How To Stop Feeling Pain/sick From Sport

Crying making me feel sick to my stomach?

Yes, I just recently am going through a lot as well. It ruins my appetite and makes me cry a lot. It makes me feel sick and horrible. I feel where you are coming from.
You should get some rest, try to at least get something to drink. Stress, anxiety, and depression can take a lot out of you. I hope you feel better.

Chest pains while running after being sick?

hey, so i have been sick for the past couple of days. i had a fever for exactly 2 days, then it subsided. the only thing ive had for the past 2 days is congestion and a bad cough. so today i decided to get back on track with my running routine and start off with an easy 2 miles. at the half a mile mark, my chest started hurting (not alot, i would able to finish off the mile but i feared for my health so i decided to stop) i know that i should probably see a doctor, but i feel like that this is something that will go away eventually. any suggestions? thanks!

Any way to stop feeling sick at concerts, sporting events, etc.?

i get the same way!! i've had it for a while but in the past few months its gotten really bad! i feel sick doing really simple things like getting on a bus or going to the supermarket! i think it has something to do with the nerves in your stomach being overly sensitve. when you get even just a little bit excited about something your body responds to it, but for some reason your stomach is really irritated by it.

that's what a doctor suggested to me! unfortunately he was basically no help in actually giving a solution, he did the whole "see how it goes" thing.

i've been trying different things, eating plain yogurt (its a bit gross but put some cucumber and mint with it and its quite nice), eating little bits of raw ginger (again, not an easy thing to eat) but that really seems to help. breathing exercises can help sometimes too.

but even with doing all these things i still feel ill, if a little less than before. Try going to your doctor and really hammering home that you want a solution! that's what i'm going to do next time i see mine!

hope this is SOME help... and hope the problem goes away! its really annoying isn't it!

Waking up stomach pains/headache/sickness?

The symptoms you describe can be caused by any number of things, including low blood sugar, migraine headaches, or lack of adequate oxygen.

To regulate blood sugar, try to maintain a balanced diet during the day, and have a high protein snack before bed. On waking, have a glass of juice before breakfast.

Sleeping too long or against your normal sleep schedule is one known trigger for migraines. Are your headaches accompanied with a sensitivity to sight or sound? If so, try setting an alarm for yourself to make sure you get no more than 8 hours of sleep for a few days in a row. This may also help.

Check your bed pillow and be sure it's not too fluffy. Sleeping with your neck at a sharp angle (especially if you sleep on your back) can cause headaches and dizziness from neck strain as well as decreased oxygen intake. These headaches in turn can cause nausea. Try sleeping on your side or stomach for a few nights and see if it helps.

Finally, ask your doctor about the possibility of sleep apnea, especially if you are overweight. The same mechanism that causes some people to snore can sometimes severely restrict or stop one's breathing for a period of time (stopping breathing during sleep = an "apnea"). Persons who are overweight are especially at risk for sleep apnea.

Feeling dizzy, faint, sick, headaches, back pain and depressed. what could this be?

Hi Jarrod, I think at your age the physical symptoms you're describing are more than likely linked to your feelings of depression. If you are depressed then the world can seem like a scary place and depression can be linked to feelings of anxiety, which can cause symptoms of dizziness, sickness and headaches etc. The back pain could also be related to stress. I think the fact that you say you feel dizzy and faint when you think about serious illnesses indicates that you are a bit of a hypochondriac (someone who thinks they have illnesses when they are fine) and are stressing yourself out to the point you are giving yourself physical symptoms. However, it might be best to go to the doctor and explain your feelings and symptoms just so he/she can give you professional advice on how to stop you feeling like this.

I was a bit of a worrier at your age as well and the important thing to remember is you won't always feel as you do today. It will pass, trust me. When you start to feel sick or dizzy take deep breaths and tell yourself (literally) that you are fine. Do something you enjoy and takes you outside of your own thoughts for a while even if it's as simple as watching an episode of your favourite t.v show or something. Lots and lots of Luck!

I cant tell if i just feel sick or im hungry?

Honestly, I'm not saying this to get you to eat healthier in the long run, but just try eating something healthy.

I used to experience stomach aches like that quite frequently a few years ago, and I always felt slightly better after eating an apple or drinking small sips of water.

If you take a bite and just feel really sick, than I suggest that you don't force yourself to eat it. That would just make you more sick.

If this is the case, than just lay down and try to let it pass. Hope I can help. =)

Why does my stomach feel sick whenever I drink water straight away in the morning?

water consumption,up waking up, makes many people feel sick to their stomach. i do not mean a sip of water but a much larger amount.plain water. this because water is hypotonic; that means that the somewhat dehydrated body cannot absorb it.therefore the body feels a need to get rid of it. this would not happen with a little soup or sports drink most of which contain what is called electrolytes. these are readily absorbed since they contain salt usually sodium and or potassium. the key is to eat something before drinking liquids in any sizable amount. everyone should keep in their home a electrolyte replacement drink in the event that vomiting or severe loose bowels occur. this could save you from a trip to the emergency room for dehydration.