How To Make A Simple Wrapper In Dreamweaver Without Knowing

Discuss different ways that people can positively affect Earth's energy budget.?

Rather than preach to the choir about all of the very small ways that we can achieve very small improvements in our own energy use, there are some very big areas where we can make a difference.

For example:

Ban the use of coal as an energy source. When we have people focusing on the small aspects of their dialy lives we lose focus on one very large area where we could make some real improvements.

That improvement is by persuading our legislators to ban the use of coal as an energy source.

We also have to make certian that we only contribute to, volunteer for and vote for legislators willing to commit themselves publicly to the elimination of the use of coal as an energy source.

That change alone will do far more for the environment than all of the small micromanaging of people's daily lives.

Which is the best programming language for developing a website?

Client side: Goal is use AngularJSStatic page: Learn HTML 5, and CSS 3Dynamic page: Learn JavaScript 1st (Javascript Tutorial, JavaScript), then Learn AngularJS.However, to find run-time errors at compile time you need to use TypeScript wrapper (need not learn the whole, just wrapper) in an editor like Visual Studio Code.Alternatives:If AngularJS is too cryptic, then tryeither, JavaScript + TypeScript wrapperor, JavaScript + JQuery + TypeScript wrapperServer Side: Goal is use NodeJS for maximum productivityLearn ExpressJS that is rapid application development, that is wrapper on NodeJSSince NodeJS/ExpressJS code will be plain JavaScript, do the 1.b.i) above (TypeScript wrapper)Editor: I used NetBeans for both above, however now you can try Visual Studio Code.Update:What is a Type script wrapper?On the homepage, of TypeScript - JavaScript that scales, there is only 1 video with title “See TypeScript in Action”Direct link is this: above is a must watch video, to understand Type Script wrapper.See the 7 to 11 minute time to understand what is wrapper.In simple, it is below:Change the file name to .ts, from .jsAdd a type (specific to your project/work), that you will allow you to find bugs, at compile time, instead of at run time. The type is similar to the JavaScript object, but has a real types for members (like number, string, etc.) these come from TypeScript: Basic Types · TypeScriptThe above two, helps in JavaScript to scale (helps write a million+ Lines of code/ Many concurrent users on server as in Node.js), with nearly no obvious run time errors. Additionally, since TypeScript is more like super set of JavaScript which help it scale, so is it’s tag (TypeScript - JavaScript that scales)Note that AngularJS uses TypeScript, that implies we must use. I have written 15K LOC with No critical bugs, but there were non-critical bugs, these can be avoided with TypeScript wrapper. On job its the productivity that matters, so TypeScript is implicit, reduces a lot of head-ace/sleepless nights at the end of day.

Why is there invisible padding on the side of this web-page, creating an unwanted horizontal scrollbar?

I am seeing two problems. First, your masthead does not fit the screen width of an iPhone 5s (see below). To prevent this, set the font-size to something smaller for the selector .kateh1. I think 36px should be fine.It looks like you only need to do this within a media query for @media all and (max-width: 380px) {}. That way you can also create a larger margin to the right for a iPhone 6s screen (375px).Secondly, the gallery is too wide for the screen, which causes some of your images to disappear (they are centered on a point to the right):To fix this, you need to find a way to adapt your gallery dimensions to the screen. In the CSS I see this #content {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 900px;
Obviously the 900px width is causing a problem for any screen narrower than 940px (the outer content wrapper has margins of 20px).Changing this selector to have a width of 100% will probably fix your problem. I cannot test my assumption easily, since a script (the fotorama script I guess) sets the width of the .fotorama__stage element in a style attribute. So you would have to test this out yourself using your development site. Let me know if this works. Thanks for the A2A James, I hope my tips will help you out.

Why do people criticize my spelling?

Watt is rung wit my spell ling? I sea nut thing rung wit it and Yahoo's spell checker also says I have know miss spellings. So watt is rung wit me spell ling? Due you sea an knee spell ling eras?

How can I get all members phone numbers in WhatsApp group?

Its preety simple, as you might be aware that Whatsapp now supports web ( however its not pure web, as we need to be connected on mobile as well )Anyways its not of our concern, atleast for this discussion :1.) Active Whatsapp web, and go to : WhatsApp Web2.) Go to group of your choice, right side group window will open3.) Click on Group Name Sito in costruzione will open-up, 3rd tab named "Group Info"4.) Scroll down, you will see lists of participants, see the count # of #5.) Now scroll down list, slowly slowly, as it does lazy loading and all your contacts gets loaded.6.) Now install Firebug addon for Firefox ( though script should work with Chrome as well, but never tried) if not installed, and open firebug7.) Go to console tab, right side you will see Run window, paste the script there, and hit Run and you are done8.) Please do verify, Number of Participants counts with that given in group info window, there might be some contacts which were not loaded, so scroll down the participants list again, if participant counts is not proper.Script :EDIT : 20 August 2017Below Script is latest one as i tried and found that old script is not working now as expected due to changes in some html structure.// NEW SCRIPTvar obj = document.getElementsByClassName("infinite-list-viewport")[0].getElementsByClassName("infinite-list-item infinite-list-item-transition");console.log("Group Name : " + document.getElementsByClassName("input-wrapper locked")[0].getElementsByTagName("div")[1].innerHTML);console.log("Number of participants : " + obj.length);var iObj;for(var i=0;i

What's the easiest to center a bootstrap button horizontally and vertically without adding any CSS?

Why are people trying to style things without writing CSS? Why do we want to return to 1995 when there was no CSS and all styles were inlined as element attributes?
Is this what people want? People complain how web-development is ages behind other technologies but then they do not want to embrace anything new, but keep using the same old bad practices.To center a button on a webpage, use CSS. You do not need a framework for centering a button. You do not need a framework for centering anything. It’s literally five lines..container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
If you’re using an IDE or a text editor which has Emmet support, you can type the inner three lines by hitting df jcc aic . Eleven keystrokes for centering. Not bad, huh?

How do I stop somebody from viewing the source code of the webpage in browsers?

There are several strategies for this, but they are all ultimately superficial:You can obfuscate your HTML, embedded Javascript, and whatever else you can in order to keep the user from understanding your source code. They will still see the code -- just not be able to make any sense of it (for a while).You can write some Javascript to implement and attach mouse press/context menu listener(s) to the element or simply to the Document object. This is extremely annoying to the user because you are effectively disabling context menus altogether, rather than only the "view source" button within the menu. A possible solution to this would be to simply re-create your own HTML context menu that would appear in place of the browser's and exclude the "view source" button. That's a lot of work though.You can avoid standard HTML and the likes in favor of another language that is interpreted by the browser (see Rich Internet application), and more importantly, does not feature source-viewing of the page or maybe even doesn't feature context menus at all. For example, try right clicking when watching Netflix, or when viewing Some simple Java animations. Silverlight applications and Java Applets can be stretched to encompass the entire viewport of the browser to accomplish your goal. Again, though, a lot of work to port a given website, and any given functionality it may need, to, say, Flash (don't do that!).When it's all said and done, anyone can simply download the output of a web server given a URL and eventually deobfuscate it.

How do I integrate a CMS with Bootstrap?

Yes go with an off-the-shelf cms like wordpress or drupal or perch or maybe even ghost if the site is simple enough…To be honest I build wordpress themes from scratch all the time, but if you have a lot of data endpoints / complex interrelation of content types you might be better off with drupal… Though it has a higher learning cost.Possibly wordpress then, as others have suggested.Luckily there are some videos that teach you EXACTLY how to convert a static bootstrap site to wordpress editable theme… But be prepared that it’s an unavoidable learning process of diving deep into the templating/post/page way that wordpress works/is structured…