How To Start A Hard Conversation With Your Parents

What can you do if you want to have deep conversations with your parents, but they won't open up to you?

This is a hard one and I have no good answer. But I do have a suggestion.Start by talking to your parents about shallow things, but things that have to do with them, not with you. Thinking back to my own parents (who were ok about deep conversations to some extent, so it’s not a good example - but they are the only parents I had) - I would have asked my mother to explain why she liked to wear lipstick. Or how long it took her to get to work. I could have asked them what they were reading, or what they thought about a TV show. Or asked my father about playing basketball when he was younger.That is - you could “train” your parents to be more used to talking with you in general (not about deep things) rather than talking down to you or talking at you. Then it might get easier for them to have a real conversation.Some parents are just plain not sure how to talk with their kids. They’re used to the kids prattling away about themselves, or asking them for things.But kids rarely actually listen to what their parents have to say about stuff in general. (at least we never did - we were too absorbed in our own stuff, and parents were just the background.) Therefore parents don’t think about expressing themselves to their kids.So if you start “training” your parents, getting them used to the fact that they can have an actual conversation - and this is best done by getting them to talk to you, rather than by talking to them - this might help.

Why do I have a hard time talking to my parents?

Start talking to them from morning by simply saying that "Good morning". They will reply you. Just try to stretch the conversation as much as you can.Then if you are a child then you can sit with them in the noon too for lunch while planning about it. At last, you all can meet at the dinner table. Just start talking to your parents about how tiring your current day was or how interesting it was! This will lessen the gap between you and your father. After that you can have some political topics or can talk about the curent situation of the country. Talk about the topic which they also know as they can easily participate in talk. Hug them for 30 seconds if possible. This will make your relationship more stronger.

How can I talk to my parents about dating?

Don’t talk to your parents “about dating”.Instead consider asking (first) your mother (legitimate) questions about HER childhood and early experiences.Start small and non-controversially (e.g., don’t ask about “first times” or if/when “she started using birth control” as a FIRST step.)Instead, ask her something about how she and your dad first met, how they dated, what they did on dates for FUN (not sex), and lead naturally to how old they were which you may already know.From there, ask her about funny or weird dating experiences she had. “What was the stupidest thing one of your dates ever did or said?”Let her talk — let her talk until you two are having a conversation or until she starts asking you what you need to discuss.You might move the conversation to your dating interests by asking her about HIGH SCHOOL, what it was like, or did she go to dances or to sports events with a group or with ‘boys’ etc.You might also consider having this conversation with your GRANDMOTHER if she is available to you — or with an aunt you like and respect.Ask questions about HER life…Since you are a girl, it might be a little tougher asking your Dad such things, but if you keep it light and ask, “How did you first meet Mom?” or “Were you nervous the first time you asked Mom on a date?” you might obtain a surprising amount of information and establish a “dating conversation rapport”>You are 13 so note that “rapport” means “a close and harmonious relationship in which the people concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.”BTW, if you don’t have some rapport with a boy or you don’t feel some growing rapport (not necessarily love) when dating then you are probably with the WRONG person.[FYI: I am old guy with 2 lovely daughters and would have been delighted to have these questions asked, but we already had an open line of communication when they reached your age and their mother was easy for them to talk with.]

How to convince your parents to let me start djing?

Sit down with them and have an actual conversation about the subject. Let them know honestly where you stand. Perhaps you could start off with used equipment or a smaller set of equipment, possibly try to line something up to meet with other DJ's and have your parents meet with them as well. Prove to them that this is what you want by showing them not just by telling them. Actions speak louder than words.

Im 18. Are my parents overprotective?

Im 18 yrs old in college but I still live at home and my parents treat me like Im a little kid.First of all Im grounded at the moment.I dated a girl 4 yrs ago and lost my parents trust w/her Im with a diff. girl now and they like her but they still dont trust me.I want to tell them that it was 4 yrs ago and they need to let it go! I have a job and I pay for everything except insurance and living there.Ive never smoked, drank, or done drugs.My curfew is like 9 and even on New Years they were calling at 11 to see where I was.If Im 5 minutes late I get grounded.My mom doesnt let me watch R rated movies unless she approves them and Im not allowed to have a myspace.My bedtime is 10 unless its a special thingand I have to ask permission to go ANYWHERE.Its embarrassing to tell your college friends you cant go somewhere b/c your mom said no.Its one of those things that I thought would stop when I turned 18 and it hasnt.Icant move out for personal reasons.Should I have more freedom?

Would you date someone your parents hated?

Im 19 ,he's parents dont like him..i live with my parents.they are threatening me and saying that i disrespected them.they also want me to move out.i cant because times are really hard and school is stressfull.what do i do?
..we jvst started dating yesterday