How To Put Yourself To Sleep For A Very Long Period Of Time

How to put yourself to sleep for a very long period of time?

Why do you need to sleep that long?

Yes there are sleeping pills that have a long half-life and a large enough dose could potentially keep you asleep that long. But hypnotics are not designed to MAKE you sleep, certainly not for 14-20hrs.

For the most part to do that you would either have to severely sleep deprive yourself for days although it is VERY rare for that to ben enough to sleep for 20hrs. No half decent doctor will prescribe you a huge dose of a drug like bromazepam, diazepam, or chlordiazepoxide. If you could get a prescription you would likely have to abuse it (and that is a terrible idea). Although just so you know using benzodiazepines, the class of drugs the medications I listed are in, as long as they are not mixed with any other drugs they can typically be used in vast amounts because they are very safe. For example bromazepam comes in 3 and 6 mg tabs but the maximum is 60 mg, diazepam comes in 2, 5, and 10 mg tablets but in certain situations it is administered in hundreds of milligrams, chlordiazepoxide comes in 5, 10, and 20 mg tabs and 400 mg is the maximum dose. Most sleeping pills are not very dangerous, that is a belief based upon when barbiturates were commonly used and they are very lethal. Sedating antidepressants (which are the most used "sleeping pills") are very dangerous when too much it taken and like I said taking too many barbiturates (almost never used anymore) are very dangerous. There are sleeping pills that work for 1-2hrs and at most 10hrs unless a huge dose is given. You could always take a hypnotic and when you wake up take another one. Typically people sleep a long time after severe sleep deprivation, when they are ill, after bingeing on amphetamines or cocaine, under continuous IV sedation, or for people with a sleeping disorder.

The reality is everything I listed, which is just for information, I highly recommend AGAINST any of them. Even extreme sleep deprivation is very unhealthy and it typically won't lead to 20hrs of sleep (even 14hrs may be hard to do).

After a long period of studying or working I can't sleep, what is causing this? And what are some tips or tricks to sleep?

The main factor is the stress factor, you are pushing yourself and pushing your limits.I’m a Doctor i work for around 12 hours a day, alongside with my workout routine and intermittent fasting diet which i fast around 22 hours and feast for 2 hours, i’m following a strict keto diet and a strict workout HIIT routine 7 times a week, so everyday i push myself to the max and i push my limits.When i started following this lifestyle for the past 3 months i thought that i would have been dead when i walked on that bed, however things didn’t flow like that. The more i push myself and the more tired i get the more i lack sleep, because i convinced myself it’s something that goes through your mind that i have to be awake.What can you do to improve those things?Watch your caffeine intake.Go lay on the Bed and just relax eventually you will sleep, sometimes you are convinced that you should be awaken it’s a process that goes through your mind, so try your best to sleep.Meditate.Listen to some relaxing music.I love to sleep with my fan heater xD, the sound of it makes me sleep faster.

How do I sleep for a longer period of time?

While it may be possible that you are well rested, I can only think that you'd like to sleep more and simply cannot. All human beings have a circadian rhythm that is tied to light (even in blind people). Your own rhythm is resulting in forced wakefulness after what appears to be four cycles. Either light (external) or elevating adrenal response (internal, supposedly beginning around 4 am) is enhancing that waking point. As a teenager, you are still setting your internal clock. " Phase angle of entrainment is dependent on circadian period, at least in young adults." Sleep and circadian rhythms in humans.Altering your sleep rhythm may be relatively simple by sleeping progressively earlier and continuing to lie in bed when you "wake up for the day" at four a.m. But do recognize that the vast majority of questioners want a solution for how to sleep less, not more. Another trick might be altering your fat intake. Higher fat intake can slow digestion, which may also slow the circadian rhythm (at least in rats). Disruption of Daily Rhythms by High-Fat Diet Is Reversible.You do want to do any sleep alterations fairly early in life. As we age the circadian clock becomes less responsive. Age-related changes in large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in mammalian circadian clock neurons.

How can you knock yourself out for a long period of time?

There probably are answers to your explicit question but I want to address what I assume you are assuming - that might make asses of us both.There is no way to do this to yourself.  Doctors probably could put you in an induced coma for whatever period seemed appropriate, but you can't do this to yourself.  Further, read below about tranquilizers. Anything you try would not work for the appropriate time and/or cause terrible side effects and likely lead to an early death.One reason is, there is no such thing as a 'tranquilizer'.  Herbal tea might help you relax, but that is different.  Tranquilizers, such as those used to subdue living animals and shot through a 'trank gun' or dart gun are actual poisons that are carefully calibrated to the target's weight. The same is true of anesthetics.  The poison is not of the cumulative sort and, aside from stress to the animal's liver, does little long term harm - at the right dose!  It would kill at a higher dose because it is poison.  The stress to the animal's liver is not incidental, either and doctors would only put a patient in a drug-induced coma if the alternative is pretty dire.Head impact could put you unconscious for a period of variable duration but even if it worked exactly as hoped - unconscious for X minutes - would also cause long term damage to your brain.

Please tell me medicine for sleeping as I sleep for 2 to 3 hours a day.give me medicine for long hour sleepin

I am 43 yrs old male I heardly sleep for 2 to 3 hours a day. please suggest me allopathy medicine so that I can sleep for long hours a day atleast 7 to 8 hours a day.

What happens when a person takes 20 sleeping pills for the 1st time?

I hope you are only asking this out of curiosity and you have no crazy plans. :)The answer to this question purely depends on the type of sleeping pills consumed. the most potent ones can put you to sleep within 10 minutes of consumption. the overdose shall result into prolonged hours of sleep. A person shall experience severe nausea until the effect wears out. The sedation will be accompanied by vomiting and severe headache which will last for a longer period of time. Fatigue blurred vision is common. Rest aside the person will survive by making a permanent damage to kidneys and liver.Remember, Sleeping pills do not ensure a sound sleep, neither it treats insomnia. sleeping pills are prescribed carefully over careful diagnosis in very small doses.

How to get baby to sleep 12 hours?

Almost every night, my 7 month old wakes up for a feeding, and every night I get up and feed him with a grudge...breaking out my cell phone as a means to keep myself distracted and awake while he breastfeeds, only to find story after story, post after post of how "my baby slept 12 hours nights at 5 months" and so on. I want to know how in the world people get to this point.

I have 2 kids (a 7mo and a 2yo), and while my first son was sleeping pretty well through the night starting at 6 weeks, he's 2 now and has still never slept even close to 12 hours at once (I believe 10 1/2 hours is his record, just a month or two ago).

The entire "schedule" idea has me in a baffle. I dont understand why putting my 7 month old down at 7pm should have any better effect than 9pm...shouldnt it work out exactly the same way as others, only instead of sleeping 7-7 he sleeps 9-9? It's got to be possible...thousands of people work graveyard shifts.

Every baby is different, but i just read too many stories about these 12 hour night sleeps that i cant help but feel like my baby should be capable of doing it too. I cant be unlucky enough to have had 2 kids who cant do it.

What in gods name do i have to do to get my 7 month old to sleep this 12 hour nihht sleep...or even 8 freakin hours without a wake up call!?

Should I Put My Computer To Sleep......?

Sleep is not as shutdown as hibernation. When doing either you are basically allowing your computer to power down certain devices that are not needed. First your monitor, then hard drive and so on. Basically all you are doing is lowering the heat in the computer and saving yourself money. It is a good idea but can be a pain if you are in a hurry.

I do NOT recommend turning your computer off daily. Frequent on/off will blow your power supply. That will cost you $50-$100 depending if you do it yourself or not. Hope I could be of assistance.