How To Turn Indicies Into Fractions Maths Help

Need Math help Tuning Fractions into Decimals?

I'm gonna go long winded with this one hope it helps :)

7/50 basically equals 7 divided by 50 but if your looking for some easier ways to work these out try this...

50/50 = 1 so therefore 1/50 must be equal 0.02 because 0.02 x 50 = 1

7/50 must therefore equal 0.14

9/10 is a simple one basically divide the top number by 10 which any one who takes maths should know how to do - simply move the decimal place to the left in which case your left with 0.9

9 64/75 is equal to 64 + (9*75)/75 which results in 739/75 - I can't really see you working this one out without a calculator which gives the answer 9.85

5 11/47 we apply the same math rule as above 11 + (5*47)/47 which is 235/47 again a calculator job which gives the answer 5

7 29/100 with the same rule as above 29 + (7*100)/100 = 729/100 which is easy enough to work out with no calculator 7.29

1/190 requires a calculator but just remember fractions are divisions just divide the top by the bottom and you rleft with 0.005

Math help!! Percentages into fractions?

1. 5/8

2. 177/400

Hope that helps! I just used my TI-83 Plus and typed in .625 and .4425 before pressing "MATH" and then "ENTER"! Have a great day!

We need fraction math help.........?

Okay here we go.
38 3/5 - 4 3/4
First let's make the fractions have the same denominator. The easiest way is to just multiply the two denominators
4 * 5 = 20. (This is the LCD in this case, but sometimes just multiplying will not give you the lowest common denominator. However, it will always lead to the right answer)

So, we know we want to write 3/5 as ?/20. Since we need to multiply 5 by 4 to get 20, we must also multiply 3 by 4
this means 3/5 = 12/20.
Do the same thing for the 3/4 = ?/20.
Since 4 * 5 = 20 3/4 = (3*5)/(4*5) = 15/20

OK, now everything is matched so
38 12/20 minus 4 15/20

Oh no, we can't subtract 15 from 12. this means we have to borrow. Well, if we borrow 1 from the 38 that will leave us 37, and we have to write the 1 as a fraction that matches. well fractions that equal 1 are the easiest 1 = 20/20
So add the 20/20 to the 12/20 to get 32/20

rewrite the whole thing
37 32/20 minus 4 15/20
Now we just subtract the whole numbers and the fractions separately
37 - 4 is 33
32/20 -15/20 is 17/20
So the answer is 33 17/20

Use the same process for the other two
1/3 and 1/5 have a common denominator of 15 so become 5/15 and 3/15
17 5/15 minus 11 3/15 = 6 2/15

4/7 and 3/4 have a common denomintor of 28 so they become 16/28 and 21/28
5 16/28 plus 6 21/28 = 11 37/28
Now, we are not finished with this one. The answer is correct, but we haven't written it properly. 37/28 is greater than 1, so to write this properly we need to take out that part and put it in with the whole numbers 37/28 is 28/28 + 9/28
28/28 is 1 so 37/28 = 1 + 9/28
So 11 37/28 = 11 + (1 + 9/28) = 12 9/28

For math i have to make fractions into percents help!?

1/3 = .333333and so on. If you want it to represent a percent you round it to the nearest hundreth, since the next number is 3 it stays at 33%. Hope that helps.

Math: How do I turn decimals into a mixed fraction?

1. 3.6 = 36/10 = 18/5 = 3 3/5
2. 10.4 = 104/10 = 52/5 = 10 2/5
Ideas: Change a decimal to an integer, and then reduce it.

MATH help....... again...... changing fraction to decimal.?

Hello........again..... I need a little more help. Ok, how do I change a mixed fraction to a decimal......... FOR EXAMPLE.... the fraction of 37 1/2 is 37.5......... so what would 3 1/8 be? Thanks a bunch!

Maths Question help?? Converting reacurring decimals into fractions -is my answer right??

Theres this maths question on my homework I'm struggling with. Don't worry - I have actually done it but I need to check if it's correct as I'm not sure if I've done it right:

The question is :
Convert 0.7 (reacurring so its 0.777777777 etc) into a fraction

I got 70/99 but it sounds a bit weird

Is that right??

thank yu :)

Math brains out there?? Help??/?

HELP ME PLZ!!! thank u!!!?
I was absen from skool and missed math!! Math was always hard for me so can somebody plz help me with this stuff???

Explain how to:
* Turn % into decimal
*Turn decimal into %
*Turn % into fraction
* Turn fraction into %
*Turn decimal into fraction
* Turn fraction into decimal

What is the relation between refractive index and the velocity of light?

The refractive index of the medium is inversely proportional to the velocity of light in it.As the refractive index of a medium increases, the speed of light going through that medium decreases.Where speed of light in a particular medium of known refractive index can be calculated using this formula:[math]c'=\dfrac{1}{n}×[/math][math]299792458[/math]Where [math]c'[/math] is the velocity of light through that medium and [math]n[/math] is the refractive index of the medium the light is passing through.It is similar to the formula [math]v=\dfrac{c}{n}[/math] where [math]v[/math] is the velocity of light in that medium, [math]c[/math] is the velocity if light in vacuum, and n is the refractive index of the medium light is passing throughThe speed of light in vacuum is 299792458 m/s, refractive index of vacuum is 1.00. Therefore speed of light in vacuum can be calculated using the formula above,[math]\dfrac{1}{1.00}×299792458=299792458[/math] m/sSimilarly, the refractive in water is 1.33. The velocity of light in water can also be calculated using this formula,[math]\dfrac{1}{1.33}×299792458=225407863[/math] m/sAs you can see, water has a higher refractive index than vacuum, and the velocity of light in water, 225407863 m/s is less than the velocity of light in vacuum, 299792458 m/s. The relationship that as refractive index increases, the velocity of light in that medium decreases can be observed.

Converting fractions to powers?

1/e = e^(-1) = 0.367879441