How To Provide A First Aid In This Situation

If you witness a road accident, what kind of first aid can you provide to the injured person/s?

You simply follow the steps listed below.Rush to victim with the help of bystanders.Call Ambulance or Emergency NumberCheck the Pulse and Analyse the victim condition. → Conscious or UnconsciousConscious- Thank God- Your responsibility is to hold breath.Check for bleeding, injuries internal or external, broken parts.Don't give water- If victim requires water, wet his/her tongue with cold clothProceed to do minimal first aid before ambulance arrives as the case may be. You may not be a certified first aider but you can help.Cuts & Wounds- Wrap the injured part with kerchief or cloth.Broken Hand, Legs, Arms etc- Don't move the victim till ambulance arrives.Head Injury & Bleeding- Wrap the injured location with cloth. Dont give any medicine and water.4 .Unconscious- Tilt the head backwards and start mouth to mouth resuscitation along with Chest Compressions CPR.First Aid says don't be a mere bystander instead do something to victim and be a life saver.The next important thing is to generate confidence in victim. Ensure the victim doesn't fell asleep. In all cases start conservation with victim till the emergency services arrive.Learn basic first-aid. Enroll yourself for the training or study online.

Which movies contain first aid or rescue situations? (correct or incorrect procedures)?

I'm trying to find as many movies/TV shows that show first aid or rescue situations. I plan on using these clips as quizzes to help teach first aid to new students. I'd like to find as many as possible. If you are responding with a TV show, please also let me know either the name of the episode or the date it aired. Thanks.

Hypothetical First Aid Situation - Stay or Go For Help?

Have them sit up to breathe easier and have them hold a folded piece of cloth against the wound and keep a firm steady pressure with their good arm. Tell them to stay calm and then go off to get the third person since they're fairly close by. Tell the third person to call 911 or to run off and get help while you go back to the injured one. That injured person should be quite capable of walking so walk them to a place that's more easily accesable for the emergency responders and safe & comfortable for the injured person.

It's what I would do.
You can put a quick fix on the forehead wound, but you can't really fix fractured ribs and it's too risky to try and move a dislocated shoulder back in place. (You're supposed to leave it as is anyways.)
It's your job to keep them stabilized and out of further danger just like an EMT would. It'll be the hospital's job to patch them up again.


Nothing, a person has the right to refuse treatment, except in a few specific circumstances, otherwise it is an assault.

Red Cross; First Aid and CPR?

I have a project due for my First Aid / CPR class and need your help. Here is the assignment;

Research events or times when the Red Cross or someone using
Red Cross techniques have assisted someone in an emergency
situation. Include the Date, location, situation,
and outcome of said event. Write a brief 1 page
write-up of the event. Last paragraph should be a summary of
how you felt about the incident. Would you have
acted in the same manner, or any different? What
obstacles might have been in the way, like checking for
safety, was 911 called? Give me as much detail as
possible pertaining to what happened and the outcome

Thanks to all who can help me

Psychological First Aid Question 2?

What are the basic objectives of Psychological First Aid?

a. Keep people from needing social support after a disaster
b. Provide survivors with tools and assistance they need to manage their immediate situation