How To Tell Someone You Dont Want To Be Friends With Anymore

How do I tell someone I don't want to be their friend anymore?

Disclaimer : english not my first language.First : how not to do it.I had a friend. He made me discover classical music, I supported him when he left his wife for another woman. We were friends. When the man he lent his flat to wouldn’t pay the rent, I lent him money, when he needed a writer for the text of a show, he asked me. We sang togther with other musician friends.Then he got with a third lady, I left the city, uo lives went different path. We saw each other on unpractical times, when I came to present my first novel to libraries.I wasn’t very close to his new (third) girlfriend, soon to be the mother of his childs. Yet, I visited them when the kids were born.Then I’m 40.Two other friends try to organize a prty, and phone this guy, who replies to them he doesn’t want to spend time with me, with no further explanation. These other friends didn’t want to sadden me, and said nothing.Then I e-mail the guy. For his birthday, I guess. No answer. I Phone him, one ringtone, and hung up. I write a second e-mail : is there a problem between us ? No news, no answers.He answers : I don’t forget times you were there for me, but I only want to spend time in healthy relationships. I asked if I did something wrong, and he answered : there were improper behaviours. He never said which.So, I’m pretty sure I did some things wrong. But he prefered never telling me. That is the bad way to do it. Because I still wonder why he didn’t tell me what was wrong. Very sincerely.Second : How to do it (I guess).Be clear, non agressive speak as “I”.Something like :I was hurt you told to your mum things I trusted you enough to tell you. I felt betrayed. When I am with you, I felle I am not my best self. It may be because of you telling your mom my secrets, it may be me needing to move forward. Maybe I even associate you to former problems I had, and It may be somehow unfair, but I think I’d rather not ee you anymore.Of course, this is an exemple of something I would have prefered as a goodbye speech, not necessarily what is good ofr you and your friends. Just to give you material for thinking.Hope it helps a little, as ending a friendship is never easy to do.

I don't want to be friends with someone anymore?

You do not have to validate yourself to someone who treats you badly. Think about it, is she treasuring your friendship? It does not sound that way to me.

If you have other friends, then hang out with them. If your other friends are all friends of hers and her boyfriends, then find new friends.. When it is break time, don't sit at her table, go somewhere else to sit, take a book along and if you have to sit alone, then read. And if she comes over and asks you why you are not hanging with her, be honest. Tell her you don't like the way she laughs at you and makes fun of you and that you don't think the friendship means anything to her anymore. And then tell her you are OK with that, you realize that as people grow, there interest change and you will always remember the fun you two had. Period. No threats, no compromises. If she says hello to you, respond, if not, that is OK too.

Do not put yourself in the position to be her entertainment, and if she continues to mock you than just end it. Be respectful but firm. It probably will not be easy, and don't do the tit for tat thing. Just tell her she is immature and you are moving on. Do not look back. If you ignore them all, they will eventually go away and find someone else to torture.

Good luck, and remember you are a good person.

How to tell someone you don't want to be friends anymore?

It really seems like she is emotionally abusing you. If it hurts you this much, she really isn't your bestfriend. You really need to talk to her and tell her how you feel. Tell her of all the things she does to you and yes, it might hurt her feelings or she might deny it.. but she has to know one way or another. You also sound really passive and she has probably gotten to know this side of you really well and she may be taking advantage of it. Let out how you feel in a calm and collected manner and if she doesn't understand, then you should really just distance yourself till she does. If she really cares about your friendship, she will try to mend things by speaking to you again and try to understand. The only way to see if she really cares about your friendship is to tell her about it and see what she does. Meanwhile, try to hang out with other people who don't hurt your feelings or always try to make you jealous. You might even find a better friend.

How do you know if you don't want to be friends with someone anymore?

Deciding that you don’t want to be friends with someone anymore can be surprisingly hard. Issues like loyalty and history (she knew your mother, who is no longer alive, and remembers things that no one else in your life remembers) can make it difficult to end a friendship with someone who has been in your life for a long time, but who has gone in a very different direction than you have (like, for instance, you have really different political beliefs!). Also, sometimes your wish to end a friendship has something to do with a thorny difficulty that has arisen between the two of you, something you really don’t want to deal with, so it’s just easier to let the friendship die.In general, I think that talking about things, even hard things, is really useful, so you might try to see if you can talk out what’s bothering you with your friend. Even if it’s a political disagreement, it can be useful to try to sort out with her or him how you might handle your differences. something like, “Can we be friends and just agree that this is an area where we’re really different?” can sometimes be enough to moving forward. And sometimes, it can be the path to ending the friendship — as when one of you decides you really can’t tolerate the fact that the other believes something that seems wrong to you.But sometimes talking doesn’t work, or it’s not the right moment for it. In that case, it’s often helpful just to slow down a little and let time take a hand in the decision-making. Maybe you don’t see one another so often, or talk so often. Maybe that’s okay for right now. You can explain it that you’re busy with other things, but ultimately, if the friend asks why you’re so distant, you might have to explain. Try to think about what you would say. I have a whole chapter on this subject in my book on women’s friendships, but here are a couple of examples: “I’m just feeling like we’re going in different directions” or “I feel like you’re not interested in what I have to say anymore.” The goal, whether you talk or not, is not to hurt the other person, but to find a way to talk enough to figure out whether or not you want to stay in the relationship. But sometimes you can figure it out without talking. And that’s okay too.

How do you tell someone you don't want to talk to them anymore?

Personally, I don’t normally have to even say anything. I often use the ‘silent’ & ‘delayed’ treatment and soon they would just get the idea implicitly.For example, if this someone:Calls you, you have to let it be a missed call. Call back a few hours later (depending on your relationship / context)Messages you, again reply only after some time, never immediate.Talks to you face to face, you just keep quiet most of the time and let the person do the talking. By not engaging, he/she would soon realize that you’re not interested. Nobody would continue interacting with someone who doesn’t reciprocate.But for whatever reason the above suggestions don’t work, and you must tell them explicitly, then consider:Telling them the reason why; Because you don’t have the time, because you have some other commitments, because you can’t handle too many relationships/friendships etc. Never point that the problem is with the other party. We don’t want to burn bridges, do we? The use of reason will soften the blow. More often than not, the reasons don’t really matter. When they get the message that you don’t wish to talk to them anymore, they’ll stop.How you say matters more than what you say. I have very little information on who this person you are trying to dis-engage with. So to be safe, say in a very cordial, friendly manner. Watch your tone, your body language and expression. After all, we are trying to have 1 less friend / acquaintance, not have 1 more enemy.

How do I tell someone that I don't want to give them a ride anymore?

we work together and we don't live too far from each other so I offered her a ride once since its on my way too.I didn't really mind let her coming in my car and go with me when we work together since its on my way but now it seems like she expects me to give her a ride whenever we work together and sometimes she now would be waiting outside on my car so she can ride with me and now I don't want to give her a ride anymore.I just prefer being alone in the car and she is always keeping her eyes moving and one time ,I was driving along and there was a car wanting to make a left turn but I had the right of way but I wasn't sure if the car was going to stop so I slowed down just in case if the driver didn't stop even though I had the right of way.Then the driver stopped and gave me my right of way and then she yelled and said ``GO``i got irritated and then she said she meant the other driver not me.I then told her that she is gona confuse me and there is nothing wrong being courteous.

She takes publictranspositionn so when I don't work she takes a buss and I used to takebusess to before I got my car.However they were few occasions when some of my co workers offered to give me a ride but I never expected to do it each time we work together.When they offered it was great but I was fine withbusingg .

So how can I tell her that I don't want to give her rides anymore? I just prefer being alone in the car

How to tell someone you don't like them anymore?

Start calling him brother...he should get the hint.

I don't want/need friends anymore?

so I'll try to make this short. I've never really had a lot of friends, just a few close ones. as I got older and into HS I started losing them, then it was down to 1. we were friends for a couple years, we recently started slipping. nothing major happened, no argument or anything. we just sort of stopped talking. I started to realize stuff after we stopped talking. she wasn't the greatest friend to have. I'm not gonna get into that. but yeah. anyways, while we were friends there were times that I just wanted to be alone. for some reason this always happens, I just want to be alone. I'm not sad, mad, etc.. I'd just rather be alone.
Recently, I started feeling like I just don't need any friends. I think it started after I left public school to go to independent studies. I just don't want any friends. well, friends would be nice I guess but I just feel like I don't NEED them. especially not the ones I had before. if anything I want to meet new people that are actually into what I like(acting, modeling, making youtube videos, not partying every weekend, etc.) is there a reason I'm like this? Does anyone else feel like this?
No rude answers please ...

I don't want to be friends with my ex anymore?

i want to be with her and she knows it but she just keeps me as a friend. i don't want this anymore it hurts too much i want her but she just doesn't want that so how do i tell her im done i don't want this? should i just say goodbye for sure and maybe things will change later? this just hurts too much..

How do you politely tell someone that you don't want to be friends with them anymore without sounding rude?

“I appreciate the friendship that we had, and you did nothing wrong, it’s just that I am into other things now. I’ve grown in another direction, and don’t have the time to spend with you. I hope you understand.” This is not rude; it’s tactful and honest.(You ARE into other things: things without her. You DID grow in another direction: away from her.)Walk away, don’t answer questions, and let it be. Hopefully, that will be the end of it. But, it might cause hard feelings; people don’t like rejection.Her reaction is on her. She is responsible for her own feelings.If she persists after that, ignore her, or tell her, “I told you I was done; now leave me alone.”You are responsible for having the friends you want, not those you have a hard time getting rid of.This is about the best you can do if she keeps pestering you for an answer. Some people just don’t take a hint. They would be better off if they did.