How To Start My Spanish Blog

Interesting blogs in Spanish?

Is there any interesting blogs in Spanish for someone who has learned Spanish for two years?
Not the blogs about grammar, but ones that are about food, literature, and fashion :) It doesn't have to be about Spain, it can be about anything...I just want to improve my language :)

I want to start a Spanish tech blog for Mexico. Where should I start?

It would be helpful if you first made a little research on your audience: who are they and what they are interested in.For example: if you wanted to start a blog about gadgets in Mexico first investigate who would buy or use them and what they may be interested in: tips, price comparison, news about incoming products, etc.There are not many good spanish tech blogs in Mexico so there are a lot of opportunities for good content!

What are the top Spanish technology startup blogs, similar to TechCrunch, GigaOM and Mashable?

For comparison of which are the most popular Blogs on Tech Startup in Spain we are using - Competitive Intelligence Tool and we will compare data of each blog for Visits/ Time on Site /Page ViewsSome of the best Spanish technlogy startup blogs are as below -Genbeta: - 6.0M /00:01:36/1.62What's New: - 2.6 M / 00:01:29 / 1.58TodoStartups: - 106.6K/00:01:10/1.49Loogic: - 109.6K /00:01:36/1.86Barcinno: Barcelona Tech, Startups and Innovation - 43.7k/00.01.03/1But the most infleuntial tech blog is written by Enrique Dans, Professor at IE Business School and blogger at Enrique Dans. The blog has been created in 2003 and Enrique Dans has social media followersSimilar web data of his blog is 329.8K/00.01.21/1.44His blog has a very clean layout with lots of white spaces and easily readable and interesting text. His blog alongwith a regular tech column in Spanish business paper Expansion and his 2010 book about the internet and society, Todo Va Cambiar (Everything Will Change), have earned him over 685,179 followers on Google Plus. You can also follow him on Twitter (264,000 followers), Facebook (over 37,435 likes), Pinterest and pretty much every other social sharing site!

I am 26 and I want to start blogging and I also want to learn Spanish and Sign Language fluently. Am I too old to start this journey? Is it possible?

Sign language is usually learned with relative ease in a couple of years of study and practice. I have friends who mastered it together, in their early twenties. They were university students - i.e. college students - in Rome. Formal training was spread over a two-year period. By the time they completed it, they were reasonably fluent, and they were soon being employed as support teachers for kids with special needs in high school.Spanish is “just” a foreign tongue. I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to master it. Although, based on my experience with English as a second language, I would expect that to take longer than two years. It depends on your goals, and your talents, and the amount of work you put into it, and all the rest of it. The subject of language-learning is virtually inexhaustible. But really, it’s a very achievable goal. You’re not too old. You’re 26. On many levels you began breathing just yesterday. And on some levels, you have yet to be born…

Which are the Spanish stereotypes?

I'm an English guy living in Spain and write a regular blog on my own Personal stereotypes of the Spanish, in an observational rather than critical way. You might like this one :

What are the most interesting or notable Spanish blogs, in general or in specific categories?

These are the winners of a prize that has been recently awarded in Spain (Nov. 2013, Premios Mejor Blog del Público: Blog Vilma NúñezPremio Premio Especial del Jurado: Error500Premio Mejor Twitter: Barbijaputa (Barbijaputa) en TwitterPremio Mejor Blog Personal: Treinta y ...Premio Mejor Blog de Salud: Fitness RevolucionarioPremio Mejor Blog de Cine y TV: Crónicas de Valhalla | Cine y SeriesPremio Mejor Blog de Marketing y Social Media: 40deFiebrePremio Mejor Blog de Tecnología e Innovación: Gizmodo en EspañolPremio Mejor Blog de Educación: Manual de EstiloPremio Mejor Blog de Seguridad Informática: Hacktimes v2.0Premio Mejor Blog Gastronómico: Unodedos.comPremio Mejor Blog de Viajes: LAS NUEVAS ANDANZAS DE ROBIN JÚPremio Mejor Blog de Belleza y Moda: Cosmetik - Blog de maquillajePremio Mejor Blog de Humor y Entretenimiento: HTZPremio Mejor Blog de Ciencia: SCIENTIAPremio Mejor Blog de Periodismo y Política: Politikon | Política, economía, sociedad y actualidad.Premio Mejor Blog de Motor: TheBestF1.esPremio Mejor Blog de Fotografía: Doctor OjipláticoPremio Mejor Videoblog: Luzu Vlogs - YouTubePremio Mejor Podcast: Blog de La Buhardilla 2.0, un podcast de CienciaPremio Mejor Blog de Acción Social: PortalparadosAnd here you have another selection, grouped by categories:(text in Spanish)Los mejores blogs en español

What does "cosita" mean in Spanish?

I have a friend from El Salvador who left me her dog, I asked her husband (who does not speak any spanish) if he knew what that meant, he said he thinks it means "precious". So, I have looked on the internet and cannot find anything on it. Her name is Cosita. Thanks :)

My partner and I are starting a blog, my partner speaks fluent spanish, we want to also capture that market, how can we best achieve this?

From SEO prospective:Keep the English version on your main domain Create a subdomain for Spanish blog So you will write on your main domain and he will write on subdomain. There will be no conflict between you and him and these sites. You will need to tell Google which site and subdomain serves what language. It will help your Spanish site rank in Spanish queries and English on English only. Also it will help with redirects if Spanish visitors lands on your English site. You need to place this code in the tag of your site: Hreflang Tag - Learn SEO - Moz Write consistently with at least 300 words in each post and don't forget to add rich media such as pictures or videos. Create short names for each post you write. Ideally 3-6 words.Make sure your permalinks match your post titles. /?p=1 is bad /how-we-met-in-Spain is idealThink about categories and how you will structure your website.