How To Stop Slouching While Sitting When Overweight

What is causing my autistic daughter to faint/have seizures?

My daughter (9) was diagnosed with Low Functioning PDD/Autism before age 3 (non-verbal until age 6-7).
She is tall for her age and overweight. She is developing into puberty (pubic hairs & breast development). She also gets “Yeast Infections” on a semi-regular basis.
She has had behavioral issues comprised of screaming fits/tantrums/throws things/flips chairs, food and acts out. She has been medicated with anti-psychotic meds for over a year now.

A couple weeks ago (02/21/2011 around 8:30AM) while I was scooping some scrambled eggs onto a plate for her; she began breathing strangely - she shuttered - slouched over - and before I knew it - stood up straight - rolled her eyes back in her head & fell over backwards hitting her head on the tile floor. She "came to" within 45 seconds and began crying from hitting her head. This was her first seizure/fainting episode.

Saw the doctor etc… Found nothing wrong.

Neurological: Had a brain MRI/Overnight EEG ~ all results normal (around August 2010)

Cardiologic: Had some tests done ~ all results normal (03/07/11)

This morning (03/09/2011 around 5:40AM) while toweling her off from a shower she had the signs of another episode. I noticed that this time she turned very pale and her lips lost all color and almost turned grey. I wrapped the towel under her arms and caught her before her collapse. I set her gently on the floor and rolled her onto her side & cleared everything away to prevent any injury.

After doing a lot of research found many articles pointing towards Hormonal levels going crazy (onset of puberty at 9?).

She cannot talk to me and tell me what is going on and she now has episodes of crying without “rhyme or reason”. This is very frustrating to me because she cannot explain what is going on at all… I can only assume and observe & then report to her mother and the doctor(s).

I'm a single/divorced daddy that is very concerned and confused.

I keep On sitting On my Testicles?

damn! u got some hugeass balls! o.O
try wearing tight briefs... but not as tight... u know what i mean

Trying to Join Marines, but overweight...Waivers?

Im trying to get into the USMC, but i am overweight. I'm 25, 5'8, 198, about 23% bodyfat. The Corps asks for 18% body fat or 181 lbs at my height. Im no slouch though, just a stockier guy. I pass the PFT at a mid-2nd class level (aprox 60+ sit-ups, 10 pull-ups, 24:00-25:00 min 3mi). I have a college degree and masters. Im not looking for an officer position, just want to get in. Is there any possibility of waivers since i am able to perform.


Why do I have a fat roll when sitting, bending down, or hunching over but almost no abdominal fat and veins in my abs when standing up?

It is not due to your body fat percentage, and you don’t need to lose more fat to get rid of it. Your problem is sticky fascia. it’s common. When fascia doesn’t slide and glide like it is supposed to various structures in the body get stuck together and tend to kind of clump or lump up. I see it in the lower abs all the time - typically due to tight hip flexors and lower back muscles combined with proportionally weak glutes and abs. The solution is to strengthen the glutes and abs, but also to workout the sticking points. The best way is myofascial release massage therapy. baring that - foam roll and use a la-cross ball to break up adhesions in the hamstrings, low back - especially SI joints, and hip flexors.Other ways i’ve found to break up sticky fascia is to be sure to use a full range of motion when weight training, and make sure to feel a full peak contraction in the muscle. The goal is to pump it full of blood to force it to expand and break free. I find the push/pull/flex method works well. that is superset a push movement with a pull movement, then do isometric contractions in the muscles you just worked.The reflex time of fascia is much slower than muscle. up to a full 60 seconds. So to stretch the fascia, gently move into a stretch position and just relax into it right at the edge of comfort. No need to strain or push it, this should be passive and totally relaxing.Yoga helps as well.

Is working at a retail store, walking around all day, consider as a good exercise?

No, it can be a good exercise. However, you should rest during your work, you do not want to overdo it (exercise).
In addition, its bad for your back ONLY, if you walk like a zombie. If you keep your back straight, keep your shoulders open, your head up, and keep your walking posture good, then its fine.

Its all about the posture you are in.

Do I have poor posture because I am fat or is it because I slouch all the time?

Actually, if you slouch all the time, it is because you have bad posture.Posture is how well your body supports itself upright against gravity. This is dependent upon the proper alignment of all the parts of the supporting structure (axial skeleton, pelvis, and lower extremities).When the structure is out of alignment it takes much more effort to stay upright, thus, you slouch.Having excess weight can exacerbate the problem (takes more effort) and may also be a contributing factor (facilitates misalignment) but I doubt it is the primary factor. I correct may people’s posture that are overweight.

I'm a skinny 13 year old, but when I sit down,?

please dont worry hon. The reason your thighs and stomach look larger when you sit down, is because the muscles in your legs and tummy are relaxed, and therefore when muscles are relaxed they spread out. and when you stand all your muscles are tightend. you dont realize your tightening your muscles when you standup because your brain is so used to it that it just comes naturally. stop worrying your, beautiful! and dont listen to anyone who tells you otherwise