How To Talk To Guys In General

Im to shy how can I talk to guys?

I don't mean like talk to guys that I like but like to be friends. I've always been really shy ever scenic elementary school and have always had a hard time talking to anyone in general, guys or girls (I have low self-confidences) but I've grown up around guys and I feel more conferbul talking to them then girls but I never know what to say I mean guys try to talk to me and I feel like a complete loser when I can't even think up somthing to say :(( but it's like theyll ask me someting about myself and it'll sound like a yes or no question so its not like the conversation can go very far and I never know what to say next. But im realy good at beeing a ***** half the time im not realy mean but I'll kind of brush them off and thats always been my safety net (kind of that, I reject them so I don't feel rejected; which is totally stupid I know but it works) but any ways any advice Or something I could say or talk about that would help or a confidence booster would be great!!! Thaxs a million times over and sorry for any bad spelling

And if nothing els than what's something I could say as to why I'm so shy cause I don't look like the kind of person who would be shy...

What do girls think when guys talk about boobs IN GENERAL?

are u a guy??!

How to talk to girls in general.?

just be yourself

if ur SHY

then show signs that u like her or try to talk to her without being so noticeable, just be nice

How do you know if guys or people in general continue talking to you because of your looks or because you have good social skills and can talk?

I can't speak for everyone, just me, but if you are pretty and have nothing else going for you, our conversation will peter out and then we won't talk again unless we have an actual reason to talk.Pretty is subjective and pretty girls are everywhere you look. I could approach all of them and if we have nothing in common, this same result will occur.If you have good social skills and can talk, about interesting things, and you have passion for life then the reason I'm still talking to you are these things.If you have nothing but the genetic gift that made me take time out of my busy day to come and say hi, then I'm going back to my busy day. You've gotta make me want to keep on coming back, just as I have to make you want to keep on coming back.Chemistry isn't built on good looks. Chemistry may start its life as physical attraction and an ability to flirt… the ability to flirt is based on your ability to be sexually playful and ambiguous with me and vice versa. This is great for having fun together and attracting each other into bed, but if you want a relationship, you need more. To manufacture a mental connection for me, that requires real depth and understanding of the world around you.If you want to be interesting you have to be interested in things. Interesting things. But then, that's because I nerd out on everything. That's who I am. I'm attracted to people that are nerds like this too. Beauty is so much more than the bit you look at.Unfortunately, we nerds have a bit of a reputation for not being the most fashionable, but the whole grungy thing doesn't do it for me. I like girls with a purposeful sense of style and that in itself is like looking for a needle in a haystack.If the guy you're with has a good sense of self esteem, talks to you, seems to enjoy your company and isn't unnecessarily clingy or needy with you, I’d say he's likely not just with you for your good looks.

What do teenage guys talk about and do at sleepovers?

I didn't know teenage boys had sleepovers.....but I would imagine they would talk about girls?? Basketball?

Do guys hate talking on the phone?

are there many guys hate talking on the phone to the girl? I know there are some guys who doesn't know what to say on phone, or they are simply not verbal, but express feelings through actions. are there many guys hate talking on the phone? and if you don't call us often, what should we do? we don't want to initiate the call, making ourselves look more inferior...........

How do I talk to a guy when I’m afraid to do so?

First of, they are just a person.Why is everyone so afraid of everyone else? I encounter stuff like this all the time where someone failed to speak up because they are afraid then sulk around like a child.Letting fear dictate your life choices does not make you a free person. You are not afraid of talking to a guy, you are afraid in general.Want to solve this problem? Then make effort to conquer your fear!If something is intimidating make it a point to interact with it. Become conscientious and put forward the effort to meet your goal.Start talking to guys, random guys. Figure out what makes the general dude tick. Identify the best methods on how to approach them.Men do this all the time with women, by going to a public place and just talking to whomever is there of the opposite sex. Why? Because figuring out women is like trying to figure out an alien language, everything is flip flopped and none of it makes sense.So if men are willing to put forward the effort to learn the language women should also be willing to do the same. We are just people, we have hope, dreams, and think of weird stuff too.

Do guys like talking on the phone?

Ya, I still do. Texting is too impersonal. I guess I'm old fashioned.

Why do guys hate it when girls talk about other guys?

Once a girl talks about other guys, we men are automatically put into the "friend zone". To us guys every girl we're spending time with is a potential girl friend. Therefore a female friend is higher maintenance than a girl friend. Guys don't want to hear how the new guy in your life broke your heart or that you think all men are pigs. Because it ends up being you always picking the bad boy player and your friend being the nice supportive guy wondering how you havn't waken up and chose him.

If you really want a guy friend, make sure he's gay.