How To Make Friends In High School

How do I make friends in high school?

I'm 16 years old and never had friends in my life. I'm really shy and quiet and I'm scare to talk to people. I feel so lonely everyday and everybody doesn't know I exist. I don't know how to get out of my shell. What can I do to be more outgoing and confident? I always get nervous when I talk to people.

How can i make friends in Highschool?

I started High school on Wednesday and i live in NYC. Everybody seemed to know each other from middle school, which is weird considering here you and your friends don't really go to the same school. Anyways, we had Thursday and Friday off a Jewish holiday and i go back Monday. How can i make friends when i go back next week? Also, should i request people on Facebook that are in my advisory or classes or wait for them to request me? (Like 4 people added me already.) Thanks in advance.

How to make new friends in HIGH SCHOOL?

here is some HS advice i've been giving a few other freshman:

here are a few guides i've been using lately to help me out:

make friends:

make friends at a new school:…

meet new people w/o being creepy:…

look approachable:

survive high school:…

survive freshman year:…

start freshman year the right way:…

you can search all sorts of articles to help you out, i'll post the link.

good luck!

Making friends in High School?

I'm 13 and starting High School tomorrow. (I had a late Enrollment. I'm going to Brisbane State High School) I'm afraid I won't make any friends. First of all, I'm a different race from them, I'm a Chinese, and they are Aussie people. I'm sure they're pretty nice, but they are really outgoing, and I'm really shy. I'm also really short for my age, I'm turning 13 soon and I'm only around 138 cm. And also, my parents won't even accompany me to my first day of High School, coz my mum will be at work and my dad will be fetching my lil sis to school. So, my mum is asking her friend to take a bus with me to school. I just moved to Australia so it's gonna be my first day of school in Australia so I really want my parents to be there... :(

I can't make new friends in high-school. What should I do?

You know what, I was the same way.Quick story time!Flashback to my freshman year…I had no friends freshman year. My only “friend” I had in 8th grade had found a new best friend and replaced me. I was all alone.I'm a friendly person, but for some reason, nobody liked me. Everyone was too busy with their own problems to even think of my existence. It's kind of pathetic how invisible I was to everyone.So- then there's a new kid. His name is Nick. He went to a private school nearby and was the only one from his private school to come to my public school.I see him in choir, but don't think much of him. Then, everyone in my choir introduces themselves and talks about what they did all summer…“Uh, hi. My name is Nick. I basically wasted my life watching anime all summer.”Oh! I watch a little anime too! That's cool.So after class, I walk up to him and introduce myself. I ask about what animes he watches and if he has any recommendations.He was friendly, but nothing more.Turns out the only other person he knew at school was my only other friend at school. So, he sat near me at lunch because he didn't know where else to sit.We became friends… and eventually, best friends.Fast forward to junior year…Me and nick have been best friends since freshman year. I don't have much more friends than him however.Anyways, the reason I tried to befriend him was because…He was new, and didn't know any judgements said about me.However, not everyone is as lucky as me. I know not everyone can make friends as quickly as I can (I'm not very shy).But what I recommend you do, is pick someone.Pick someone who you like, and tolerate.Talk to them (maybe stalk their Facebook page a little and find something you have in common).You can also try to strike conversation with people who sit near you in classes.And hey, not everyone in your school is rude and immature. TRUST ME. Everyone at your school has the potential to be a good person… That doesn't mean you're compatible as friends, but it does mean you can get along.Try and find someone you click with, as a friend. Don't be afraid to be outgoing, everyone's too busy thinking about their own problems, then to think how weird you are.

How do people make friends after high school?

The bad news is that you don’t have a handy pool of potential classmates or fellow schoolbus-riders or other people you see all the time to talk to. You have to make an effort.The good news is that you’re an adult. You have independence, probably a job which means a little spending money, and no taboos on making friends older or younger than you are.So you can do things. All sorts of things. Go to museums or concerts or lectures or even just hang out at your local coffee place. Follow your interests. I guarantee you that there will be other people at the knitting store or the community swimming pool or taking oboe lessons. Whatever you choose to do, there will be other people who are also interested in it. Talk to these people.Example: I used to hang out at a coffee place and read the newspaper before work most mornings. There was a guy there who also read the newspaper. (Even in those days, this was unusual.) Eventually we started talking. Then we got in the habit of sitting together. More than 30 years later, we’re still good friends although we now live 100 miles apart. My husband and I will be visiting him next week.If you keep doing something, you’ll start to see the same people over and over again. Familiarity will build and make it easier to start talking.

How do I make close friends in highschool?

My high school is about 900 students. It's small and big at the same time. It can be really hard to make friends especially in high school. Sometimes you need to come out of your comfort zone though.If you are going to make friendsBe nice to everyone. By nice I don't mean give people money, let them copy your homework, or carry their books to class. If you do that people will walk all over you. Hold the door for people, say good morning if you see someone from you math class in the hallways, help people with their work, or just help people if you see they could use a hand.Join clubs You can meet great people when you join clubs that intrest you and make good relationships with them. However what people fail to do is keep those relationship outside the clubs and programs. That's how you lose those connections. And I can say that I've made some great friends from the programs and clubs I do in and out of school.Be spontaneous but don't be too spontaneous, keep it cool. If you can sit where you want in class, sit next to people you don't know and get to know them during the class. Or On the first day of school walk up to someone in lunch and say “Hey my name is XYZ what's you name?” These acts can be the start of a very long friendship. One of my best friends did this to me on the first day of 7th grade and we've been friends since( shout out to you best friend).I don't really think it's hard to make friends, well at least for me anyways. I really do believe that when you are nice to people and respectful, and you be yourself, people will naturally come to you and want to get to know you.Also don't call everyone your friend because they are NOT. You will get to know a lot of people but they aren't you friend. You just know them. They are acquaintances and nothing more.Thanks for reading.~Safiyyah

How to make friends in high school half way through the year?

to be honest i don't really know. iv been in that position i just like never talked to anyone and every1 had their own little friend gropes. I know its a lot eayer sed that done but just try to be more louder and talkative. if anything pops into ur head that you can say go and say it bcuz its a chance. good luckx

How to make friends on the first day of high school?

Be yourself. And give yourself time to find the right friends. My first semester of HS sucked because I wound up in classes with the same kind of people I knew in middle school. I had maybe one friend.

But I decided I deserved better than that, and second semester I started to find people who were more fun and were more in tune with me. Then it takes time. You meet their friends, and more people, and slowly you build those relationships and by about sophomore year I had a good group to hang out with.

Guys are pretty easy to get to know actually even if you're shy. Guys like to show off, like to tell stories, like people who listen to them, and like people who stand by them. You don't have to BE like them (and you shouldn't be if you don't want to be), you just kind of have to listen to them and put up with them and appreciate them for who they are.

You just kind of have to give it time for guys to trust you and open up to you. And if they know youre a little bit adventurous and easy to get along with you should have no probs making friends.

Its a great thing to have good friends and it'll make high school a lot more fun and easier to get through. So good for you dude for breaking out of your shell. I went through the same thing and it led to a lot of good things.