How To Make Up With An Old Friend

How do i make friends if my old friends hate me?

It depends how you lost all your old friends.

Are you really sure, BTW, that you have lost all these old friends - can you not at least try first making the peace with some of them, so that they won't try and sabotage any new friendships you might make?

Same dream about old friend?

I had a similar thing and dream, and I figured out that even though I was angry with the person over something very, very, big; I'm not the kind of person who is comfortable with fights with people.

After a series of dreams where I was all buddies with this person I started to have dreams where I was yelling at this person!! I got to say all the things that I had apparently was really feeling (the anger I almost didn't allow myself to have because I am an understanding and empathetic person and had tried to overlook a lot of this other person's outrageous and mean behavior). After I yelled at her in a few dreams, there was another dream where she was a child who was waiting for me to come do something for her, but I had all kinds of obtacles in my way and couldn't get to her before I awoke from one epic dream.

If you were left hurt and confused then its likely you'll have a few dreams that will allow you to process those feelings and get past them. I've found that the most obvious, surface feelings get processed first. Then the next layer down gets processed. Eventually, you go through all the layers until you get to the bottom one.

I'm guessing (could be wrong) that you are in the "surface level" where your personality isn't comfortable with having fought with a friend. You may have to put up with this dream a while longer or else there may be more. Just remember them, try to think of what feelings you have in the dream, and eventually they'll stop.

Should I make amends with an old friend?

I had a best friend for 10 years.She had to move away because of her job. We kinda had a fight before she left. I haven't spoken to her since Dec of 06. I know we hurt each other. Should i try to get the relationship back and start over or should it just be left alone? I am 30.

How to ditch/leave my old friends and make new friends?

Okay so, here's the story:

I've been with my current friends ever since 6th grade and I'm going into the 10th grade this year. Every year, they become more boring and distant (to me). MOST of them are getting more stupid each year. They are ALL in band/color guard. I'm the only athletic one (I'm in cross country).

We RARELY hang out as a group and my friends always come to me for homework help and stuff. This year, they'll no longer taking the honors/AP classes, only I will be...Plus, our clothing styles get different each year too! I'm like the girly/classy type and they like to dress in darker clothes that covers them from head to toe.

How can I make new friends when I'm SUPER quiet and shy? By the way, I sometimes feel socially inferior to some people at school because I'm short, small, ASIAN, and not-as-rich-as the other kids at school. The majority of my school is white.

NERVOUS about meeting an old friend?

Take a deep breath and relax.

You're just meeting up with an old friend, to play catch-up. It's not as if you're going to propose marriage or anything like that.

Is there something in your life you'd like to share with him? That's a start.

More you put things off, more nervous you'll become.

How do you keep in touch with old friends?

In this modern era, with many social apps for texting many of us don't even bother to call our close friends too. Though, we hav many ways to call thru some of the apps itself we often don't.. So, just call ( or video call) them and wish on their birthdays or some special occasions , rather than a text message . In general also you can give a suprise call to them if u think that it had been long time you did'nt speak over phone or messages. It makes them feels good and they will come to know that they are quite important to you. It will make them feel happy the whole day. Initiate it four or five times no problem. For sure next time they will call or atleast they will inititate texting which gives u a feel of close contact. Well, if they are at reachable place you can meet them at special occasions. But DISTANCE NEVER MATTERS for true friends be it old or new...!This is my point of view...

Should I check up on an old friend even if I know it will just make me sad?

Depends. I like supporting people and I like folks doing the same. You are being a friend and you might be the only one in the picture. If your old friend is in bad circumstances, all the more reason to lend your concern and friendship. We know people get sick, get poor, get divorced and myriad other hardships can come along. You can be the light that makes your friend come back.Alternatively, if your person is living in a dangerous situation or using drugs or abusive to you, I don’t think you are obligated to put your light at risk. I think you can make up your own mind. Good Luck!

My old friend is trying to make me jealous on purpose what do I do?

We used to be best friends and hangout all the time. But when we started the 7th grade she changed she dyed her hair black and started to wear a ton of makeup. We used to gossip about people all the time. But then I realized that I shouldn't judge people when I don't even know them. So whenever she would say something rude I would always say okay yeah because I didn't want to hear it. She then started to act like I was invisible and ignored me when our other friend Julia was around. And I got really upset and I tried to talk to her at lunch when Julia wasn't around and she was telling me that I ignore her and never pay attention to her. Well when Julia sat down Michalah stopped talking. I just stopped hanging out with Michalah and talking to her because I was sick of they way she was treating me. And she lied to me a lot too. One of my friends made up this little club for us and some others to all be in I stayed home that day because I was sick. The next day Michalah was telling me about how the one girl wouldn't let me into the group and Michalah had to beg her to let me into the group. I asked another friend if that was true and she said no Michlah didn't want me in the group. Then all the sudden after us not being friends she acts like she Katie's (my best friend) best-friend by hugging her and talking really loud to her when I was around. Michalah always had something mean to say about Katie and she told me that she doesn't like her and she never talked to her when we were friends. But now she starts to. I can just tell she's trying to make me mad. I'm doing my best to not let it get to me but she is being such a b*tch right now!! I don't know what to do. How do I ignore her and make her stop this?

Why do I miss my old friends so much even though I have new friends?

well i guess it’s because these people once meant a lot to us but now we have to walk past them as if we’re just strangers, the only difference is that you have memories with that person. It’s not easy losing friends and it can take a massive toll on your emotional state and even send you into depression, losing your best friend is even worse. It’s like, someone you trusted with all your secrets and knows everything about you just walks away and leaves you to pick yourself up on your own instead of helping you and being by your side. This may be a hard topic for people to talk about but it’s true. Friends come and go and sometimes the people you think will be in your life forever just leave far too soon and you miss them for ages and others you pretty much forget within months. So i guess you can say friendship is like a roller coaster :)