How To Simplify An Equation

How do I simplify the equation (a/x-x/a) /(a+x)?

NOTE: expression is the word you want. An equation requires an equal sign or comparison signHow do I simplify the expression: [math]\frac{\frac{a}{x} - \frac{x}{a}}{a+x}[/math] ?Start by multiplying the entire expression by the value one, by the fraction [math]\frac{xa}{xa}[/math] which is equal to 1.[math]\frac{xa}{xa} · \frac{\frac{a}{x} - \frac{x}{a}}{a+x}[/math]Of course, the one (xa) goes into the numerator, the other into the denominator.[math]\frac{xa (\frac{a}{x} - \frac{x}{a})}{xa (a+x)}[/math]Now, use the distribution property on the numerator[math]xa (\frac{a}{x} - \frac{x}{a})[/math] = a² - x²Factor the numerator:= (a+x)(a-x)Cancel the common factor on both top and bottomCross off the (a+x)What did you end up with?Double-check your answer:Put the original equation and your answer into your graphing calculator(I highly recommend the TI-84 PLUS CE Graphing Calculator)Zoom to a standard viewset A equal to 7Graph the equations and watch to see if the second line covers the firstset A equal to -15Graph it again and watch the second line cover the firstYes, it appears we got the right answer.

How do I simplify this equation?

I believe you made a mistake in completing the square. This is how I would do it:[math]3x^2 - 2y^2 - 42x - 4y + 133 = 0[/math][math]3x^2 - 42x - 2y^2 - 4y + 133 = 0[/math][math]3 (x^2 - 14x + 49 - 49) - 2 (y^2 + 2y + 1 - 1) + 133 = 0[/math][math]3 (x^2 - 14x + 49) - 3* 49 - 2 (y^2 + 2y + 1) + 2 * 1 + 133 = 0[/math][math]3(x-7)^2-147+2(y-1)^2+2+133=0[/math][math]3(x-7)^2+2(y-1)^2-12=0[/math]Or, you can tell WolframAlpha to do it to you:complete the square 3x^2-2y^2-42x-4y+133=0Evidently, there is a difference, is there not?

How do you simplify this equation?

58z/ -.5 could be looked at as 58z / .5 and then made negative later and than since .5 is the same as 1/2 as a fraction, you can flip that and then do multiplication

so it would turn into 58z TIMES 2/1, or 2 and then make it negative and that is -116z as your answer

How can I simplify this equation? (a*r) + (a*r^2) =24

(a*r) + (a*r^2) = 24a*r^2 +a*r - 24 = 0Therefore all solutions can be found from the quadratic equation.(-a +/- sqrt(a^2 - 4(a)(-24)))/2a = rOr simplified a bit(-1/2) +/- sqrt(a^2 + 96a)/2a = rFor any given a, except a=0 (divide by 0 issue) and also obvious as -24 is not equal to 0. Real solutions can be found for all a <= -96 and a > 0 while i= sqrt(-1) imaginary solutions can be found for -96

How do you simplify this equation; A r 2 + b r + c = 0?

A=a=0A r 2 + b r+c=0 a r 2 +b r + c=0A r 2+(b r-b r)+c=0 a r 2+(b r-b r)+c=0A r 2+0+c=0 a r 2+0+c=0A r 2+c=0 a r 2 +c=0A r 2+(c-c)=0 a r 2+(c-c)=0A r 2+0=0 a r 2 +0=0A r 2=0 a r 2=0A (r 2-r 2)=0 a (r 2-r 2)=0A (0)=0 a (0)=0A=a=0C.H.

How can I simplify this equation “(5x^8) • (7x^9)”?

Since multiplication is commutative, you can rearrange the four factors of your multiplication. (Note that there are also invisible multiplication signs between 5 and [math]x^8[/math] and between 7 and [math]x^9[/math], so it’s indeed just 4 things to be multiplied together:)[math](5x^8)(7x^9) = (5)(7)(x^8)(x^9) = 35 x^{8+9} = 35x^{17}[/math](Btw, [math](5x^8)\cdot(7x^9)[/math] is not called an equation since nothing is being compared to or equalled to anything else. It’s rather an “expression”, or you could also call it a “function of x”.)

How do I simplify the equation w=uv+t?

Mathematically it is already simplified. You can transform/solve the equation for the other variables[math]t=w-uv[/math][math]u=\frac{w-t}{v}[/math][math]v=\frac{w-t}{u}[/math]If this physical statement and you are looking for a simple explanation, I suggest that you google it first and than (if needed) ask a follow up question.