we live because we meerly do. People are afraid of not knowing things.

LIFE IS LIFE. Deal with it .

and who's "we". I'm happy with life. Just because your not doesn't mean no one else in the world is .

Life sucks! But just as much as it sucks i think its absolutely AMAZING!

Life is brilliant and if you focus and why its not of course your skies won't be blue.


what you don't seem to understand and most people as well is that LIFE and the WORLD is never going have every one be happy. Is never going to be this idealist thing your saying we should make it into.

Because we as humans, as animals do as well, think of the world not as a planet, but the world in which OUR lives, our specific living beings occur.

And i think that if your so closed minded and judgmental of a person to say that there are 7 specific people in this world you Go ahead. because in thinking this way you become ignorant of the complexity of our human minds. Even though ther are thousands maybe millions even a trillion people who think the same way in ONE WAY OR ANOTHER EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET HAS SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR PERSONALITY THAT MAKES THEM DIFFERENT! that little difference is enough to NOT place people into categories.

Ha and you know whats ironic there are carbon copies of YOU who say the same thing. and i'm sick of hearing it.

If its listless, if its pointless, if its boring change it. Else wise why you become suicidal and kill yourself. if your saying all these things why the hell are you asking? why the hell do you care? why the hell do YOU insist on living if that's the way you perceive life?

Your outlook doesn't do anything for you or anyone else.

one last thing. Why no keep living. Why not even for the smallest amounts of happy ness ? WHY NOT?