How To Say Something In Spanish Help

How to say how much something costs in spanish?

Okay for this assignment we need to write how much certain food items cost. For example "the butter costs $1.99"

To say that correctly do I say "Los costos de mantequilla 1,99" or "La Mantequilla cuesta 1.99" please help me!! Please do not use google translate I need real help here! Thanks!

I need something sweet to say in spanish? Help? :D?

Say this:

Creo que eres el unico para mi. Quiero ser mas que amigos contigo. Te quiero en mi vida para siempre. Te amo mucho y espero que sientes lo mismo.

That means:

I believe you are the only one for me. I want to be more than friends with you. I want you in my life forever. I love you a lot and I hope that you feel the same way.

If you speak spanish can you please help me with something?

Deseo sentirme la lengüeta entre mis muslos (I want to feel your tongue between my thighs)

Me gusta sentir tus labios calientes en mi cuerpo. ( I like to feel your hot lips on my body)

Me hace tan caliente (You make me so hot)

Es muy sensual (You are very sensual)

Amo mirar su cuerpo (I love to look at your body)

Good luck ;)

In Spanish, how can I ask if I can do something?

¿Puedo comer una hamburguesa? would be the straight way to ask if you can do something.Sometimes, let’s say you’re being introduced at your new job and you want to know if eating burguers is allowed for the members of the staff. We usually will ask then in plural, as implying “can all employees eat burguers?”… “puede el personal comer hamburguesas? or podemos comer hamburguesas si sobran muchas al final del día? (can we eat any of the left over burguers from one day to the next?”Like “puedo ayudarte en algo?” as “can I help you with anything?”¿Le importa si me como me como una hamburguesa? Do you mind if I eat a burguer?Depending who you are asking permission to.Sometimes if it’s your working colleagues you’re asking something you’ve seen them doing but you thought it wasn’t allowed then you can ask..“se pueden cambiar los turnos así de facilmente?” which could mean “can we/are we allowed to change the working shifts all that easily?”

How do you say "thank you for your help" in Spanish?

Gracias por su ayuda if it’s someone you’re not on familiar terms with (more formal) or if it’s the plural “you.”Gracias por tu ayuda if it’s a friend, relative or child.Gracias por vuestra ayuda if it’s the plural “you” in Spain.

How do you say "can I help you?" In Spanish?

As a Spaniard and Spanish native speaker, a literal translation of the English sentence, like ¿Puedo ayudarle/ayudarte? is OK for me.However, I find other constructions even more “natural“ and I guess that they are more frequently produced in everyday speech, at least in Spain.In a formal context, esp. in customer/provider interactions:¿Necesita ayuda?¿En qué puedo ayudarle? (if the task is not implied)¿Puedo ayudarle en algo? (idem)In an informal context:¿Necesitas ayuda?¿Te ayudo?¿Quieres que te ayude?

How do you say 'i can't help it' in spanish?

No puedo evitarlo

No lo puedo evitar

What is a way to say something like "whatever" in spanish? thanks =)

no importa

In order to say that something doesn't happen in Spanish, use the word __ before the verb.?


For instance, to say, "I don't speak Spanish" you would say: "Yo no hablo español."

Spanish help , please helllp me !!!!!!!! F A S T ..?

Can someone please tell me how to say these things in spanish ; please !

"Switch seats with me."
"Clean your room."
"saw" ( past tence of see)
"no skipping" (like in line , you cant cut people)
"They look alike"
& can a spanish person answer this last question for me please , ? ; I dont know how to say it but i hear spanish people say something like ; dale , or dole i believe ? Does this mean go ? Thats what someone told me ? please helllp me ! POR FAVOR !!!!!!!!