How To Upload Songs From Ubuntu 10.4 To Iphone 3

Can you get a virus from downloading a file, but not opening it? Specifically, when a website automatically downloads a PDF or Word document on a Mac, but you put it right in the trash.

There are two ways; 1. A file with extension .scf or (.slk files on Mac) will be executed and disappear when you do anything in it containing folder. And has been used to steal Windows credentials using this attack. This is an active threat.2. DLL hijack is commonly deployed malware attack. And is a passive threat, it lyes in wait to be triggered by another program. This can occur for any OS.This starts when a inert DLL is download to your download folder. This remains inactive and undetected by anti-virus software, until you download and install another program (the action), which loads this common system DLL first (because its in the same directory) instead of the default system DLL (which typically resides in C:\Windows\System32, etc). Because it’s in the same file directory, it get’s loaded and usually silently delivers it’s payload.You can see it in action, DLL hijacking Proof-of-Concept video towards middle of post.This is how Skype has comprised and targeted by your friendly neighborhood CIA agent as revealed in latest WikiLeaks leak, code-named "Vault 7".Take away:Whenever you install new software make a new folder and put the file into this new folder and install from there.Delete your download folder daily (or when you are about to install new software).

Add songs to ipod in Ubuntu Linux?

I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04 as my operating system(I do still have windows on my computer I'd just rather be able to use linux all the time) and the only thing I can't do that I could do on windows is itunes. Now I don't particularly care about apps and movies on my iphone, I just want songs. Is there any way to transfer songs onto my iphone.

My iphone is 3gs with version 4.0.1 installed.