How To Not Take This Personal

What does "don't take it personally" mean?

When someone feels unfairly blamed, hurt, missunderstood by the actions or words of another, the term is used to take the sting out of these emotions by saying the perceived insult was not an attack on their person, their character, but some general belief or concept in the one whom they felt maligned.

Why do I take things personally?

You identify strongly with your ego. Your ego has one job, to justify its existence. It stands for fear, separation, judgment and guilt.It gets tiresome to take things personally. If you choose to look at situations for what they most often are you can begin to release some of the hold of your ego.The truth about our experience with others is that what we judge about them and what they judge about us is about ego projection.The truth about us: what bothers us about others is usually the stuff we want to address in ourselves on some level that lurks just outside our consciousness.The truth about them: it is the same thing from another viewpoint.The only thing to conclude is that what anyone else thinks about you…is none of your business—because it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!Figure out why you are reacting to what you react to. Ask yourself questions that go deeper than the surface, ask yourself why sometimes your reaction is disproportionate to the stimulus. Be curious and you will be able to let go of personal attachment and move through any issues that come up for you.Do unto yourself as you would have done to you not only advises you how to treat others but also how you should be treating yourself.Hopefully there is an idea or two here you can use to help you to not take things so personally from now on. Best wishes!

What are ways to not take things personally?

Hi! I used to take things personally. I don't any more. Now I look at or think of what has been said and think to myself " That is only one persons view point, no one elses. Accept that people have a right to express their opinion, but learn that it is only their opinion, and the way they see that particular situation. Every one is different. They think differently, act differently, have individual personalities and see things differently. If you can understand that, you will then be able to look at a comment or remark that someone has said objectively. Often, people will express their opinion of something, but they will not always put it across in a way that feels fair - they may be judgemental, critical or even unpleasant about it. That does not mean that they are being offensive, merely that they are putting what they say across in the wrong manner? Sometimes people make throw away comments or remarks based on how they feel at the time, so they may be having a bad day, or be particularly unpleasant for some personal reason. That can make you feel bad or unhappy, but if you respond calmly in a positive manner (" I am sorry you think that, can you expand on it?" or " Thank you for your observation, I appreciate it" then you are either allowing them to tell you why they feel like that, or acknowledging that you heard what they said. You will feel more positive if you do not dwell too much on the negative. It might also be worth mentioning that if someone does offend you, they may actually not be aware that they have done that, unless you tell them.. If someone offends me, I either ignore it and move on, or do tell them that I was offended by what they said quietly and calmly, then walk away, so they have time to think about what they said. Often, I get an apology, sometimes not, but at least they then know how I feel. It does take time, but I find that having a positive outlook on things and accepting that people can be complex helps.

What does it mean to "not take things personally"?

It means not to make everything about YOU. If someone says, "I don't feel like seeing a movie tonight," taking it personally would be you assuming that they are mad at you, that you did something wrong, that they are cheating on you, that they don't like your taste in movies, etc. Not taking it personally would be you assuming that they were sick, they had a rough day at work, they had other plans or responsibilities, etc. One perspective is all about YOU while the other is about THEM or about general circumstances in life. In this case, taking things personally is usually bad, because you're being selfish, maybe even mentally or emotionally abusive or unhealthy.

Sometimes, though, people will say, "Don't take this personally, but..." and then start saying something really rude or something that might hurt you, like, "you have a way of being really annoying," or "your breath smells bad," or whatever. In this case, obviously, you're going to feel it's a personal attack or an embarrassing comment, and they are just trying to let themselves off the hook. If you get upset, well, it's not THEIR fault, they warned you. In this case, I'd say it's bad of them to use the phrase and absolutely ok for you to feel slighted.


What is Monica's song Don't take it personal about?

My co-worker is saying that Monica's song don't take it personal is about a woman on her period and that the guy shouldn't take it personal. My co worker is a guy and works with 4 other women around him, and we are trying to tell him that is not what the song is about. Any advice?

What does it mean to take things personally?

It means ...

Ok, let's say that you're at the store buying something and the cashier yells at you because you give her a big bill. She says, "Dang, you're the 10th person who gave me this big bill today and I don't have enough change. This is so frustrating. Now I have to call my manager ... grrrrr. Look, don't take it personally ok ?"

When she says not to take it personally, she means ... she would be upset with ANYONE who did that - not JUST because it's YOU, personally.

In general, "Don't take it personally" means just that. It's not YOU, PERSONALLY. It's the situation that sucks. Could be anyone, but you happen to be there right now, so it seems like it's all on you, when it really isn't.

What does it mean when someone says "nothing personal," or "don't take this personally"? It seems like they’re just trying to trick me into not being upset about the upsetting thing they're about to say.

On rare occasions, the speaker genuinely isn't trying to insult you, but he understands why you might interpret that as his intent:"Please don't take this personally. I know the party only started 15 minutes ago, but I have to leave. I just remembered my roommate is coming back from vacation, and she doesn't have a key to the apartment."Most often, it's a passive-aggressive tactic to insult while claiming that wasn't the intent: "No offense, but you sound like a deranged idiot.""Nothing personal, but I've never been so bored in my life.""Don't take this personally, but that painting ain't gonna win any awards."What's really odd to me about this tactic is that it's so transparent. The speaker knows he's trying to insult someone. The target knows he's being insulted. Its almost like saying, "I'm not hitting you" while hitting someone. It's an odd ritual: magic words that somehow give the speaker a free pass.Or I guess the speaker might be trying to add insult to injury: both making a nasty remark and cloaking it in a form that would only fool an incredibly naive person, and so making the meta-insult of "You're such an idiot, you'll probably believe I'm not trying to insult you, when anyone with half-a-brain could see that I obviously am."Sometimes, I think it's an a really, really lame attempt at wit. "Nothing personal, but ..." is like the setup for a cruel joke. The next bit is the punchline. It's an extremely cliched formula, but that doesn't stop people from using it.

Scorpio's do you feel you take things way too personally and are driven by vengeance?

it wont be easy for you to change because this just how you are and its a deep big part of your personalty,your girlfriend should be happy to be with you because despite of all the negative things which she thinks its a big deal or problem,she must know that you are avery honest ,loyal,trustworthy person and these three Elements very hard to find them now days in our life and this is why you cant forgive people easily when they let you down because as much as you have been faithful and honest with them, you have expected the same from them but when they wasnt as you never thought of them then you can never trust theChancen,you will give them another chnace but they win your having same place and trust inyour hrat againproudhink you should be happy and proud of yourself and never think bad about what they say.
thank you