How To Slim Down Muscular Calves

How can I slim down muscular calves?

Pilates! They make you long and lean, not muscular. They worked for me so well, I was just like you!

What are the best ways to slim your muscular calves?

It sounds that you are gifted with the size of the muscle group that most of us wish we had. Great calves! You are genetically gifted with great calves. You should be proud of them because they are one of the strongest muscle groups that humans possess. A lot of great bodybuilders spend an awful lot of times trying to get them in tip top shape, the (Gastrocnemius).I’m afraid that you cannot get them any slimmer unless you lose weight. Remember there is not a such thing as spot reduction. You probably are a great dancer, yes? You can spin and turn and leap with great abandon. If not you should train to do what they do. Prance and dance!

How do I slim down bulky calves?

Well your not wrong running can slim down calves as well as walking, calf raises any endurance aerobic activity along with a proper diet with regular exercise, you wont bulid up muscle unless you overload keep it simple with plenty of rest periods.

I would suggest:
- Pilates

Some like to do a bit of Pilates, which helps to achieve long, lean legs. When you purchase Pilates exercise videotapes or DVDs, you can find a few which target this area. This method is good because it does not use resistence training, which sometimes leads to bulk. Pilates is similar to yoga.

- Swimming

Helps to trim the legs instead of bulk them up. When swimming, try to do a few leg drills, as well as use a kickboard while on your back and the reverse. Swimming works well because it doesn’t deal with any weights that can lead to bulk.

- Bike Riding

Helps to trim the legs instead of bulk them up. You can do this by riding a stationary bike in the comfort of your own home or by taking the bike riding to the streets. The advantages of biking in the house are that you don’t have to go anywhere and you can pass the time by watching a little T.V. The advantage of biking outside is that you get a chance to get some fresh air while passing by changing scenery.

- Walking

You can slim down your lower legs by walking because it lengthens the muscles between the back of the knee and the ankle. Walking 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes is a good start. Not only does walking stretch out and help the shape of your legs, but it is also good for the rest of the body.

- Stretching

Stretching lengthens bulked-up muscles. (maybe ask a fitness instuctor for some stretching exercies

Hope this works for you good luck:)

Is it possible to slim down genetically muscular calves?

While it is true that you cannot drastically change the way your calves look, you can certainly do the following to minimize their prominence:Drop your bodyfat percentage.Minimize hypertrophy of the muscle.The above two will work together. By dropping you bodyfat percentage (within healthy levels), you will also lose some of the fat around your calves. It is also crucial that you focus on low intensity workouts when it comes to exercises involving your calves. This is to avoid or minimize further growth of the muscle. You should focus on long distance running or even better, swimming, as that is preferred over sprints or weight training.

How can I tone down hereditary muscular calves?

Dear muscular calves girl,My wife is in the same boat as you. However, she isn't complaining but makes good use of them. Genetically gifted calf muscles look incredibly sexy if you keep them moving and yourself in shape. Most girls would die for them. And yes, no matter what you think, fit and muscular guys dig girls with fit and muscular calves. You sure must know that Legs are a guy's weakness and no guy fancies chicken legged girl.Don't be ashamed or embarrassed of your calves, for what you have, more than half the world wants, including me.

How can I slim down my calves?

This is hard thing to do. If you are already skinny and you have big calves, it has to do something with genetics. Losing weight in your calves will be a hard thing to do because you’ll have to lose overall fat. There is not a chance to slim down just one body part..Try eating clean food packed with proteins and less fats. But expect to lose weight overall.Another approach to this is to build up the rest of your body to match up with your calves. You’ll be more muscular and better looking.

How do i slim down bulky kalves

Are we talking "muscle bulk" or just all around bulkier? If it's muscle bulk, your workouts are incorporating too much calf work. Meaning that you are conditioned to use more force at the pads of your feet to push off. This may just be your genetics. The only way to stop the "muscle bulking" is to cut back on the intensity of your run. Another scenario is that your muscles are finally at their potential and the cells are volumized. Inactivity makes cells flat and weak and since you've been running and jogging, you have caused the cells to revitalize and "puff up" to what they are supposed to be.

If it's just all around bulkier, it may be excess water. This is more common in females. Agitation and the shock absorbing motion of the lower calf causes the tissues to swell. Swelling requires more fluid. Since water will gravitate to lower areas, these tissues will swell up. It's a great human response to shuttle fluids to areas of agitation for protection (think of a blister) or intense muscle workouts to flush out acids and keep the muscles hydrated. However, these days, we are more concerned with how things appear, rather than the prupose for why they are that way.
One note of caution. If they are bulkier due to water, the longer they stay that way or the longer that the body area is subjected to activities that cause this response - the more likely it will be for the water to habitually accumulate there.
So if it is muscle, you have to back down on the calf work. If it is water, eat better, intake even more water and keep your sodium (salt) intake to a minimum 1400mg per day. "Wherever salt goes, water goes. Where ever water goes, salt has to follow" (If you want to know the side effects of sodium to your body's appearance, please feel free to email me). By keeping your sodium intake low, you can prevent your body from storing excessive amounts of water which should help prevent your skin from stretching and looking puffy. Hope this helps. Have a GREAT workout!