How To Move On After Being Alleged Of Seduction

Would you seduce a jehovahs witness?

I'm not a religious person in the slightest - devout Athiest, but i have recently met someone who i can't seem to resist who is a Jehovahs witness. I don't think he is as strict as some, and probably could be seduced, but when he is of right mind he says he would rather wait for marriage to have sex. Going out with him is not the issue here, i know it could happen, it's just that i certainly don't want to wait for marriage, and the fact that i am not a virgin myself i don't think i could wait for the relationship to get to the stage of marriage to have sex again - i'm only 17.

I know he does want to, but it would mean going against his religion which he can't seem to let go of. What would you do? Wait for marriage? (keeping in mind the fact we are going to different unis and it would be so hard keeping the relationship going through that), let him go, or refuse to let him keep to his silly religion and just show him that abstinence is certainly not the way to go?

Why does Melisandre try to seduce Jon Snow?

He was not ready to march along with Stannis saying that he has sworn to be at the wall. In the oath, there is also a statement which says that they can't have a sexual relationship! So, Melisandre tried to seduce him to break the oath of not having women, and eventually making him to march along with Stannis. He was strong and didn't fall for her plan. End of the day, Jon Snow knows nothing!!

In addition to all of his other issues, does R Kelly really face a lawsuit for having an affair with a Sheriff's wife? How is that something a person can sue over?

Yes, R. Kelly does[1].Thank the great state of Mississippi, which along with many other states makes alienation of affection and adultery a civil (and criminal) offense. In the U.S., a marriage is a legal contract, and a third party attempting to break it can sometimes be sued or even prosecuted.Footnotes[1] Mississippi man suing R. Kelly for allegedly having a 5-year affair with his wife

Was it a bad move for Kevin Spacey to post the 'Let me be Frank' video, and should accusers have anonymity meaning they offer no public comment too?

I think it was a huge misstep to post that video and now it’s backfiring in his face. I mean either he has very bad timing or is clueless…. he releases this right as he gets new sexual assault charges….who in their right mind would do this?To me, Kevin has always carried a air of superiority about himself - and a lack of empathy. As more and more of his alleged wrong doings come to light….I start to see that a lot of my hunches about him are right. When first accuser came out and told his story of how Kevin had try to seduce him as a teen….how does Kevin handle it? He goes on Twitter stating that he basically doesn’t remember it….and that - he’s gay. Are you kidding me? What does that have to do with anything???This video is just a continuation of his arrogant mindset in my opinion. He says things in his video like “I know what you want,” and “If I didn’t pay the price for the things that we both know I did do….I’m certainly not going to pay the price for the things I didn’t do.” Not only does he sound unapologetic - he in a way, almost admits guilt. He also seems to be threatening with some his wordplay and the overall underlying tone. I know he’s trying to philosophical and clever - but he truly messed up by putting out this video. He can act as if he was just acting in character (and he is a wonderful actor, no doubt), but it also shows that he has to hide behind a nonexistent character just to communicate with people - that’s disturbing.He probably won’t be going back to House of Cards, and he better hope that this video isn’t used in court.Zip it Kevin.

Do most young men at one time or another engage in the kind of behavior described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in her allegations of assault?

Do most young men at one time or another engage in the kind of behavior described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in her allegations of assault?Before I was married I knew two old girlfriends that soon after we stopped dating platonically described themselves being forced to have sex with people they were dating.One married the guy and as far as I know is still married to him.The other one moved in with the guy and was living with him when I lost touch with her.I was shocked.I’d been told my entire life that forced sex was rape. Not consensual. Not fun. Not gentlemanly. Not seduction. Not okay.These women I had cared about, women I still cared about as friends, were forced… and willingly engaged with those forcing them in an ongoing relationship.I felt betrayed.My world view was tilted.I had to consider that being a gentleman, or being kind, or being respectful of women, was perhaps not what women were looking for.I adjusted my thinking.I never raped a woman… but I stopped caring about their feelings. I became one of those guys, the ones that treated women like they didn’t really matter.And I got laid more than I ever had before. When I stopped calling a girl… she would call me. I was invited over for meals, and nights… without having to pay for dates.So in answer to the question? I guess it’s a matter of degrees. I’ve treated women like ladies, and I’ve treated them like dirt. I prefer to treat them respectfully… but I’ve been treated better when I don’t.

Why are we forced to learn useless things?

I'm currently supposed to be studying for an exam I have tomorrow, but I'm a little frustrated and won't be able to concentrate until I get somebody else's opinion/feedback.

I am a music major, currently enrolled in an English history class; the class fulfills one of the requirements I need to graduate, but exactly why is it a requirement to begin with? I see no reason why I have to memorize who invaded medieval Britain and when. I learn a lot more when I willingly conduct research (in my spare time) on things that actually interest me. Wouldn't it be better for schools to allow their students to focus on their intended interests/majors?

I had a similar discussion with one of my friends, who simply said that I need to know this stuff because it is going to be on a test. Needless to say, I am far from satisfied from that answer.

What do you guys think?

Can a Dr. determine if a child has been molested?

My sister in law is saying that her father in law molested my niece, she says that she just had a mother's instinct about no real evidence. My niece is 3 yrs. old and was taken to the dr. and was told that she had been molested. Is this possible? She was taken to a dr. after 3 weeks of moving out of the father in laws home. I don't know, I really don't believe the mother because she's just a crazy pot head. What can I do??