How To Write A Super Scary Story

Scary stories?

OK this one is short and you have probably heard it before but it's really good and just is like OK NEVER PUT ME IN THAT POSITITON.

A man and his wife are driving down a deserted road when they run out of petrol. The man hops out and tells his wife to lock the doors and wait for him to come back with some petrol. She falls a sleep and wakes up 3 hours later. She gets a bit worried for she thought her husband would be back by now. She see's a figure in the distance. As it gets closer she sees that it is not her husband and that it is carrying something. IT comes right up to the window and in one hand holds up her husbands head and in the other hand the car keys.

How gay is that it just freaks me OUT!!

What are some crazy and scary stories?

My uncle was in the police in rural West Bengal in India. Came across a lot of stories that can't be fact checked; as awesome a story teller he was, we never felt the need to.This story is about a man who worked in some town far from his rural residence and was returning home by a late night train. In the train, a Sadhu tried to talk to him but he was tired and, coupled with the fact that his destination was fast approaching, ignored him. But the ascetic was not the one to let go. In rage, or at least that's what it looked like, he claimed, "You will die in 3 days". The man was taken aback but didn't believe him or fall on his feet as he probably had expected. This enraged him further and he said, "I know you don't trust me but you have a new born at home. Go and check, he will have 2 front teeth in his upper jaw". Please note as young his baby was, teeth weren't expected at all. In his confidence of knowing his baby much more than the Sadhu, he ignored him further, now fully assured that he is up to cheap tricks.Still when he got back home, out of curiosity, checked the inside of his baby's mouth. Lo and behold, there were a couple of cute little teeth in his upper jaw. That shook him like nothing else. Over the next couple of days, he searched crazily for the Sadhu. But then he was not to be found. Dejected and a bit scared, he chose to stay at home on the 3rd day, when the man had predicted his death. Brushing his teeth in the lawn of his house, he was reflecting about the incidents over the past few days when a coconut fell from a tree on top of his head and killed him.

Is This For Real? Super Scary?

Read this message, or you will die on the day of your next birthday! (SEBTASTIK1234 is the real founder) SEBTASTIK1234 was the hacker who invented Facebook. But Mark Zuckerberg shot him to death for possession of premises due to qu To ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and became rich.
Now his soul is haunting all pages and Facebook profiles (including your own!).
If you're reading you are lucky and you can escape the curse of SEBTASTIK1234: copy and paste this message to at least 15 different links and comments SEBTASTIK1234 protect your profile and your family won't die.
Here are some examples of people who've done the above steps: Pamela *** laughed and ignored completely the curse, in his 17 years woke up that morning he never + cha *** Luke had also ignored the curse, morìin a traffic accident on the same day when received, i.e. its 14 ª Read this message, or you will die on the day of your next birthday! (SEBTASTIK1234 is the real founder) SEBTASTIK1234 was the hacker who invented Facebook. But Mark Zuckerberg shot him to death for possession of premises due to qu (Translated by Bing)

What's the SCARIEST story ever?!?

The urban legend: Buried Alive!
Sworn to be true:

My great-great grandmother, ill for quite some time, finally passed away after lying in a coma for several days. My great-great grandfather was devastated beyond belief, as she was his one true love and they had been married over 50 years. They were married so long it seemed as if they knew each other's innermost thoughts.

After the doctor pronounced her dead, my great-great grandfather insisted that she was not. They had to literally pry him away from his wife's body so they could ready her for burial.

Now, back in those days they had backyard burial plots and did not drain the body of its fluids. They simply prepared a proper coffin and committed the body (in its coffin) to its permanent resting place. Throughout this process, my great-great grandfather protested so fiercely that he had to be sedated and put to bed. His wife was buried and that was that.

That night he woke to a horrific vision of his wife hysterically trying to scratch her way out of the coffin. He phoned the doctor immediately and begged to have his wife's body exhumed. The doctor refused, but my great-great grandfather had this nightmare every night for a week, each time frantically begging to have his wife removed from the grave.

Finally the doctor gave in and, together with local authorities, exhumed the body. The coffin was pried open and to everyone's horror and amazement, my great-great grandmother's nails were bent back and there were obvious scratches on the inside of the coffin.

But i would say Bloody Mary also is pretty scary like really really scary i just didn't want to write the story because i was afraid she would get me....but you can still read it
Scary stories to read in the dark......

Ideas for a Scary 55-word short story...?

I need to write a 55-word short story. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is: a story that includes the character, plot, dialogue, setting, and twist-ending in 55 words. It needs to be a little scary because it is for halloween. I need help coming up with ideas. Ten points to the best ideas with the most creative plot twists!!

Short Scary Stories Please:)?

We were walking outside with our dog Pepper. We got tried and decided to cross the lot in my backyard. We jumped onto my deck and walked inside. We were sitting in the kitchen when all of a sudden the timer on the oven went over and the knob was on the ground. We got scared and ran outside to our trampoline and left the dog inside, Then we went back inside to get the dog and to see if anyone was inside of the house. We went to my moms bedroom and stopped to listen and we could hear talking coming from the basement. We then went down the stairs to see if anyone was there. There was a person in my brothers room, smelling his Axe, the Cologne. He then turned and shot my friend. Then i ran outside smearing like a little baby. My friend killed him. And they lived happy ever after.!!!! THE END