How To Sell Candy At School

Selling candy at school?

No you will not get into any trouble if you sell candy at school for a personal profit. The schools in most states are not allowed to sell certain types of candies during school hours because of the recent stupid health codes and bills. This does not stop you from selling. There might be a teacher or two telling you that you cannot be selling during class session (and that’s their right you should respect that because they can take your rights away)

If some teacher tells you that you cannot be selling at all and that you need a permit to be on school grounds, tell them that it’s considered public property because the school is payed by using public taxes, and permits are only intended for professional venders.

When I was in high school there were several students that would sell candies for personal profit. You could always say that you’re saving up for your tuition when you to college.

Selling Candy at School?

Well if you do get caught inform your parents. Selling candy is harmless however the only reason I think the school might come after you is for selling kids unhealthy products. But it is not going to get you into trouble. Keep selling till they say no and if they say know ask for what reason and let your folks know.

It is always a great idea to have an early business mentality. Your probably making more money then 70% of the kids at your school.

How do I sell candy at school?

Ask if candy selling is allowed at your school.If yes, ask what the rules are regarding when and where it is allowed.Buy candy at bulk pricing at a store like Costco or BJs.Sell it according to the rules, for more than you paid for it.Bring change.

Why can we not sell candy in school?

candy is poison ..keep it out of your body

Is it illegal to sell candy in school?

Selling candy in school does not violate the law.As in, no one will go to jail for selling candies at school.But there’s no guarantee that the school won’t find ways to prosecute whoever tries to do it.Once upon a time, my college classmate Nicholas was a 2nd grader in a Chinese elementary school.Like everyone else, at the end of the 1st grade he had the honor to become a member of the Young Pioneers, a mass youth organization run by the Communist Youth League, which comes under the Communist Party of China.In the middle of the 2nd grade, however, his membership of the Young Pioneers was invalidated.The reason? He was found selling candies at school.In fact, he was not only selling his candies at school, as the teachers and school administrators found.He bought candies from a shop close to his home. He discovered that by buying a large quantity of candies, he would get a large discount. So he bought candies from the shop in extremely large amount at a cheap price, and sold them at school at a regular price, but slightly lower than the candy shops close to school. As an incentive, he offered discounts to whoever bought more than three.As a result, Nicholas was accused of playing the market, engaging in various sorts of illicit trading, and ripping off money from classmates by speculation and profiteering.All those were pretty serious accusations, and the punishment of invalidating someone’s membership of the Young Pioneers was very rare and very serious, even unheard of.It would be considered extremely humiliating by others, but not Nicholas, who has been scornful about the Communist Party from an early age.Now that he had been kicked out of the Young Pioneers, he didn’t even bother to join the Youth League in middle school.Twenty years after selling candies at school, Nicholas is a PhD candidate in Economics at a prestigious university.

Selling Candy at school- Tips?

Where to operate/sell ----- Have kids line up in front of your locker but make sure that the line isn't too long because then the teachers might suspect something.

Ways to get the word out ------- Send messages (text, e-mail) to your friends, then tell them to tell their friends and so on.

How to keep on the down low ---- Make sure every kid that buys something from you doesn't tell any adult or someone that you don't trust.

Products ----- What do you mean? Like, where to buy the products? I guess at C.V.S, Walgreen's, etc...

Transportation ---- What about it?

Do you make money selling candy in school?

No, sometimes there are left over candies that I have to eat and I only earn enough money to buy another pack of candy with no profit or with little few profits also it may be illegal to sell candy in school because sometimes those candies might be tampered or poisoned. So it’s not a good way of earning money. Doing Online selling is more profitable than selling candies in school.

How do I not get caught selling candy at my school?

Just keep them in your backpack all the time until you sell. I sold gum when I was in school and did great until someone dimed on me. I use to sell at lunchtime all the time and sometimes between classes. I think you can get around the rules if you get paid online and deliver the candy in school. Get the candy at the dollar store for a good deal or at WAL-mart. Try not to get greedy to stay under their radar. Also try the bus on the way to school. Drivers could care less as long as the bus isn't moving. Don't deal with change.

I made better money when I started wholeselling to the other candy sellers in the school. I got the candy really cheap and sold it to them for less than they could buy it. Then I was selling 10 five packs a day of gum and making as much as the sellers were making with their profit.

I think kids should be able to sell stuff in school anyway. I learned a hell of a lot about small business doing it. They let the kids sell the overpriced candy bars to raise money for field trips and the school only gets about a quarter for each sale.

What candy should I sell?

If you go an American high school, "selling and distributing candy, gum, other products is prohibitted on campus or on property of school system". Let's say you are willing to risk it by selling ON CAMPUS (loophole: you can probably sell off campus, but not at bus stops).You don't NEED to customize your product because there's other things you can do that won't be as tedious.Offer at lower price: Grocery stores tend to be more expensive, instead go to a food "wear house" or supermarket that sells in bulk, such as Sam's, BJ's, Walmart.  Let's say you are selling chips. The grocery sells them 1 dollar a bag. Walmart sells 50 bags for 10 dollars (unit price: 20 cents a bag). Now buy 50 from Walmart and sell each bag for 75 or 50 cents. You'll be earning about 30 cents a bag. Convenience: considering you're at school, it's probably not easy to go off campus during the day and go to a grocery store. That being said, sell from somwhere that is closer, your locker, the bathroom (ew), even the hallways. With these two factors on your side, youll be making money (make sure you have a good reputation first; no one wants to buy chips from booger kid). If all goes well, you'll have the reputation of "chips" kid and be on your way to having a successful business.Replace the word "chips" with candy. I completely forgot about the candy part. Find candy that offers the greatest return (do the math) and has the greatest popularity (you might try a survey at school). As long as one or two people like one item, they will probably turn into a repeat customer. *Disclaimer: The above advice did list the risks, advice should be wisely used by the reader.