How To Overcome Writer

How to overcome writer's block??

I am different. I don't believe in any of this take a walk, listen to music, meditate stuff. To me, writing is a job, and it just gets done. I don't coddle myself and I don't teach others to coddle themselves. Just get to work.

This is the method I teach to students

1) Put the book aside and read - at least two books - Classics.

2) Brainstorm on paper - anything no matter how silly it sounds. Fill a notebook with ideas if you want - just come up with lots.

3) Write the ideas on file cards one per card. Sit down at a table and start shuffling them around trying to create a story from them. Keep moving them - dont be afraid for it to sound silly.

4) Make an outline from those cards when you find something interesting.

5) Try to write a very very short story from that outline. Then write several more very very short stories from the cards. See which one lends itself to a longer work

6) Start doing character studies and analysis - back to the file cards. Write down anything you know about your characters - adjectives, habits, appearance, likes and dislikes, occupation, age, anything. Look in magazines and catalogs and cut out pics that resemble the character as you see them in your mind.

7) Back to the table. Start pushing the character cards around - see who rubs who and how -- Who likes who? Who hates who? Main character to main character - then main character to secondary character - then secondary character to secondary character. This will help you come up with subplots

8) Back to your outline. Plug in the subplots.

9) Come up with a kick tail first sentece that will draw your readers into the story.

10) Start writing.

It works for my students. Just make sure you dont skip the two classics - that is the inspiration that unblocks and inspires you. If you are still blocked, move onto something else. I have about 4 books on disks - started but it just wasnt the right time to write them for me. One goes back to when my 20 yr old son was a baby. Maybe I will finish it one day, maybe not. So far the mood hasnt struck me. And it is a great idea - never been done. Im just not ready for it yet. No shame in leaving something aside.

Good luck. Pax - C.

How to overcome writer's block?

that how i felt when i open up Word, and realized it probably wasn't the best way to have my writing skill come forth, so i tried writing first-hand on paper, and the words seem to slip from my pen maybe our that kind of person.

this is what my favourite author said about writer's block:

"Writer's block…a lot of howling nonsense would be avoided if, in every sentence containing the word WRITER, that word was taken out and the word PLUMBER substituted; and the result examined for the sense it makes. Do plumbers get plumber's block? What would you think of a plumber who used that as an excuse not to do any work that day?

The fact is that writing is hard work, and sometimes you don't want to do it, and you can't think of what to write next, and you're fed up with the whole damn business. Do you think plumbers don't feel like that about their work from time to time? Of course there will be days when the stuff is not flowing freely. What you do then is MAKE IT UP. I like the reply of the composer Shostakovich to a student who complained that he couldn't find a theme for his second movement. "Never mind the theme! Just write the movement!" he said.

Writer's block is a condition that affects amateurs and people who aren't serious about writing. So is the opposite, namely inspiration, which amateurs are also very fond of. Putting it another way: a professional writer is someone who writes just as well when they're not inspired as when they are."

i don't know if you agree or not, but after sitting on the computer searching stuff because of writer block i got off my lazy butt and write :-P
just write!! what comes out the blue and have fun with it! a plot may form soon

jk rowling ,when she thought of a boy wizard you think she thought of everything else from book 1-7?? she thought of it and wrote it down and then thought of every thing eles as she did.

How do you overcome writer's block?

There's no such thing as writers block! If you're worried about it being rubbish just ignore that idea and write it anyway. You can always go back and change it later - editing is very important.
Basically if you don't write something down you have nothing to work with, at least if you've written something that turns out not that great you have something to work with and make better.

How do I overcome Writer's Block?

I'm a rapper and lately I've been listening to artists like Q-Tip, Mos Def, and Black Thought and I guess I've been discouraged because their rhymes are so good and I can't see any of my lyrics comparing.

But it seems that I have absolutely no clue what to rap about. I got beats here that just need some epic verses on 'em, but I get stuck. I don't wanna rap about guns, I don't wanna rap about romance, I don't wanna rap about how other MC's are wack (even though it may be true), and I have been trying to get away from random, one-liner, media refrenced rhymes. I feel like there is nothing left. I sit here and study Q-Tip and still have no clue.

I have songs half written, but I can't bring myself to conjure any more rhymes, never-the-less fit them in with what I already have completed. I figured the only way to get going again is to jump right off with a brand new song. Hear the beat a few times, jot down 2 nice verses, and get in the recording booth before I have time to make excuses. But all this comes to a screaming halt when I remember that I have nothing to rap about.

Now what?

What’s the best way to overcome writer’s block?

Give yourself an assignment! I don’t want to toot my own horn too much, but I write a free Writing / Thinking Prompts newsletter (most) every week, which you can subscribe to. There are a lot of assignments in the archives that you can scroll through, to help break you out of that horrid affliction, writers block.But you should also keep in mind that writers block is… I hate to say it… a myth. Joan Acocella has written about how the term itself has been kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, historically. Before people used the term “writers block,” they didn’t really get writers block. The main culprit behind writers block is perfectionism. So those writers who experience writers block the least are also those who don’t hold themselves to impossible standards.If you’re suffering from writers block, you are probably also suffering from a bad case of perfectionism. Try to strip that away. Take it easy. Remember that you will never be the best writer in the world. You will never even be the 1000th best writer in the world. So you might as well just write as well as you can, and have some fun doing it.It helps to think about writing like a job, like fun, or like a kind of mechanical gesture. It helps me to tell myself every day, “This probably won’t be any good! It’ll probably suck—and that’s okay!”

How to overcome writers block while rapping?

Some tips for dealing with writer's block:

- Take a break from what you're doing and put it out of your mind. Staring at the computer screen, piece of paper, or thinking about other rappers doesn't help at all.
(* jealousy can give fuel so I won't dismiss it)

- Walk outside, and go on streets you normally wouldn't if possible. Exercise helps to clear mind and even give some perspective especially if its outside.

- You need to not worry about failing, and realize most people aren't very original in their writings.

- Get the main ideas down before touching it up. Writer's block often times is a result of feeling overwhelmed by the task. Its fine if your article, story, or rap song (in your case) isn't good because you can alter it later on to make it better.

This is a short guide to overcoming writer's block:

How do I overcome laziness in writing?

That's a million dollar question. If I had a guaranteed solution to that, I'd be a rich writer!Over the years, I've seen different things work for different people, including me. So here are some of the tips I can recommend, depending on what kind of a person you are.For the busy writer with tight schedules: Put in time slots in your calendar to write. Set alarms and reminders. For that duration, sit in front of your book or laptop or writing device of choice and write. Don't move till the time is done. Don't get distracted. Just write.For the erratic writer: Commit a deadline to someone else. Make it non-negotiable. Let the guilt of potentially defaulting eat you up till you sit and write. Ask the person you've committed the deadline to, to make you feel like crap it you don't deliver.For the easily bored writer: Work on multiple projects in parallel. When bored with one, move to another. Keep cycling. If long term projects are scary, write short stories and essays in between.For the writer in denial: Stop making excuses and take responsibility for how much you're writing or rather how much you're NOT writing. Figure out which of the above categories you fall under. Apply appropriate solution.Finally, go easy on yourself. Writers are fickle creatures. It's in our nature to be easily distracted. Be patient with yourself and just slowly keep moving towards getting back into that space where you're writing feverishly, struggling to keep pace with the words pouring out of you. That is the only sustainable solution to whatever prevents you from writing.