How To Tell My Teacher My Dad Hit Me

I told my grandson he should tell his teacher that his Dad hits him with a belt.?

Sorry to sound so harsh, but WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

First of all, did it ever occur to you that the children were acting up and deserved the spankings they received? Secondly, do you see marks anywhere else but their butts? Third of all how the kids are raised are MOM AND DAD's decision only.

MAINLY...If you have a concern that your grandchildren are being abused how dare you not take things into your own hands and confront their parents? Instead you tell them to tell their teacher? REALLY???? Wow. If you cared at all you would have gotten involved yourself but it seems like you don't want to get your hands dirty.

Something else I will say is that NO ONE but Mom and Dad should be spanking the children anyway. If another grandparent is, as you mentioned, I would have a talk with their mom and dad about that, too, and let them know that it isn't okay for just anyone to go spanking the kids. Spanking is used to show kids mom and dad is boss and means business. If everyone smacks a kid around it teaches that child that you go ahead and just hit people when they aren't acting the way you want. NOT GOOD.

You DO NOT have a responsiblity to raise these children as you are a grandparent...NOT THEIR MOM. However, you DO have a responsibility to be sure these children are safe and not in harm's way.

You better get on the horn and talk to your daughter about this instead of just tell LITTLE KIDS to go tell their teacher. Such a cop-out.

Step up to the plate and back up your suspicions. Be an ADULT and resolve this once and for all.

My dad hit me. HELP!!?

My dad has hit me, pushed me, hit me, and dragged me. I have called the police multiple times. They said it is nothing and it is legal. I havent shown my legs in public since he and my mom got a divorve after he did something really bad to her. My legs are covered in bruises but The police dont care. I have told my mom but that has become useless unless I testify in a room WITH HIM IN IT! Oh and gets even better. My dad has ripped my clothing up and such. I have talked to school counselors about it but they said they cant do anything. He is my main parent so I cant leave to go to my moms house.

I am really just trying to say, Tell him don't hit me repeatedly. Exit the house and sit in the yard or somewhere where others can see you. I have done this and it helps. Do not run away. I have thought about it, but you will regret it. Try to get someones attention. Write down whenever he does this and the exact date and time it happened. If you are seriously hurt call Child Protective Services. I hope this helps. I know this question is old but I am still trying to help.

What should I do when my teacher keeps hitting on me?

As a teacher, I could attest that some colleges of mine in the past had petty attraction towards students (from cute grade school students that teacher’s jokingly say they’ll wait for, to unethical appeal towards charming students).Now, the things is, it’s gonna be hard for the students (you) to really be sure if the your teacher is attracted to you because nobody wants to jump into conclusions without enough validation. Some teachers are unaware that they’re teaching practices sends misleading signals to students. Some teachers are just playing flirty.When convinced that you really have a teacher that is flirting with you, DO NOT FLIRT BACK. Some students likes to affirm their value through attention, which those flirty teachers provide, and might flirt back.These are the things you might want to do:Talk to your parents. They should be notified if their children is experiencing such matter. Just tell them not to run amok and handle the situation professionally.Talk to you guidance counselor (or something familiar). They are equipped to do what needs to be done.Talk to trusted teachers. Hoping not to spread rumors, the teacher would help you deal with his/her co-worker, and encourage you to step up in the situation.I hope it helped.

I lied to my dad that the teacher hit me when he didn't what can I do to get out this mess?

I know how you feel, being so wound up like that. Even though you don't want to tell the truth, you must realize that this teacher will lose his career in teaching and will probably be taken in by the police. It is really serious. Your Dad might be angry but you know it's the right thing to do. It's best to tell your Dad now rather than in front of your principal because that will be even more embarrassing! You just have to be brave and face your Dad otherwise he will be even more angry when he finds out from the teacher. You never know, your Dad might even understand but you must admit because lies grow and grow uncontrollably until you are in so much trouble that no one will trust you. Apologize to the teacher and your friend.

You MUST face the consequences! Tell the truth and you might not feel so guilty. Good luck and do the right thing xxx

My dad...........hits me?

First of all, no one should put up with physical or mental abuse, even if your brothers and sisters went through it.

Secondly, if your feelings scared/threatend, speak to your teacher, but explain to her that you dont want to be put in a situation were your dad might still be able to hit you if because you did.

Third, if he ever does hit you, dont just stand their and take it, run off, tell someone, whether its the family or police, its against the law for him to lay a finger on you, especially at your age.

My dad was violent towards me when I was a child, and when I grew up, and trust me, just taking it is not an option, everytime he did, or I thought he would, I'd just run away until he cooled off, and when I went back, I decided if he does anything, Ill report it, but luckily everytime I went back he cooled it off.

Can my step-dad hit me?

So I ran away three days ago and I just got back, but the reason I ran away was because my step-dad is so mean, and my mom does nothing about it. My step-dad has pushed me before, but it was nothing serious. But just a few minutes ago (after the police brought me home), he smacked me in the face and started yelling at me because I ran away. I know I messed up in the past, but I don't deserve to get hit for it, right?

I'm gonna finally tell my teacher how bad my parents abuse me, what do you think is going to happen nxt?

No, no, no!!!!!!! worst idea in ur life! im hit at home too and i have the occasional bruise and once i had a cut.i get called an idiot and a disgrace to my family name, but telling your teacher? If you tell your teacher then your teacher will talk to your parents for sure and after your parents find out that you "told on them," do you think your parents will be happy? i firmly belive that if you couldn't live with what your parents did to you before you tell your teacher, then it will be twice as worse.I reccomend that you just stay strong and if you tell someone else then your parents win. I think after you tell your teacher, you will end up in a foster home and shunned by your family. i dont think you truly want that. Think about it, if your little brother ends up in a foster home, he wont have a mother to confort him of give him his favorite things. He will eventually have an even worse childhood than you except the effect will be emotional distress. If i can't convince you not to tell your teacher, at least wait till your younger brother has a stong mind like yous and can defend himself. Please don't do this, your making a big mistake.
P.S: you can tell your best friend if you like but just not adults.

How do I tell my dad I got in trouble with school (hacking, talking back, getting kicked from student council)?

Think about all the things you can learn from this horrible episode in your life. Be as specific with yourself as you can be. Make a list if that will help. While you're thinking, ask yourself how you can right any of the wrongs you've committed - in other words, can you undo any of the damage, or make amends to anyone who has been adversely affected by your behavior?Then, choose an appropriate time to speak with your dad. Be honest. Admit your wrongdoing. Expect that he'll be disappointed and maybe even angry. Let him have his feelings. Talk to him about what you've learned and listen when he gives you advice.Good luck.

How can I get my mom to believe me when I tell her that my dad is abusing me?

I remember when I was 14. I am the oldest of five, and the youngest was 1 year old at that time.My parents were very strict, and any time there was discipline to be doled out, my Dad was the one to do it. He believed corporal punishment was most effective and often combined it with loud bouts of berating and belittling us. After we turned 13, my Dad decided that instead of administering spankings - he used to make us pick out our own wooden spoon - that he would grab us high on the bicep and squeeze as hard as he could, while yelling in our faces, often spraying us with spittle and basically, scaring the shit out of us. High on the bicep meant that sleeve coverage was assured, and no bruising would be visible. He actually shared his methodology with me once, including rationalizations for each form of “discipline” and the ends he thought that he’d achieve in using them. I told Mom later that I thought what he was doing was mean and unnecessary, and her reply was that this is the type of discipline that the two of them had agreed upon, and things weren’t going to change. It was then that I realized, no matter what I did or said to Mom, that she’d always back him up, and I’d have to go outside the family for help.This is what you’re going to have to do. My advice is to call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1–800–422–4453. You can speak to folks who can help you sort out your feelings and get your facts straight so that you can take action to protect yourself. Your Mom is enabling your Dad’s harmful behavior, and love can be blinding, so I’d encourage you to call them as soon as possible. I’m also going to include a link to the page on their site that details physical abuse. You can navigate around to learn about emotional abuse, and neglect, as well.What is Child AbuseOne important thing to note: have a backup plan, or more specifically, arrange for a place to stay in case you decide to report your Dad. When law enforcement personnel get involved, sometimes they mandate that children be separated from their parents pending legal consequences. When I was considering reporting my Dad, I arranged to spend a few days at a friend’s house. Wherever it is, make sure you’ll be safe.Best of luck to you.