How To Tap Your Inner Creativity As A Writer

What is the difference between creative and critical thinking?

In my opinion, Critical and Creative thinking are complementary. In order to create, you need to assess the current state of things and build a line of thinking that uses all possible "material" from it and based on your critical thinking -opinions, intuitions and facts- develop a new way of seeing and being.Google's Definition: Creative Thinking is a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests unorthodox solutions (which may look unsettling at first). Creative thinking can be stimulated both by an unstructured process such as brainstorming, and by a structured process such as lateral thinking.Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following : understand the logical connections between ideas.

What are creative ways to describe the rain?

Water pulls at us, at our core, at our skin and hair and muscles. It's where we came from; it's what we floated in, in our own isolation chambers, for nine months. The swoosh, swoosh, swoosh of the tide of amniotic fluid filled our ears before our mother's voice did. Swoosh, swoosh. Rocking us gently, gently. We like the swoosh, swoosh of the washing machine, too. It reminds us of something, not the least of which is that we have machines to do the heavy work of cleaning. Evolutionary theory says we crawled out of a body of water, where we swam, and got tired of swimming, and grew legs to explore the land beyond. We did that, but always have a yen to return to the water, feeling the silken smoothness on our skin, and the buoyancy the earth can never give us. Our hair floats like seaweed, our spirits soar, and we feel weightless with the first slide into the warmth of a pool, or the coolness of a lake on a hot day, or the salty crispness of the ocean. Perhaps that's why we crave salt. Salt seasons water, and seasons us. You cannot be anxious, or depressed, while floating or frolicking in water. Water is rarely one dimensional; it cradles, hides, protects, reflects, and cleanses, all manner of life, and treasure, and detritus. It drowns, overwhelms, sweeps away, roars, and pounds.  Is it any wonder the sound of rain can soothe us to sleep? Is it any wonder the smell of it can make us want to run outside and splash through puddles? Or just sit in the doorway, all thought suspended, while we listen to the percussive beat of prehistoric drums, and breathe in the very smell of life?Water is what we're made of; we rain when we sweat or cry; it's the very essence of life. We have to replace it, or we die. Our planet is the beautiful blue marble spinning in space because of our water. I let my son do something when he was little that I rarely saw other mothers permit their children to do. They were afraid of a wet, muddy child, who might catch cold. I let him run, and sit, and splash in rain puddles as much as he wanted. When it was pouring outside, I let him lay on the sidewalk, and float his toy boat down the gutters, while he chased it to the next obstacle. Rain is a special treat in the desert. It isn't an everyday occurrence, and we relish it.

How can people become more creative in their everyday lives?

First, recognize that you are creative—we all are. I’m a big believer in asking questions, but one question to stop asking is, Am I creative? The answer is yes, so you can stop asking. The better question is, How might I tap into that creativity o a regular basis? I believe creativity is a mindset and a way of looking at the world around you—you must try to do so with openness, curiosity, and wonder. Children look at the world around them this way, and it’s one reason why they’re so creative. We can train ourselves to adopt that “beginner’s mind” way of looking at the world. It’s really about taking the time and having the interest to pay attention and inquire about what is all around us. Look at something familiar and ask, What might notice if I were encountering this for the first time?If you ever find yourself asking, Where will I ever find an original idea?, well, you can stop asking that question, too. The raw material for your next big idea is all around you; it’s in the things you’re reading on social media, what you see on the way to work, it’s at the museums and in the bookstores. The real secret is to find ideas and influences that inspire you—and then think about how you might add your own vision or twist, in order to express something new.As you go through your daily life, ask yourself questions like, What stirs me? And also ask, What bugs me? The things that move you in either a positive or negative way may present creative opportunities. Look for problems that you can take ownership of and go to work on.And make sure you give yourself enough time, in your everyday life, to just think creatively as well as to do creative work. I am a big believer in using what essayist Paul Graham calls a “maker’s schedule” wherein you block off large chunks of time (at least 2 to 3 hours) for deep thinking and creative work. I also recommend going off-line when you do this; interruptions are the enemy of this kind of thinking and work.

Can someone give me examples of violence against blacks and women?

must be after the bill of rights was written and BEFORE they were given rights.

im writing about how history would be different if the bill of rights wasnt only aimed at the white men but also at the women and blacks. however i dont know when they were finally included so i cant really give examples of violence.

please pleaseee help!

thanks in advance.

What is more important, sport or art?

Art, no question.

In sport there is no thought, just keenness and competition.

Art exists for its own sake and takes heart, which is much more thoughtful and less brutish. It exists to express. Grunts and defeat are all that make sport worthwhile, and that is only to the observers.