How To View Youtube Comments Shuffled

I can't see any comments on youtube videos, what can I do to see them again?

You may have gotten to restricted mode somehow. Go to settings, general, and make sure restricted mode is turned off. My 3 yr old somehow hit too many buttons watching Spiderman vids. This is how I figured out the solution.

Why cant I see comment on YouTube?

Probably went to Spam or Under Review. If your comment contained any links or was in all caps then it gets marked as spam. On popular videos your comment will almost never appear unless you scroll down very far or the comment gets a lot of likes.

How do I see my comment history on YouTube?

Thanks for the #A2A! Use this link: View your Comment History or do this:Click the YouTube settings button on the top left (three horizontal lines)On the left side under LIBRARY click HistoryOn the right side toggle CommentsThis should work. You can also bookmark the link I gave you above.

How do I read YouTube comments without playing the video?

You can achieve installing a Chrome Extension on your PC.It basically switches the mode of your browser to a mobile device and youtube server thinks you are browsing from a cellphone.When you open a Youtube URL in mobile version it doesn’t play by default. You can simply scroll to the bottom and read the commentsHere is on add that you will need User-Agent Switcher for ChromeOnce installed do the following steps:1. Click on the extension’s icon and select iOS > iPhone. This will change the User Agent2. Paste the URL in the window where you changed the User Agent3. Now scroll to bottom and expand the commentsNote: Remember to switch the mode back to Chrome Desktop otherwise all the websites will load in mobile version.Hope that helps!Simple But Unknown

Is there a way to look at comment history on the YouTube app?

Why yes there is, I myself have a YouTube account and the way I look at my comments on my videos is, when you are on the YouTube website you click your profile icon and it will give you a list of things that you can click, you need to click the “creator studio” and it will gibe you a full page of stats of your channel. So when you are there go to the left side of the screen and you will see a lot of things to click so to see your comments from people you click the community button and that should take you to all of your comments on your videos. I hope that helps!

How do I go to comment section on YouTube app?

It depends on whether you are using the android or the iOS app.For Android, scroll down on the right side of your screen (where the suggestions feed is) and you will eventually find the comments.For iOS, scroll down on the lest side of the screen (where the video details are) and you will find the comment section.

How can I see all the comments a user has made on YouTube on every channel?

Since you have public access to the comments on public channels, theoretically you could make a bot that loads the comments for a video and then filters out just the user you are looking for. If you had it comb through using the info from that users ‘liked’ video’s list you’d have a much greater chance of finding comments.I'm not sure what you stand to gain from gathering a list of all the comments they’ve made, but I suppose that if you were a watchdog entity you could use that data to show patterns of ill-intent. So it might be useful from a community guideline standpoint to have that info. I'd be willing to bet that Youtube has developer access to that data, since comments must be stored somewhere.But as others have mentioned, there is no way to /easily/ do so.And if you were to use your bot to search EVERY video on EVERY channel, you’d need an enormous amount of bandwidth and computing power to make an appreciable impact on the flood of content uploaded to Youtube.But before you ask if you could, maybe you might ask why you should?

If I take words from YouTube, will it still be detected in the plagiarism checker?

The current plagiarism checkers are all based just on textual data, and they are syntactic-based tools, which means they’re currently incapable of detecting this kind of plagiarism. Though they are based on extrinsic methods which means they compare the suspected document/text against a reference source corpus, This reference corpus can be an online source, and if the transcript of the video is available online or if those words are already taken from a book/article then BOOM.Otherwise, be honest and don’t cheat ;)