How To Meditate 2013

Meditation and getting High??

Yes its true but in a benign sense.
This state is called trance but dont expect it as a push button thingy.
<--- As you see here , once you reach trance, the inner self , the central nervous system becomes fore to your awareness , it lights up (as you feel) with a warm glow. You feel intensely ecstatic , you feel as if this is the greatest happiness. Once started , this state continues for hours , you feel like drunk, but this state has no bad side effects at all. Rather its uplifting, your awareness increases , you also become automatically good to others , you think good for others.
So I can say that this is really a High , an auto High, achieved by focusing your thoughtfree awareness within yourself especially within brain & spine and at the same time practicing a good nature by not doing any harm to others and especially by abstaining $ex. ($ex is a price to pay, else very difficult).
So if you are willing to pay the price and want to live on the side of the good, then the trance is the reward, there are many other rewards too like OBE , visions etc. Finally , like Buddha the ultimate reward is the eternity & omnipresence in the nirvana state , you become the master of the universe.

But if you are planning to get high only for the sake of getting high , then forget it , the path is meant for a higher purpose and as I said before , the high is only a side reward .

But remember, it takes years to develop the state of trance (it took me more than 2 decades) . But one can get it faster too if an experienced person gives training and if one is willing to work really hard towards it.

What is the result of studies on children and meditation?

I cannot speak to study data but I can tell you what I have seen in my 9 years as a meditation teacher: children who are started on a formal meditation practice very early frequently have problems, sometimes very serious, for the remainder of their lives.I am not sure as to cause and effect - if it is the meditation or some other factor - but I have seen it with almost 100% regularity in those I have met who began at an early age and are now adults. Almost none of them attribute their problems to meditation believing their early work made them somehow cool.I do not teach my five year old daughter to meditate but I do work with her on concentration skills in a very light and easy way. My goal is to set the frame for a later practice