How To Let The Other Side Know What You Think

How do you find right triangle other two sides if you know length of hypotenuse is 18 and perimeter is 40?

Let x and y be the other two sides

18 is hypotenuse


x^2+y^2=(18)^2=324----------2------Pyt... theorem

x^2+(22-x)^2=324---------------------P... 1 in 2

x^2 + 484 -44x +x^2=324

2 x^2 - 44x +160 =0

x^2 -22x +80=0

Solve to get x,
only 1 of two value is possible
(Other is discarded if<0 or >18
or will be y value if 2 values add up to 22).

Another way to say "Let me know if..."?

"I am available if you have any questions"

"Don't hesitate to be in touch if you need anything"

"Give me input if you like?"

"I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this"

"Hey! Whaddja think?"

"My mother likes this one best - maybe you do too"

"Got any opinions? Good or bad?"

"Tell me your thoughts. . .I like to hear other people's opinions."

More? Running out. <><

Why don't I want people to know the real side of me?

Because you are not perfect and you think you should be. And perhaps something in your past trips you up - a harsh parent, an embarrassing mistake, a misjudgment in the past where you trusted someone with your information and they proved untrustworthy. Because other people can be fearful and judgemental and you instinctively protect yourself. Perhaps because you don't trust yourself to make good decisions about who to trust. Time, experience and seeing others as they really are - no better or worse than you are- should ease these feelings.

Do you think beauty is a source of power?

Beauty, if used in the right way, is a gift that can lead to power, so in that sense it is a source of power. However, like all gifts, it is all in the way that the person uses it to determine whether it is used to it's fullest capability and has a negative or positive impact. Beauty in every society has been honored and cherished. Those who are not so naturally blessed with what the society at the time has deemed beautiful strive to reach this beauty, and those who possess it are elevated as role-models, even idols. We can see this in our society, with models being high-end celebrities, and even celebrities in other fields being incredibly attractive. We can see both the ups and downs of this. On the down side, some people let their beauty take over their lives, get trapped in the world that their beauty has put them in, and turn to drugs, alcohol, excessive partying. On the other side, we see many beautiful people, like Miranda Kerr, using their elevated status to make a difference in the world and help other people.

In your essay, you should explore what effects, both good and bad, beauty has on people's lives and the lives of those who see them. Good luck.

Why do I only have cramps on one side?

Cramps are caused by the muscles in the uterus, not the ovaries, so that's probably not it. As long as the cramps aren't on your right side. That could be your appendix! I would suggest definitely mentioning to your doctor next time your in. Unless the cramps are really severe, it's probably not something that needs immediate attention.

Do you think silence is da best way to communicate?


There are many occassions when silence can be used as a very effective tool for communication.

Silence is a very powerful tool which can be especially used when you dont want to use spoken words to convey a point.

The power of silence is that it literally suffocates the opposite side because they do not exactly know what you are trying to convey and due to this they try to provoke you or they com out in the open with what ever is their in their mind.

Also, I generally try to avoid confrontations with people instead I prefer acting mute ( being silent ) with them till they actually figure out what was upseting me.

I know its a very mean method but it really conveys the point which otherwise can be misconstrued.

Hence I still feel that being silent can get you out of tricky situations easily as well as can convey a lot of messages.

But remember, your silence can be misunderstood like you have nothing to say and/or you are accepting what the opposite side is saying. Don't let that happen.

To sum it up I can say ,

Fight for your right , but silently ! :)

Can someone feel that you're thinking about them?

Yes, I think we can feel when someone is thinking of us, or if something is happening to them.Consider when you think of someone normally - and then the difference when you get that heavy-hearted, can’t-get-them-out-of-your-head feeling when you think of them.This has happened to me with three people in my lifeThe first time, it was a girl I didn’t know very well, she was a friend of a friend at uni, and in my last year of uni she had been diagnosed with cancer. They were a couple of years younger than I was, and I had moved about a thousand kilometres away and was working when I started thinking about her one day. This was completely out of the blue. I hadn’t seen her or heard of her in over a year, when I’d heard she had beaten the cancer. I asked my friend how she was, as I couldn’t get her out of my head had even started crying - and she replied that she had just found out her cancer had returned. I don’t know why I was linked with this girl in that instance, but the feelings were real. I don’t think she was thinking of me at this time; it was just a random connection that happened.The second time was just a couple of years ago. My marriage broke up in 2006, and the connection at that point, when I could just feel him thinking about him, lasted about a year and a half before it subsided. But nearly two years ago, when I had started a new relationship on the other side of the world, I started dreaming about him, and thinking intensely about him again. Once again, it started out of nowhere, but once it was there, I couldn’t stop it. I was heavy hearted, I was weeping, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. It slowly subsided, but about three months later, I checked my LinkedIn profile, and sure enough, he had looked me up at that same time that all those feelings were overwhelming me. We hadn’t had any contact with each other since February 2007.The only other person this has happened with is my most recent ex. We are in the early throes of a breakup, and it’s natural to feel like this, I think. I go through days when I hardly think of him at all, and then I’ll be hit with that heavy hearted weeping again.I think some connections will always be there in some way or another.