How To Tell If A Dog Is High On Meth

Will my dog get addicted to meth?

How is a little old dog gonna learn to use a phone to call the drug dealer? set up a meeting place? then drive a car or ride the bus to the pick up location? non nonchalantly switch out the cash for the baggie? then hold a lighter with one paw while rolling his pookie side to side with the other paw while inhaling? All without having any thumbs or lips? Not to mention how is your dog gonna earn the money for his drugs? Is he gonna turn tricks or what? Your dog must be really smart if he can do all these things. That’s alot of behaviors for an animal to learn. Even if you train your dog from day one to be a crackhead dog I highly doubt it would work. So I would say that left to his own free will the chances of a dog becoming a shithead are slim to none, about the same as the chances of a human getting addicted to licking his own butthole.

Can dogs get contact high from meth?

I have a 5 month old dog and my boyfriend smokes meth when she's near. I often notice she begins to act up and act a little strange. I want to know if she can get contact high and if so, what are the dangers for her?

Can drug sniffing dogs smell meth?

Yes, of course they can. Some of the dogs are trained, also, to detect some of the precursor chemicals in meth such as iodine and phosphorous.

However, if it's a lab you are curious about, let me tell you, most humans can detect those smells.

All the answer persons have given you good advice. Stay away from it.........meth kills.

What happens if a dog licks a person high on meth and the said person is sweaty? Will a dog get high?

The amount excreted through the sweat and deposited on the skin of a meth user has been metabolized to some degree. But it smells quite strong, so you know it's not something that your dog should have much exposure to. And, in the news, there's been cases of fentanyl being excreted onto the skin of users that od'd, and it's still potent enough to kill first responders that come into contact with that person.Meth and fentanyl are not the same, but they both excrete on the skin. I would suggest that a meth user avoid allowing their pets lick their skin. Take a shower/clean off the arms or legs that are exposed to them or keep them covered.

What do you give a dog that ingested meth?

Milk. And to all of those who answered that the dog needs a new home,and blah blah about dudes drug usage.. He didn’t ask for a intervention he asked a serious question. And my serious answer is milk. Your dog probably won’t want to drink anything if the amount the animal ingested has any effect it will be the same more or less wether it be a gram or a quarter,the only thing that will change will be the duration of time that effects last. Administer milk to dog through a syringe or pour it down his throat. (Hind sight when I said put milk in syringe,did not mean hit your dog with milk just squirt it in it’s mouth) this should be easy considering dog will be stuck on stupid unable to move or if moving will do so in a particular pattern usually up and down the hall way.

If i pet my pets too much when I'm on meth, will they get contact high?

ahh WTF!!! dude! get off the meth!!!!!!! how can ur cat or dog get high from u petting them!?!?!?!?!

What will happen if I smoke meth while my dogs are in the same room?

All 3 of the above people who answered the question should rather not have done so. Maybe go and answer in other categories.The author asked a question and instead of answering it, you raise your mean opinion about the substance and even making personal attacks against the person asking.He/she asked this question BECAUSE he was concerned about his pet and that in itself is proof that he isnt selfish.An approoriate answer would have been “Yes it does because of this this and this". He did not ask whether he is selfish, nor if the substance will destroy his life, neither did he ask for your opinion on him as a person.Just by the way, NO it does NOT affect an animal in the same room. Meth is extremely solvable and only affects you once consumed directly into lungs, nose or bloodstream. Meth vapor in the open air for a second or two has lost its properties.