How To Memorise Effectively

How can I effectively memorise tables 12 to 30?

Instead of memorising table from 12 to 30 I’d like to suggest you to learn doing fat multiplication. If you read history of maths, the mathematics had involved from multiplication and basic table from 2 to 9.In order to do any complex mathematical calculation you should be well aware of how number are formed. Just memorise table from 2 to 9 and practice multiplication and all its shortcut tips from “Vedic Maths” (Now a days called ABACUS). Vedic maths techniques are very easy to remember and they definitely going to help you do any complex mathematical multiplication.Let me show you how it works.These are the basic example of how VEDIC MATHS works.There are lot o like these where it came from. SO instead of memorising tables start practising multiplication in a smart way.Hope this helps!!!

How do I memorise effectively for ICSE Exams in Geography and History?

First of all, your approach to the subjects is a bit wrong. Never try to learn SS (especially Geography) by rote memorization. Before you just start to cram, try to understand the topic first. According to my geography teacher (an ICSE examiner), most of geography is general knowledge and the can be easily memorized. Chapters like 'Wastes' and 'Transport' are only a slight addition to your existing general knowledge. But some chapters lie, 'Mineral- Based Industries' and 'Agriculture' do require some memorization.You should probably know by now that only 50 marks of your ICSE examination is from the textbook. Five question are to be attempted, but learn up a couple more to ensure confidence.History requires more memorization than geography. Even though the textbook seems like a Herculean task to memorize, the actual syllabus for the ICSE exam is only a fraction of the whole text. The most up to date syllabus can found on the official ICSE website (Link: CISCE).Now memorization can be made much easier by using mnemonics and other methods. This can be a keyword which helps you to remember the points. This is more effective in history.In geography, understanding the points can be made easier if you try to make your own cons ice version of the points. Try to refer to the past question papers and answers from the official ICSE website to see how you should answer a particular question.Maps and topography are an integral part of geography as it contains 30 marks, all of which can easily obtained. The choice of the chapters which you will attempt also play an important part in the scoring of marks. Chapters like agriculture, soils. industries and minerals have only direct questions in the exam. But, indirect questions are usually asked from the chapters like transport, wastes and climate.I hope this benefits you. All the best for the boards.

How can I memorize so many terms for my Zoology exam effectively?

you should make two columns in a paper. one would be shorter than the other. write the terms in the shorter column and the meanings in the second one. fold these 2 columns or just cover the shorter column. then read the meanings and try to guess what are those terms. by doing so you can review better. i just thought of this style. nobody thought it to me just plain instinct


There IS a lot of memorization in Chemistry. It takes a whole lot longer to do things if you don't have some basic equations, terms, formulas, values, etc. stored up in the recesses of your mind.

You could always try those little memorization techniques, like making up... acronyms for certain sentences, though I, personally, hardly ever use those.
Here's a little secret that most teachers aren't aware of. Have you ever heard teachers tell you that, for every hour spent in class, you should study for 'x' hours at home, in the same place all the time?
That's dead wrong. When you're eating, and you've had your fill, your stomach lets you know that it doesn't want anymore, and your brain works the same way. Study in short bursts with small breaks in between to give your brain time to process the information, and study in different locations so you can use place memory. ("What's this... Oh, I remember reading about that when I was sitting in the doctor's office/airport/10-foot hole in the backyard!") Otherwise, you'll only be able to relate information to your desk/bedroom wall/wherever you study, and it will all be mixed together so it will be harder to remember specific facts.

Also, sleep is when the most memorization occurs in your sub-conscious. When you learn a load of new information, none of it is permanently etched into your memory until you've fallen asleep. One of the best things you can do is read your textbook, only half in-depth, and half skimming, and then go to sleep so your sub-conscious can process the information.

How to memorise information effectively, without forgetting?

See, I am a Humanities student and as such, I have a LOAD of stuff to memorize for my subjects like History and Social Studies. Oh my God! I know you are going to tell me not to memorize, but just to understand the whole shebang. However, I tried that and failed miserably. So, anyone with supreme memory here, help? I'll be really grateful if you can give me some tips on memorizing, or at least studying effectively. Thanks!

How can I easily memorise a 1500+ word essay?

I used this method to memorise a couple of speeches but then found it was effective for learning generic essays by heart aswell. I remember completely memorizing 3 essays (1.5k words) in around 3-4 hours. Also- when I say “read” I mean walk around and say it :) it helps.1) Read the first sentence. (1st parra)2) Try to recall sentence.3) Read next sentence.4) Recall 1st sentence.*start from top if you can't recite it.5) Move on to next sentence.Do this untill you can easily recall 5 sentences in the paragraph.Move on to next Parra and repeat.Come back to initial Parra and recite the 4 sentences. Follow the same 1,2,3,4 step routine to finish off 1st Parra.Go to 2nd Parra and try to recite it, then finish it off.I normally took a 5min drink break and continued doing this with the 3rd and 4th parras.Same method for intro, but I save it till the end as it normally has the least “external content” and is therefore the easiest to remember.This is what worked for me, I hope it helps you too :)-wrote it on my phone, soz 4 all the shorthands m8.