How To Keep Your Word

What can be said of people who do not keep their words?

The same as a person that doesn't keep HER word. Historically, there seems to be a gendered bias of keeping general promises and being honourable.That aside, I've always been one to do my absolute best to keep my word and would feel ashamed if I didn't keep it, unless events happened which made the fulfilment of the promise impossible or ludicrously impractical.When people have made promises to me that they didn't keep, I thought much less of them. I suppose I always thought of a promise as a statement of honourable assurance. A kept promise would lead me to assume a person to be reliable and trustworthy and be held in high esteem by myself.The concept of making, breaking, and keeping promises and my thoughts and opinions on the subject have changed. Instead of viewing an individual's response to a promise that's been made as an opportunity to assess their character, my go-to response is this: everything happens for reasons. The reasons for just about anything at all will never be known by ME. I accept that a general percentage of us will break more promises than we keep and that brain chemistry and life experiences affect the decisions we make and the importance we place on specific issues.So if someone makes a promise to me now, I bear in mind that there are all sorts of reasons why they might not keep them. I will still remember the fact that a promise was or wasn't kept, but I'm not as resentful as I once would have been.As I see it, a promise is a lot like trust. It is a placement of expectation from one individual to another. I think it can develop our understanding of others AND ourselves by pondering why a promise was made in the first place.Life is that bit more serene for me now that my expectations are more realistic than they once were.

Do Leos usually keep their word?

For the most part we do, yes. Usually the only time I will break a promise is if some unexpected situation or circumstance comes up and in that case, I explain the situation to the person and try to reschedule the plans. In my experience, Leo men are the same way :)

Why do people not keep their word?

This is a very important question, especially from religious point of view. There is a religious binding once we commit something. We say that we have given word on that. Those who are God-fearing would either refrain from vociferously committing or when they do, they ensure that they do not forget, come what may.Some of us are taught but we pocket the teaching in a very cursory way. We develop our own habit of taking it lightly and sometimes altogether ignoring it. Neither we listen to others on that nor we are influenced by writings on that. WE ARE CALLOUSLY CARELESS ON THAT. Such people shoot at their own feet by doing this extremely unpopular act of mutuality.We need only a small effort to self-train; that we do not do. That makes us carefree, careless and irresponsible. THIS FACT WE DO NOT BOTHER ABOUT. A little effort on analyzing the situation and assessing various possibilities is needed and we do not mind belittling ourselves in the eyes of others.Thanks for asking, James.

How do i get him to keep his word?

During a sentence/question... any thing spoken.. ie, "I would love you to come to...........Goodbye! I am leaving you! I DO LOVE YOU, but you have hurt me, lied to me and deceived me!...... the shops with me, and buy that book?"

He WILL ask you whether his ears deceived him? And why you said that? lol

Answer, "Because when I speak to you... every word, and question, and statement are as important, to me, as the next! Even if they mean jacksh1t to you! As are your words to me! In fact, your words and actions are what I love about you...including when you tell me that you lied, are going to keep your word, or make excuses! I DO LOVE YOU! But, the next time you EVER hear those words come out of my mouth, I will have made the horrible decision that you do not love me, treat my feelings like a doormat, and WANT to see me hurt! It will not be idle words, in a meaningless comment... the decision will have been made, and you will no longer be in my life! Please, don't make me need to use them? I never want to hurt you."

He will understand that HE HAS ALL TO LOSE, you have only things to gain by his loss!

Should people keep their word, why? Is it bad that people don’t keep their word, why?

Some values are shared by all cultures. I’ll explain based on examples I found in ‘The Elements of Moral Philosophy’ by Rachels / Rachels.1 - Babies (or children for that matter) are helpless and cannot survival without extensive care. If a group did not protect its young, the young would not survive. Eventually the group would die out. Conclusion: any enduring culture must have a tradition of caring for its young.2 - Could a society exist in which there was no rule against murder? In such a society, no one could feel safe, everyone would be constantly on guard. This would result in individuals not trusting each other, thus they are forced to become self-sufficient. Society on a large scale would therefore collapse. (Personal addition: it’s also impossible for people to function without interaction with other people. We depend on others people reactions to feel good about ourselves, to get emotions thus identity.) Eventually you’ll find small groups of people banding together, setting out rules so they feel safer from each other. Conclusion: the prohibition against murder is a neccessary feature of society.3 - Could a society exist were there is no value on truth telling? When one person spoke to another there would be no presumption that that person would be honest; they could just as easily be lying. Within that society, there would be no reason to pay attention to what anybody says. Even when asking the time there would be no certitude the other person is telling the truth, so you couldn’t depend on anybody but yourself to get something done: no combined achievements possible. (Personal: even a clean set of rules like those in sports would become impossible, everyone would just work for their own achievement, thus playing a certain strategy couldn’t be realized.) Conclusion: because societies cannot exist without communication among their members, society would become impossible.Everyone lies from time to time. Most people lie to save other people’s feelings, maybe even to just avoid discussions. But if you just don’t value honesty anymore, you don’t value other people and what their experiences could mean to you. Being a liar means you’re not trustworthy, even unworthy to be a part of current sociëty. It’s up to you and you alone to be a good citizen. Be honest and proud!

A word for a person who always keep their promise?


Can you trust someone who gives you their word then doesn't keep it?

A man's word is his honour.
If he cannot keep his word then you are dealing with a man that has to be taken with a grain of salt.
The answer to your question would be no. Actions speak louder than words, and if the actions of one says " I will not keep my word"? Then you know what to expect when they speak.
You can trust them not to keep their word.

When a woman tells you she honors how you keep your word, what does that mean?

That is a compliment and you should take it as such. Being known as a person of honor, that is a great quality that should be celebrated not evaluated.As women evolve, they appreciate good qualities over superficial qualities like looks.She could be merely giving you a compliment. It sounds like you were hoping for a deeper connection or meaning to encourage you to take the relationship to the next level.Once she’s kissed a lot of frogs, she may consider the quality you bring.

Can you truly be friends with a person who doesn’t keep their word?

Logically, you would keep your word and do something if it was important enough to you, correct?For example, if you promised your mom that you would eat dinner with her later tonight, and she is important enough, then you would keep that promise and show up to dinner later, right? However, if she wasn’t important enough or something more important came up, then you would cancel your plans.I think they might not believe something is important enough to keep their promise with, so if you aren’t important enough to them, they probably won’t always keep their word with you. Thus, you can’t be friends and truly important with someone who doesn’t think you are important enough to keep their promises with unless you become important enough and close enough friends.That is my own personal opinion, and probably has a ton of exceptions.

How would one change “Did they keep your words?” into future tense?

Will they keep your words?