How To Stop Being Afraid Of Mice/rats

Why are people so afraid of rats?

People tend to be afraid of animals which move oddly and/or which suddenly dart out at you when you didn’t know they were there - birds, spiders, bats, snakes etc. Wild rats are very good at remaining invisible until you get too close and then suddenly scuttling across your foot, and wild brown rats have a weird sort of boing-boing-boing gait, as if they were part wallaby, and are so fast they ricochet off the walls.However, people in Asia tend to regard rats the way Europeans regard rabbits - really cute, and potentially edible if you’re down on your luck.

Are there good reasons to be afraid of rats/mice?

no need to lose sleep dude you'll be ok. Just dont have any food or whicker baskets in your room.... they can obviously fit under your door... just put a wind stopper under it! they wont go into your room anyway.... they'll probably hang around the kitchen like under the fridge or behind it or in the cupboards....

How to stop my fear of rats/mice?

This may be difficult to fix. I'm not afraid of them but jump or run away if one startles me. I'm afraid of spiders even though I know most of them are harmless and do good by eating flying insects.
I'm less afraid of them than I used to be so maybe you will be less afraid as you age.

You could go to a pet shop and look at baby mice which are quite cute. You can go back often to see them and maybe even hold one sometime. I saw how they helped a woman get over her fear of spiders and this is what they did with her. They had her hold a very tiny spider then a larger one and so on until she was able to hold a very large one. This is called conditioning and it takes time as you have to do it over and over until you are familiar with the creature you are afraid of.

You are not alone having this fear. Many men are afraid of snakes and panic when they see one. So don't think you are the only person with a phobia out there.

Why are some people so afraid of mice?

Fear of mice is known as musophobia, and it's a pretty common phobia.  According to Wikipedia, In many cases a phobic fear of mice is a socially induced conditioned response, combined with (and originated in) the startle response (a response to an unexpected stimulus) common in many animals, including humans, rather than a real disorder. At the same time, as is common with specific phobias, an occasional fright may give rise to abnormal anxiety that requires treatment.We don't see mice that often; they like to hide in the walls and are very cautious.  When you do see one scurry across the room, it can really take you by surprise.  You might shriek or jump.  That's the startle response mentioned above.  It's not necessarily a true fear.  ETA:  Make sure to read John Gragson's answer to Why are some people so afraid of mice? for an excellent first-hand account of this.An exaggerated, phobic fear of mice and rats has traditionally been depicted as a stereotypical trait of women, with numerous books, cartoons, television shows, and films portraying hysterical women screaming and jumping atop chairs or tables at the sight of a mouse – for example, Mammy Two Shoes in Tom and Jerry. Despite the gender-stereotyped portrayal Western musophobia has always been experienced by individuals of both sexes.I think mice are cute, not scary.  But I don't want them in my house because they can have Hantavirus.

How can I make my new pet rats not afraid of me?

So, I just asked a question on here about my pet rat, Noelle, that I have had for a week. Well, turns out she was accually sick, so we took her back to petco and got two new black hooded fancy rats, about 5 weeks old. I named one Zaeda and the other Nezumi (Rat in Japanese). I played with them at petco and they seemed so sweet and loving. I took them home in the box and since the petco was in the town right next to my town, it took about a half an hour to get to my town. then we went to a chinese restaurant and got our food to go. There was a hold up on the food so that took about 15-20 minutes, and while my dad was waiting for the food, I sat in the car holding the box. They had pottied quite a bit and smushed it everywhere! They sat huddled tight in one corner until we got home. When we put them in the four story "Rat Manor" Cage, they explored for a good 3 minutes. Then Nezumi sat on the top floor, while Zaeda was on the bottom floor in her hut. I left them alone to watch a movie. I came back and they were in the same positions they had been in when I left, and not sleeping. Nezumi was sniffing me and I think I scared her and she took a little nibble out of me. She chatters her teeth and squeaks alot. Is this bad? And I can't even reach Zaeda. What should I do? I want loving, interactive pets and I feel like a bad owner! I have tried petting them but they just flinch and hold onto the cage for dear life!!! I don't know what to do! Please help!

Are cats afraid of very large rats?

Killing rats is somewhat of a specialty thing among cats. Cats are generally adapted to kill mice. Their teeth even curve and come to a point so they fit into the holes in a mouse’s spine. And they can literally crush a mouse’s head with a bite. When it comes to mice, cats are bigger, quicker, orders of magnitude stronger, etc. As to rats, some cats love to kill them but, as I said, they have to learn or have within them a special interest in the specific skill necessary. That is: they beat them to death. Cats kill rats by hitting them in the head really hard, really fast until the rat is stunned and then they tend to hit them some more to make sure. That’s also how cats tend to kill snakes: bam, bam, bam to the head. Not all cats like doing this. Not all cats are capable of doing it - or at least won’t unless they really need to eat and the only item on the menu is rat. Mice don’t fight back: they can’t against a cat. Rats fight. They turn and bare their teeth and try to stay alive. The cat is much quicker and stronger but it has to want to be in a fight against food that fights back. Some love it and become ratters. Most prefer the food that can’t fight, like mice, chipmunks, rabbits, voles, etc.

I am deathly afraid of rats?

Just understand that rats don't want anything to do with you and will do their best to escape.

Just remember, never corner a rat and no rat will ever harm you.

Just ignore them, it's a total waste of time and energy being frightened of them.

Remove them (trap or poison them) from your house if they invade, but outside, in public areas, don't fuss about them.

If you really want a dog that will kill rats for you - get yourself a Jack Russell.

A Rat Afraid of Heights?

all you have to do is feed him treats while he's up in his hamock or on your shoulder so he will ascociate being up high with yummy treats and he will want to be in his hammock or in your arms but make sure you dont feed him to many treats because that can get expensive. eventually you need to stop using the treats and let him know that he is suppose to want to be up high to be with you not the treats!

hope i helped!

Do mice brux for the same reasons as rats do?

When I was holding our mice today, they were both sitting happilly in my hands. I suddenly noticed they were both grinding their teeth. Our rats normally do this when they're happy or excited. Is this the same with mice, or were they simply conditioning their teeth?

Why are some domestic house cats afraid of mice, rats and rabbits? Some cats even run or jump off when seeing rats and mice.

Rabbits the fear is justified, (the cartoons have it all wrong!) especially wild ones. Rabbits are prey, but they're not cute and cuddly, they can put up quite a fight and I’ve met way more hostile, aggressive or dick-ish ones then friendly.Rats are clever but also can do quite a bit of damage if they get in close enough, which they will if they desire because rats can also be jerks, especially if attacked.Mice bites hurt too, I’m not sure if mice are absent minded, unaware or just messing with other animals, but I’ve encountered personally and witnessed numerous occasions when a random brave mouse ran at and climbed up me or another animal and bit then ran away.In short, all of those animals are prey and hunted, even mostly harmless animals like prey don’t like being killed or attacked they fight back when they can. I suspect these scaredy cats have met prey that decided they didn't want to be food. Hunting is not all about the chase, the element of surprise is important because dinner also has teeth and it only takes one bite to be wary, and understamdably.