How To Write An Open Letter Best Way To Spread It Around

Write letters on brownies?


So I am making a tray of brownies for my mom's birthday, and I am using that as a cake. You know what I mean? So, I need to write letters on the tray of brownies, like "Happy Birthday Mom". But how? I can't go to the store to get the special writing icing, cause I am not old enough. I have a tub of that Betty Crocker icing that use spread (you know?), how can I use that? Anything else?

Thanks so much lifesaver(s)!


What would you write in an open letter to CNN?

This question makes absolutely no sense.Jerry Nelson is an American freelance writer now living the expat life in South America. His work has appeared in some of the planet's largest -- and most respected -- media outlets, both under his own name and others' as he frequently ghost writes.Never far from his coffee and Marlboros, Jerry is always interested in discussing future work opportunities. Email him at and follow him on Twitter.

What is the best way to write letters to God?

God is the divine power of the universe. Talking with God is not something alien to us humans--in fact, it is one of the most intimate and personalized activity that a human being can do. When everything else fails in the world, a person is encourage to get back to its roots--God!When it comes to talking with God, we must understand that we are talking without our own self. God is not a separate entity that lives in the distant ethereal worlds, but is our very own core--we live and exist in the very existence of God.The main reason of doing this, as far as I am concerned, is to connect with your own self. I often feel like running a useless race at the end of any particular day, and feel that I need to take a rest. This rest comes when I sit and try to be still and ruminate--a kind of talk with myself.In my opinion, talking with God is healthy for us. It gives strength, restores faith and often helps in giving away the negative energy that surrounds us. I have often felt rejuvenated whenever I am able to establish a poignant talk with myself. Without doubt, such a moment ends up in tears.Now comes the questions of ways in which we can establish this relationship with God. We will talk about some general ones that are easy for almost everyone.1.Sitting silently2.Meditation3.Music4.Performing a ritual5.Finding it in natureIdeally, you should not be worried about how to talk with God. Whatever gives you the experience of feeling your own presence, helping in calming your mind, should be your own chosen method. God is everywhere and he is not handicapped to use the clutches of a particular method.God does not want elaborate and exaggerated preparation--simplicity and sincerity are quite endearing to God. Be simple in your communication and try to be as open as you can be. Try to listen in silence what God wants to convey to you. Try to be open to epiphanies that might demolish your own long-standing beliefs.Though it appears tough to talk with God, but in reality, it's something that you can do any where and at any particular moment. He is always ready to listen and respond. His methods and ways of doing it may not be the customary voice-based, but he does respond.

If you had to write an open letter to a toxic people, what would you write?

Dear toxic beasts,At first, I found the proverb ‘eyes are windows to the soul’ kind of absurd. But then I looked into yours and instantly knew what it meant, for all I could see was self-hate. Self hate that seemed to originate from your very heart, pumping toxicity into your blood. I’m sorry for you, I really am. I’m sorry that you feel you’re inferior or ugly. I’m sorry you failed in acheiving your only dream. I’m sorry for all the impossible circumstances that you faced. But all of that is no excuse for spreading the toxicity inside you like an epidemic and ruining everyone else’s lives. I know you. You rejoice when your awful comments destroy some innocent human’s life. You’re glad when the life-threatning gossip that you spread proliferates into branches of even more fake rumours and you see the target suffering. You internally dance with utter joy when you can directly critisize someone and see them drown in a pool of their own tears. Other’s destruction is your construction. What’s worse is that you pride over destroying humanity. You devour their tears and feed off of their flaws and turn them into your happiness and perfections. It’s how you find happiness because you’re so internally destroyed yourself. You can’t stand someone’s success. You wanna see the world shatter into pieces, just like your heart has. But all broken things can be fixed and you’ve forgotten that. I see through your heartless demeanor. I see the hurt of your past that you conceal, the guilt that you do feel, the flaws you hide in order to not feel vulnerable. Forgive yourself. Forget the past. Take one day at a time and accept your flaws, your eerie ways of being you. Embrace whatever difficultes that you previously faced and see them as something you conquered instead of something that conquered you. Let go of everything that troubles you about yourself. Cleanse your soul by turning the self-hate into self-love and you’ll see your life transform. Your heart will then fix its bits and pieces and even though it once pumped toxicity, it will then only pump positivity as you grow into a more accepting human. Because you may have given up on finding other ways to be happy, but I haven’t. I haven’t for i know that beneath the beast mask that you wear, there lies a human heart that still feels, a soul that still believes.Regards,H.

Do people write open letters to famous people just for getting fame? Do those letters reach the addressee? Why is humiliation the primary motive behind an open letter?

That depends on individual. People differ you know.. But I havent written any open letters to famous people., and that too for fame..! Nah never. I hardly believe that they reach that particular person even if we do write.And about your 2nd part of the question. The main reason to humiliate a person in jealousy.When people know they can never be as good as you, they start talking ill about you, so that you feel bad and they feel better.This can be seen every where not only in open letters, spreading gossips talking bad about a person. People around us, take classmates, colleagues, neighbours talk bad about one person or the other.There was this movie “RANGASTHALAM”. Its a telugu movie. In this film there's a song ‘Rangamma Mangamma'. The lyrics come like thisRangammaa… Mangammaa… Em Pilladu,Pakkane Untaadammaa Pattinchukodu, (X2)Gollabhama Vachchiii..Naa Goru Gilluthunte… Ye…Gollabhama Vachchiii..Naa Goru Gilluthunte…Pulla Cheema Kutti Naa Pedavi Saluputhunte,Uffammaa Uffammaa Antu Oodhadu…See the third line.. “Gollabhama” that's actually an insect named preying mantid.But what haters have done.. They diverted this to caste issue. There's a caste named ‘Gollas' or something. Haters started making an issue saying the writers are actually insulting that caste people, so the film has to be banned or that song has to be removed. So that lyricist changed the word, replaced it with “Goruvanka” That is a bird.But in reality there is no need of creating issue over that word. Still people have.. The main reason is what? Jealousy. The most dangerous emotion if you ask me.If anyone is trying to humiliate you, then feel great that you're better than that person, ignore them and move on with your life.

What should I write in my Christmas letter to my teacher?

This is how you could write it:

Dear (Teachers name here),
Thankyou for being such a great teacher!! I want to wish you a merry christmas and a happy newyears! heres a little something for you :

Christmas is a holiday for friends,
However they may be, or not, related.
Remember that the three wise kings were strangers
In search of one remote, uncanny dream.
So may we all be far more than we seem,
Together bound for dark and haunting changes,
More lovely for the loves we have created
Along the lonely paths from means to ends,
Stumbling towards that star of Bethlehem.

Thanx again and happy holidays!!

Best Wishes in the new year,
(your name here)

thats what i would write!
if u need other poems check out his site

hape i helped and happy holidays!!

What would you say in an open letter to Trump?

To Whom It May Concern:I want to ask you something many might think a bit rude, too personal: Just how big a man are you, Donald Trump? Size matters in the job you’re after, and so inquiring minds like mine want to know: How big are you?Are you really sure you want to do this? You don’t get to just let it all run itself into the ground when you tire of it, you know; you don’t get to just pull out and say, “Aw, to hell with it!” when you get your beliefs hurt. You don’t get to decide all those citizens who disagree with you, who do not want what you want, aren’t part and parcel of your mandate as President, as leader- no, you have to be their President, too, and Presidents, as you may have heard from the liberal media, aren’t Third World dictators- they don’t get to break the laws in order to make themselves feel better about, ummm…. themselves, their, ummmm…. abilities, so to speak.The other thing I’d like to mention is perhaps a university-level class or three on what was, when you and I were young, Donald, “Civics”. I invite you to explore the legal underpinnings of our country, especially those which reside under the Constitution. It’s not easy, being an American- not when you know not only what is owed, but what you, yourself, owe.No one would think less of you, Donald, if you said, “I’ve had enough! You’ve had your shot at me! I’m not taking this for another day, I’m not even taking this for another minute!” and bowed yourself out. No one would care. Not really, because, well, hell Donald, we get a chance at a new President every four years like clockwork, and none of us like everything about any of ‘em. We just keep out heads down and get along with our own lives. If that sounds good to you, well, you have to make the choice: Is what you’re trying to do worth what it’s going to do to you? You’ll not be happy at- it’s a tough slog, and, face it, Don, you’ve never been good at sticking power. First sign of trouble, and you’re setting up the ducks so you can get out cleanly. This time, though, you’d be taking the country with you, and that’s a high price for 400 million people, give or take, to pay.Takes a bigger man than most to admit he’s maybe not quite the right one with the right stuff. So, I gotta ask you, Donald- just how big a man are you?Sincerely,J Starr