How To Remove Moles Without Big Scars

How can I remove a mole from my face without leaving scars?

Well, scarring after removal of mole depends mainly on the size of the mole. If it is a smaller one, post removal, you won’t have much problem. But if it a bigger one, then there will be a problem.Read Moles and their treatmentThere are procedures like Shave and cautery or dermal electrosurgical shave excision which can produce better results than mere excision.

Will my mole leave a scar if I get it removed?

I have a mole that is like directly in the center of my stomach. I hate it and it is really noticable when I wear a bathing suit. It is raised and dark brown and its a little larger than like the size of an O on a keypad. It's so annoying and it seems like no one else in the world has something like it! I really want to consider getting it removed, but if I do, will the scar also be really noticable?

Does a mole removal leave a scar?

It depends on age, genetics and most of all the location of the mole. Skin that is under tension tends to scar a lot more, because this impedes skin healing. The chest skin is especially endangered, because it is under a lot of tension. Open heart surgerys nearly always cause very big problematic scars. Other regions are shoulders, neck and earlobes. I would advise against any unnessecary surgeries in these regions, you might trade a harmless mole for a big unsightly scar.If you are genetically prone to scarring, every wound can lead to heavy scar formation no matter the location. Scar formation decreases with age, 13–18 is the most critical period.

What are the best ways to remove moles without surgery?

removing moles is a little difficult; actually it is difficult  you can try applying tea tree oil regularly twice or thrice a day on that area. you can also try applying garlic juice regularly and cover it witha tape to prevent air reach that area. I have no idea if it really works or not because I have never tried it before but heard a lot many times that the garlic juice does work and recently I have gone through a website which says tea tree oil as well work but you need to apply it regularly with patience till you get rid of it. if you want to know more about tea tree oil and its benefits then don't forget to check wise she blog.

How can you get rid of a scar after mole removal?

Anything that is surgically removed will result in scar. Having said that, there are a lot of ways you can minimize scar formation after successful mole removal operation.A lot of this also depends on the the type of mole it is & mole removal procedure chosen. For example Atypical moles usually have a bigger scar because of their size while on the other hand common moles may give a barely noticeable scar. The magnitude of scar depends on a lot of factors including the skill of the doctor, removal procedure, aftercare, age and health of a patient etc.This article will possibly help you with all your queries - Can A Mole Be Removed From Skin Without Scarring?Even though a mole can’t be removed without, you can still take steps to ensure minimal scar formation such as following your doctors instructions, keeping the wound clean, moisturize, reducing exposure to sun etc. This article will help you through all your queries.11 Simple & Easy Ways To Minimize Scarring After Mole RemovalOur blog Mole Removal Wiki - Everything About Mole Removal has answers to all your mole related questions. Hope it helps.

Blister on mole removed scar?

About a month ago I got a mole on my thigh checked out because my family has a history with skin cancer and it wasn't the right shape. My dermatologist removed the mole and told me it was abnormal but not cancerous. I'm due to have a checkup in December but yesterday I noticed a blister looking thing on my scar, I popped it because it was painful and now there's a scab on my scar, should I be concerned?

How to remove a shoulder mole?

A mole is natural. Removing a mole is not natural. There is no such thing as natural mole removal. You can find a bunch of creams and lotions advertised for removing moles but they don't work. There is no way to get rid of a mole completely without cutting it out, freezing it off, shaving it off, or burning it off with a laser - all of these require a doctor if you want to avoid the possibility of scarring.