How To Overcome Anxiety With First Job

How to overcome extreme anxiety about new job?

I am starting a new job this monday. I also suffer from panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder. In almost any social situation, I seem perfectly normal. I socialize and engage in conversations even with complete strangers. But I know that if I ever feel uncomfortable I can always choose to leave. I can't do that at work. I've been unemployed for over a year, being a stay at home mom. This nre job is the biggest job I've ever landed in my life. The pay is fantastic, so are the hours, and it's pretty hard to get hired there to say the least. But it's also the highest pressure job i've ever had, and I am already constantly paranoid about being fired out of the blue b/c i didn't learn the strings fast enough. I hate dissapointment, and although i've lost jobs in the past because of my anxiety and constant self-doubt,im afraid to put myself through that roller coaster of emotions again. I don't deal weel with change. I manage it as well as maybe a kindergartener would on his first day of school. The mere thought of being away from my daughter for so long is freaking me out. Everytime i've gone through the doors of that place(for both interviews and later for the job offer)my palms have been extremely sweaty and i've even become dizzy. I feel like if im alone in the ocean and all the other people are actually sharks circling around me. Both the manager and assistant manager seem like such nice people, and they won't shut up about how great my interview was, and how impressive my resume is, not to mention my references. I cringe everytime I hear they comment about "my bright fufutre with the compleny". If only they knew i'm afraid I won't even last a month. I'm afraid I might start to over analize every glance and stare, thinking they might be secretly thinking baout firing me. I know I sound insane, but I really need help managing this. Any SERIOUS tips or ideas will help. Thanks.

First job and have social anxiety?

I feel I sold myself poorly at my first interview and have no idea how I got hired, but I did keep a positive attitude. I didn't think I would get the job and now I'm scared, nervous, and anxious. A girl who will be my co-worker also gave me a nasty jelous type look while I was there for an interview. The others pretended I didn't exist so now I'm worried.

I want to be happy and excited, but I know my social anxiety is going to go whack on the first day. I'm going to be put on a position where I HAVE to talk. How can I calm myself and is there anyone like me here? Thanks! oh and I am 21.

I'm nervous about getting my first job. How can I overcome this problem?

I am still on my first job, and I remember well how terrified I was at the prospect.Have you applied for the job? Have you had an interview yet?There are plenty of job seeking websites out there to help you find the optimal job for you, but with no experience you are not as likely to get them. Apply anyway, anything is possible. Retail or food industry jobs are generally easy to get into for a first time worker, but be warned that they do not pay all that well, and they generally are awful (In truth it is mostly the customers that are awful, otherwise it is not as bad).I was terrible at my interview. I had no idea as to what to do, and I did not ask questions. Do not be me.Asking questions like ‘what is it like to work here’, ‘what are the things that I will be doing on the job’. It makes you firstly less confused but also makes you seem more employable. Plan questions beforehand especially is you are nervous, they both help you get employed and they can help with calming you down.If you have the job: Congrats! Jobs are hard to get and I only got one because I was expected to be a miniature version of my sister, who is considered a good worker (they could not have been more wrong, but I am employed).Remember to breathe. Once you have a job, you will have a touch more independence, and some money that you can save and/or use to buy chocolate. If you happen to get an awful job you will grow to hate it more and more as you go through it. Use this hatred to fuel your other actions. If a better job opportunity comes about, take it.I wish you luck, and hope that this was of help to you.

Serious anxiety about new job.?

"I'm honestly looking for someone who's been in a similar situation and found a way to deal with it."

You have three choices:

1) Seek treatment for your mental health issue (you've said you won't do this)
2) Go to work despite your anxiety (which is what most of us do); or
3) Blow off the job/opportunity.

There really aren't any other options. Your life is what YOU make of it.

Much of "dealing with" anxiety is mental discipline. There is a difference between feelings and behavior. You may not always be in control of your feelings, but your behavior is something you DO have control over. You can CHOOSE to go to work DESPITE the anxiety. You may feel like you're going to have a heart attack, faint, whatever...doesn't mean you will. Remind yourself that your life or safety is not in danger by going to work. If you really can't push yourself to participate in normal life things despite the anxiety, then you really DO need to get treatment.

A very wise person once told me that the things that are the hardest to do are often the ones that are the most worth doing. It's turned out to be pretty true. My life would be pretty sucky if I had bailed on doing the important things just because they were difficult to push myself to do.

"Out of options at this point" No, you're not out of options. You just don't like your options. Life is always going to be hard. But it's up to YOU to decide if you want it to be "better" hard or "worse" hard.