How To Solve Acceleration With Gravity

What is the acceleration due to gravity on the moon?

The acceleration due to gravity on the moon can be calculated using:g = GM/(r^2)Where g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2, G is the gravitational constant 6.67 * 10^-11 Nm2 / kg2M is the mass of the moon in kg (7.35 * 10^22)r is the radius of the moon in metres (1737400m)g = (6.67 * 10^-11) * (7.35 * 10^22) / (1737400)^2g = 1.624 m/s2

How to solve for acceleration of gravity?

The Millennium Falcon lands on a moon of the planet Endor and needs to determine the acceleration of gravity on the newly discovered moon. A crew member tosses a rock horizontally with a speed of 6.95m/s. The rock falls through a vertical distance of 1.40m and lands a horizontal distance of 8.75m from the astronaut. What is the acceleration of gravity on this moon of Endor?

When should we take acceleration due to gravity as 10?

This issue of approximation comes in as a means to avoid complexity while solving. Most of the times we use g = 10 , we arrive at an answer faster than if we use g = 9.81.Ideally, it is only to use g = 10, if stated in the problem questions. Otherwise use g = 9.81, so as to avoid erroneous answer due to approximation.

What is the acceleration due to gravity on Mars?

Answer: The acceleration due to gravity on Mars is 3.71 m/s².How to: The acceleration due to gravity is different based on the mass of the star, planet, moon or asteroid and the distance from its center of mass and its surface. For that reason, gravity has a lesser pull on bodies of lesser mass or density than the Earth such as the moon. The formula for acceleration due to gravity is:  g = (G•M)/R²Where:g is the acceleration due to gravity.G is the Universal Gravitational Constant (G)M is the mass of the object (e.g. planet)R is the distance to the center of mass of the object.Acceleration Due to Gravity in the Solar System:g(Sun) = 274 m/s²g(Mercury) = 3.7 m/s²g(Venus) = 8.87 m/s²g(Moon) = 1.62 m/s²g(Earth) = 9.80665 m/s²g(Mars) = 3.71 m/s²g(Jupiter) = 24.79 m/s²g(Saturn) = 10.44 m/s²g(Uranus) = 8.87 m/s²g(Neptune) = 11.15 m/s²g(Pluto) = 0.62 m/s²

Find the acceleration due to gravity 2000.0 km above the earth's surface?

Use Netwon's law of gravitation and Newtons 2nd law

F = GmM / R^2 = ma

where G = gravitational constant
m = mass of object
M = mass of earth
R = distance from center of earth
a = what we are solving for, the acceleration at 2000km

so from F = GmM / R^2 = ma
we immediately see that we can cancel m, the object mass, because it is on both sides of the equation

that leaves
a = GM / R^2

so we plug this in
G = 6.67300 × 10E-11 (m^3 kg^-1 s^-2)
M = 5.9737 × 10^24 kg
R = 2000km + the radius of the earth = 2000km + 6371 km = 8371000m
***it is vital that you include the radius of the earth b/c it can be interpreted as a point mass at the earth's center - therefore the distance from the point mass is the radius + 2000km

note: we must use meters, because it is the standard unit of measurement in SI units.

That gives

a = 5.688 m/s^2

Hope this helps

What is the formula for acceleration due to gravity, and how is it related to velocity?

The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is given byg= GM/R^2, whereG is universal constant of gravity,M is mass of the earth andR is mean radius of the earth.If we measure g in an accelerated frame of reference then effective value of g depends on acceleration . For example, effective value of g in an elevator moving upward with acceleration a is (g+a). If acceleration of elevator is downward , the effective g is (g-a). Value of g depends on the spin motion of the earth also.

Given that the acceleration of gravity at the surface of mars is 0.38 of what it is on earth and that Mars’ ra?

1st let’s determine the equation for the acceleration of gravity in terms of the universal gravitational force.

Fg = G * M * m ÷ d^2
When an object is on the surface of a planet, Fg is the weight of the object, and d is the radius of the planet.
Fg = G * M * m ÷ r^2
Weight = m * g

Weight = Fg
m * g = G * M * m ÷ r^2
g = G * M ÷ r^2

Now you can determine the mass of the planet.
For mars, r = 3,400,000 = 3.4 * 10^6 meters

0.38 = 6.67 * 10^-11 * M ÷ (3.4 * 10^6)^2
0.38 = 6.67 * 10^-11 * M ÷ 1.156 * 10^13

3.8 = 6.67 * 10^-11 * M ÷ (3.4 * 10^6)^2
0.38 = 6.67 * 10^-11 * M ÷ 1.156 * 10^13
Multiply both sides by 1.156 * 10^13

1.156 * 10^13 * 0.38 = 6.67 * 10^-11 * M
Divide both sides by 6.67 * 10^-11

1.156 * 10^13 * 0.38 ÷ 6.67 * 10^-11 = M
The answer is approximately 6.586 * 10^22 kg
The actual mass of Mars is 6.42 * 10^23 kg. I think the acceleration of gravity on Mars is 3.8 m/s^2

1.156 * 10^13 * 3.8 ÷ 6.67 * 10^-11 = M
The answer is approximately 6.586 * 10^23 kg

Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on Mars ?

The formula for accleration is g=G*M/r^2
M1=mass of earth
M2=mass of mars
r1=radius of earth
r2=radius of mars
g on earth= 9.8 m/s^2

Now if you take ratio
accleration on earth to the accleration on mars you will get M1*r2^2 / M2*r1^2

Now shape of planets is sphere
Mass of the sphere is 4/3*pi*r^3*density

Putting this formula for both planets you will get ratio

g on earth / g on mars = r1 / r2= r1 / 0.53 r1= 1.88 (as r2= 0.53 r1)

You know the g on earth.
You will get g on mars 5.194 m/s^2


Calculate acceleration of gravity on pluto?

g = GM/r^2 = 6.67E-11*1.29E22/(2300E3/2)^2 = .65 m/s^2. ANS.