How To Stop Being Nosy Or At Least Less Nosy

How does one stop being "nosey"?

Have it backfire on you once or twice. It should cure anyone.

Otherwise, think of the implications that having certain personal knowledge (only gained by being nosy) can have on an interpersonal relationship. There is such a thing as knowing too much, especially when the level of knowledge puts a relationship out of balance.

The only way to get away with being nosy is to be absolutely discreet with the information you obtain. That means resisting ALL temptation to use that information for ANY kind of personal gain, be it gaining someone's confidence, or flat out gossip.

The problem is not necessarily with being nosy. It's with what you do with that information.

Why is my sister so nosy?

Time you left home, you say that when you mention this to your mum she becomes irate; well let her you are an adult and have been for some time.

As for your sister; lock your door and tell her to keep out or at least turn off your monitor.

How to get your dog to stop being so nosey?

hahahha bless her!!!! il have her xxxx

Nosy grandma issues...any advice?

My boyfriend and I are moving soon as we're currently living with his parents while we're in college. His parents are also moving which is why we have to move - they're getting a smaller house and don't have room for us so we're getting an apartment. Well, I keep my family up to date on everything in my life we live 3 hours apart. My biggest issue is the fact that although we are not married and don't plan to be until we're done with college, she's acting like we are. She wants to keep track of his parents' new address, and I don't think she has any right to. She also wants us to invite his parents over for dinner once a month and let them know when so they can come visit once in awhile. I love her but I don't really feel that it's her place to have their address for any reason - or to get to know them over dinner several times either especially since we are college students and it's not like we cook. What should I do? I don't want to upset her but she's pushing her rights.

Why is my dad such an *** and so nosy?

Parent can get very annoying! I understand your pain! I have struggled with cooping with my parents, but have learned to deal with them and their habits. The biggest thing that I have come to understand is that my parents, no matter what, love me! All they are trying to do is look out for my best interest, even if that means rummaging through my things.
Your father sounds like he definitely has some boundary/privacy issues. My advice would be to confront him. When I say confront, I don't mean get in a shouting match, I want you to be as adult-like as you can. Maybe even create a small list of arguments before talking to him (or at least thoroughly know your stance before confronting him). Tell him why you don't like him going through your things (as rationally as possible) or maybe ask him why he has to breach your privacy. A good question to ask is, "Don't you trust me Dad?"
If your father isn't compliant and the conversation turns into a shouting match, then back away. Simply tell him that we'll talk about it later and leave.
Before you attempt to talk again, get a third person in on the conversation (or advice from someone else). Your mother/teacher/priest/neighbor are all great people to ask for help. Just remember to try and be mature and project responsibility.
You can always come up with an ultimatum too. Ask your father what it would take for him to stop going through your belongings. Ask him what you would need to do inorder for him to leave your things alone.
Hopefully this was helpful! Good Luck!