How To Set Up Rsh In Win 7

How do I setup the Flow type checker on Windows?

This worked for me on win10 64bit.Courtesy of this post:, which was written to explain making it work with the Nuclide IDE, but so far works fine for command-line usage.Note: unsure if all of theses steps (esp. the last few) are required, but I can confirm that, after doing all of these, it appears to work fine.Install the OCaml build tools for WindowsClone the Flow repo, build, and move the executable to your npm path# pull the latest version of flow - working with 0.27
git clone facebook/flow

# build flow cd flow

# copy the built executable to your node path # for me it is c:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\npm\

cp bin/flow.exe <_NODE_PATH_>
Download Facebook’s Watchman and unzip to your npm path (same as above)Press ‘Windows’ key and type ‘edit environment variables,’ select the control panel option that comes up.In the ‘Advanced’ tab of the system properties dialogue that pops up, click ‘Environment Variables’in the ‘System Variables’ box, click on the Path variable, and select ‘Edit’Click ‘Edit Text’Change ‘Path’ to ‘PATH’Now you should be able to type ‘flow check’ in the Windows command prompt w/in a flow-ready repo and get results. Here’s a screenshot of running it in this repo, after following the steps in his README.

What are the Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts?

List of 57 Shortcuts to make your life easy in digital worldWindow key = Used to open start menuWindow key + E = Used to open my computerWindow key + R = Open RUN dialog boxWindow key + F = Used to searchWindow key + U = Used to open Ease of Access CenterWindow key + X = Used to open Window Mobility CenterWindow key + Ctrl + F = Used to open search box in computerWindow key + Pause/Break = To open System PageWindow key + P = To switch on presenttion mode on ProjectorWindow key + D = Used to show desktop displayWindow key + L = To lock computerCtrl + N = To create new fileCtrl + P = To print documentsCtrl + X = Used for Cut the text/fileCtrl + C = Used to copy the text/fileCtrl + B = Used to BOLD the textCtrl + I = Used to italic the textCtrl + U = Used to underline the textCtrl + F = To search any text in documentCtrl + D = To delete the next wordAlt + D = To select address bar in the browserTab = To move aheadWindow + Up Arrow = Used to maximize the window screenWindow + F1 = Used to open Help and SupportEsc = To close running taskAlt = Used to open hidden menuAlt + Tab = Used to switch between different open windowsAlt + Spacebar = To open shortcut menu of current windowAlt + Left Arrow = Arrow displays the previous folderAlt + Right Arrow = Displays the next folderShift + Delete = To delete file permanentlyShift + F10 = To open context menu for selected itemCtrl + Shift + N = To create new folderCtrl + Esc = To open start menuCtrl + Click = To select more than one itemF1 = Open Help WindowF2= Used to rename the file/folder nameF3 = Open searchF4 = To view address bar listF5 = Refresh screenF6 = Used to switch the items in window and dialog boxF7 = Displays the command history in a command promptF10 = To open hidden menuF11 = Used to Full screen the browser windowCtrl + Alt + End = To open window security dialog boxCtrl + Z = Used for UndoWindow + Home = Minimize all windows except current windowCtrl + Y = Used for RedoCtrl + Shift + A = Change characters to capitalsShift + F10 = Show the current shortcut menuCtrl + G = Go to a pageAlt + C = Display the table of contentsAlt + N = Display the connection settings menuWindow + Shift + M = To open all minimized windowWindow + Spacebar = To view desktopCtrl + Shift + Esc = To open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + Tab = To move back in tab

Intro to Linux help me please?

41 questions is gonna cost you 205 points.
I'm sorry, you only have 189 points!

34) C. /dev/null

Can I install GPU drivers without activated windows?

In very broad terms, on Windows 7 on up you can install the Operating System, any applications not from the Windows Store (example: Microsoft Office from a CD, or a game) and any drivers required for the hardware the system is running on.We have used automated computer imaging systems where the system will not have the right license key when first installed. We generally will leave updating the key to one of the last tasks that we perform before giving the employee the computer. Where things get sticky is the period of time that you’ll be allowed to run Windows without activating. Assuming that this is a desktop operating system rather than one of the Server OS, best bet will be 3 to 5 days maximum before the system will simply not let you log in without activating.You will also very likely have trouble getting appropriate Windows Updates installed if the OS isn’t activated - this may not be an ‘official’ consequence, but when we’ve had difficulty with windows update for Windows 7 or one of the 8 series it usually works a little better once the system is activated.The tl:dr version is yes, you can install the OS, all drivers and software before activating. You just won’t be able to run the computer for very long before you have to activate or it will shut down.

What is SSH? Do I access it using FTP and do I need a password to access SSH or does protect my FTP password?

SSH or Secure Shell has nothing to do with FTP. Unless you are running Linux or Mac OS X you will need to download PuTTy which is a SSH client for windows. here is the link and yes you need a password and username.

to ssh another machine you would type ssh user@domain.or.ipaddress and press enter

You will then be prompted for a password. I am assuming you are trying to access you webhosting server. You will also need to know some *nix commands. Typing dir will not get you a directory. For the directory you would type "ls" if you do a search for Linux or Unix shell commands you can get a full list.

How do you use a programming calculator ?

Mod - Get the remainder of an integer division.
RoL - Rotate bits left
RoR - Rotate bits right
Or - Bitwise or
Xor - Bitwise xor
Lsh - Shift bits left
Rsh - Shift bits right
Not - Bitwise not
And - Bitwise and


edit: As for "(" and ")", consider the following:

"2 + 2 * 2"
You will get 6 because "*" has precedence over "+" (BODMAS). 2 is multiplied by 2, and then 2 is added to 4. If you enclose "2 + 2" in brackets, like so:

"(2 + 2) * 2"
You will get 8, since 2 is added to 2, and then the result, 4, is multiplied by 2.

How do I to transfer a file from UNIX to windows using commands?

From putty, you can use “scp” to transfer files overIf you have already ssh'd into the directory where the file is:Code:scp [file to be copied] some_user@my_ip:[destination_folder]
some_user would be your login name and destination folder is pretty obviousso as an example:Code:scp file.txt leoniteous@
if notCode:scp login_name@server_hosting_file:[path_to_file] [destination]
So at homeCode:scp media_server@ /storage
Hope this helps.