How To Pay For More Wars

How did the US pay for the ww1?

During the war, citizens were encouraged to buy war bonds. the US government called them "Liberty Bonds' this is where a person can give money to the war effort. After the war, the government would pay this money back with interest. In addition, after the war, Germany and Austria-Hungary were made to pay for the cost of the war as part of the the treaty of Versailles. Increasing taxes for war would cause a loss of support for the war effort. War bonds were successful because it was on a voluntary basis and instead of losing money the person would end up gaining money.

How did the US pay for WWI?

The US paid for the Great War the same way States always pay for war: It stole the money from its citizens through taxation and public debt. By the time the US entered the Great War, the personal income tax was already in place. (Other taxes and tariffs also squeezed money out of the public.) In addition, the US floated a ton of war bonds— essentially, people buy the bonds, which carry the promise to be repaid with interest. (And people were happy to buy the bonds for such a patriotic cause.) However, much of the war bonds went into the coffers of the Federal Reserve Bank, which then used them, among other things, as collateral for its inflationary policies that caused the Great Depression. So while the war debt was ostensibly repaid, (lotsa buy/sell transactions to get the bonds to the Fed), whatever benefit that ended up back in public hands was lost in decade of the Depression.And then another war came along, with more taxes and more war bonds. Fleece, waste, repeat.

Why not bring back war bonds to help pay for the wars as we did during WWII?

Why not bring back war bonds to help pay for the wars as we did during WWII?I’m guessing because they would be a little harder to sell.1940’s: BUY WAR BONDS. Help America fight back the evil Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor, and the evil Nazi’s who are ravaging Europe! Help America reach the CLEARLY VISIBLE end goal of toppling these regimes!2017: BUY WAR BONDS! Help America fight a whole myriad of asymmetric proxy wars being fought for oil, corporate interests, enriching the military-industrial complex, and political dick-swinging, many of which the average American has no idea why we are even fighting! Even though America already has the largest and most expensive military by miles, and even though there’s not a tangible end in sight or any clear objective to any of these wars, and even thought the economy is still sluggish and you are underpaid, please voluntarily funnel more of your hard-earned money back to Uncle Sam, that you won’t see back until years later, so that the big heads at Lockheed and Halliburton can cut themselves big fat quarterly bonus checks. Hey now, that third vacation home for Dick Cheney isn't going to pay for itself!

How do soldiers get paid during times of war?

Direct deposit. I know that’s not a very exciting answer, but that’s how it works. Pretty much like everyone else gets paid these days.All military personnel are paid by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, otherwise know as DFAS.** They have their own logo and everythingDFAS also pays all DoD civilian personnel, retirees and annuitants, as well as major DoD contractors and vendors. It is the world’s largest finance and accounting organization.When you need to keep track of your military payments, DFAS has set up an online system called MyPay. From there you can get your most recent leave and earnings statement.If we got paid by rounds fired, the ammunition factories would have to run full tilt 24 hours a day to keep up with the demand. And no, there are no bonuses for kills. That only happens in video games.

What does the quote " in war the dead pay the debts of the living" mean?

There could be many interpretations....

It could be directed towards the fact that they are sacrificing there lives for us to carry on believing and living within a civilization that they believe is correct and just.


The men that fall during the war are paying the debts for the governments and politicians decision to go to war, whilst, obviously the government and it's members sit back and try to justify their decesion.

How much did Robert Downey Jr. get paid for Avengers: Infinity War?

It is rumored that RDJ made roughly $200 million for Infinity War, though that is unconfirmed. As he made $50 million for 2012′s The Avengers, it is safe to assume that he made substantially more for this installment, seeing as while the franchise has grown, so too has RDJ’s star power. He is the main draw of the franchise, the face, if you will, so I would imagine at this point, he could essentially name his price (within reason, of course. I’m sure if he went to Kevin Feige and said “Yo Kev, I want a smooth billion for Avengers 4”, he’d be laughed out of the room.).I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he did make nearly $200 million for Infinity War. It would certainly be in line with the increase in popularity as well as as when compared to his role in the first Avengers six years ago.Nick BoticNick Botic Horror

If the national government did not pay its war debts what might happen if it wanted to raise money to...?

A nation's money supply is backed up by trust. Trust that the money can be exchanged for other goods.

Debts have to be paid, or no one will loan you more money. Most consumers do not have extra money to buy big ticket items. Most have to borrow money to buy a home, car, or any expensive item.

Roads and wars cost big bucks, billions of dollars, and even government must borrow to get that money.
Under President Bush, our National Debt has doubled in 8 years. Now, about 10 Trillion Dollars. 100 years ago, the USA had no debt.

Most of our national debt was borrowed fighting the Great Depression, WWII, Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, and now three wars in Moslem countries: Desert Storm, Afganistan, Iraq.

There won't be money to borrow for roads, if government stops paying off old debts. No money to borrow, because you won't loan money to a "bad risk".

In the past, these old debts are paid off with more government securities, bonds, or more borrowing, or higher taxes. G. W. Bush lowered taxes on the rich, this started larger budget deficits.

Citizen tax money is spent directly on paying for things like social security, or medicare, or education, and courts, prisons, ect. None left over for paying down the debt.
President Clinton had the last Administration with a real budget surplus.

Just like recently, when banks could not make any more loans and finance companies were going bankrupt, our national government, and other governments of the world could go bankrupt.

No one would want the paper money, because nothing would back it up. People would demand gold, silver, or barter to make trades again.
It would be like going back to the middle ages, or a third world nation, for our economy.

That's why we have to get trust back in our government and it's ability pay for things like roads. And, to do that, we have to spend much less on foreign wars. Strengthen America with Job Programs, not war.