How To Tell Your Best Friend You Have Been Through A Hard Time

How do you tell your best friend you self-harm?

POSSIBLE TRIGGERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.Walk up to her/him. Ask if you can talk in private and if they're talking to someone else, try not to make it seem as if you're going to gossip about the person they're talking to. It's rude and hurtful if you do that. Next, take them into a place with no one around. In a situation like this, I truly believe that words can make the situation worse. It's also easier if you feel like you're going to be emotional. If they ask what's going on say something like “Wait a sec.”Reveal to them your cuts without saying anything still. If they're a true friend, they won't go off on you by making fun of you. If they hug you or cry, let them. Lastly, explain. I almost promise you they will ask about it. If not directly, it will be indirectly like, “Are you okay? What's wrong?” or something like “What happened?” Then, explain. If you don't want to talk about it, tell them politely. This is a sensitive subject and they might be emotional.

How can you tell if your bestfriend has been using you all along?

How can you tell if your bestfriend is using you.

I'm 17, female, and I've been bestfriends with a girl for a few years now. We've had occasional fights, because she's a moody person, and I've always had doubts she's using me. But I'm not sure if it's because she really is, or because she's just moody at times. How can I tell if she's worth being bestfriends with or not?

It's not really as clear cut as her using me or not. She listens to my problems but sometimes I get the feeling she doesn't care, and just keeps me around to tell me things. For example, I've noticed we talk less now that she has a boyfriend. We still talk, but she's usually overally happy because she's just been with him, or she's down because she hasn't seen him.

What are some signs that she's just keeping me around as a bestfriend for the sake of it?

Should I tell my best friend about my depression?

Should I tell my best friend about my depression?Try to choose wisely. Those who seem to be capable of being understanding, and from whom you hope to receive emotional support might be worth the risk. Depression afflicts somewhere between 1 out of every 4 or 5 people in their lifetime. So chances are good that your best friend has experienced it. Even if your friend seems somewhat wary at first, part of a good, close relationship is to be able to have open lines of communications and be able to work through these bumps in the relationship.Some people will simply be not capable of being nonjudgmental, or supportive in the way that you need. Based on prior conversations with your friend, if you get this vibe, you may not want to disclose. Just because s/he doesn’t have the capacity to understand doesn’t mean that she/he is bad, worthless person or friend. She may be meeting other very important social needs of yours.Trust your intuition, you’ll make the right choice. There will always be risk in being vulnerable to others. But it’s part of living courageously, fully, and authentically. I tend to agree with other answers given: if you trusted her/him as close enough to disclose to and s/he is surprisingly nasty about it, then s/he is very unlikely to be worth your time.Namaste.

My best friend is going through a hard time, I need a song for her?

So my best friend has been going through a hard time lately and she's been distant to me. I want a song to tell her that I'll always be here even if she pushes me away. We've been best friends for six years and we tell each other everything, I love her like a sister. The very thought of her not being in my life is enough to make me cry because she's helped me through some tough times.

p.s. No Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brother or anything like that. Preferably something like My Chemical Romance, Green Day and Avenged Sevenfold.

How to tell best friend your changing schools?


Wow, You said that you don't want to upset Besties... You know that you been hiding from your besties for 3 months now.. and knowing that you been lying to them too long... and knowing that they expect you to be with them next year... If you were to be honest in the first place... yeah they would be mad for short time... but for 3 full months you haven't told them... and you have them really high hope that will be together for next year and grad with them...

To be honest, there nothing to tell them in a fun way... They would not going to be happy about it... but If they Love you enough to really forgive you for that lying for 3 months.. or they would never forgive you for lying for 3 months...

You have alot to make up for your besties... I mean really you have to face it and tell them now... there is a fun or funny way to tell them about it... but you can tell them honest how you felt and tell them that you know I found out that i will be senior this year.. and just tell them I was so worry about hurting your feelings and Though you gals will hate me or be mad at me... you have the right to be mad at me for lying to you gals... but I made the wrong judgement for lying to you gals for 3 months... and I can't take it anymore for lying.. You have the right to be mad at me... but I really care about your feelings... so that might help you to tell them how you felt.. and let them know that from now on I would never lie to you again...

I hope this helps you .. smiling.. wish you luck and let me know how it out comes..?? smiling..

What do you think of my "best friend" ???

me and my best friend have been BFF for 3 years, now in 8th grade we dont have any classes together and she has all her classes with this girl who is kinda my equatence. recently my BFF got her first boyfriend and her personality totally changed and she was like someone i didnt even know. Then yesterday her boyfriend dumped her and she was crying after school, instead of talking to he rliek i would have i slamme dmy locker shut and walked away becuase i felt like if i was crying she wouldnt be there for me. Ever since she had her little boyfriend she ditched me to hang out with "cooler" people, then after school when her "cooler" friends arnt around she always askes if im mad at her! She ignores me in the hallway all the time and once she was laughing so hard with her "cooler" friends she crashed right into me and didnt notice. When she starts talking to me again should i ignore he rlike she ignored me so much, And she STILL calls me her best friend!!
what do you think o f her??

What to write in best friend's birthday greeting card?

She is 32 , pasionate and a very suceessful person who can sometime be too arrogent. But we have been really good friend for decades. I try to write something really meaningful every year but this year i am dry

How do you handle your best friend getting closer to someone else?

No matter how bad you feel about it, don’t reveal it because, despite your best intentions, you will come across as jealous, possessive and a control freak. It might make matters worse.The thing about life is that friends come and go and we, as people, keep changing. Indeed, change is the only permanent thing in this world. Your best friend too is ever changing. And the worst part is that you can’t do anything about it. So, if your “best friend” chooses to replace you, then so be it. It’ll hurt you a lot. But sooner or later you will have to pick up the broken pieces of your heart and move on. That’s just how life is.Also, if you truly love your best friend, then you will have the courage to look past your own hurt feelings and be glad that they’ve found someone they’re happy with. You will have the courage to prioritize their happiness over yours. And, I think that’s what matters in the end.

What can I do when my friend ignores me?

I've been through it very recently. My friend suddenly stops talking to me altogether one day. For a day or two, I thought she was having mood swings. But then, when I observed that she was normal to others but me, I went to her and asked her several times the reason behind her behavior. For a few times, she said I'm over thinking when clearly, I wasn't.Then, one day, when she still continued the same and I couldn't take it anymore, I sent her a long text saying everything I was dying to (I texted her because she wasn't answering my calls and we weren't able to meet due to our break). The next morning, she called me up and gave me an explanation behind why she was doing what she was doing.The reason she was ignoring me was, a third person told her that I was bitching about her (which I never did, because she was a really good friend of mine and I wouldn't do that to her ever). Then things got clear and now we are doing great again.So my point is, maybe someone told your friend something which might be true or false. You should go, talk to that person, and try your best to get an explanation. Because nobody does anything without a valid reason.Also, if your friend is of opposite gender, then maybe he/she feels something for you and that's why they're ignoring you.Whatever the case is, just go, talk to your friend if he/she really matters. I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose a friend just for another lame reason. :)