How To You Get Down Puffy Hair And How Do You Make Your Hair Grow Faster Without Crazy Methods

If I wax my upper lip will more hair grow?

Waxing is only temporary, and it's also very damaging to the skin. I would recommend threading. Theres also many natural remedies you can do to help you in the long run. If you mix 1 tbsp of honey, lemon and sugar, Apply the paste to your upper lip for 15 minutes. Repeat this 3 times per week for about 3 months and your hair will eventually stop growing!

Puffy hair problem (guy) please help?

my hair is very strange. i have very short hair, but unless its a couple days after my haircut (because its very short), anytime my hair gets wet (shower, pool) when it drys, my hair becomes puffy. ive tried different shampoos, but no change. usually i wear a hat before going somewhere and that flattens my hair. the only problem with that is that i have hat hair all the time. if i get out of the shower and try to use gel, the gels doesnt flatten my hair either, the puffiness overpowers the gel and ive used many types, i usually have to wear a hat for a little bit before i apply the gel, but again hat hair. the weirdest thing is if i eat hot foods or start to sweat, my hair gets puffy again, luckily i like wearing hats, but on days i dont want to i have a chance of my hair becoming puffy. does anyone have ne suggestions on what i can do to my hair after i shower so it will remain flat without using a hat

My Pomeranian's hair isn't growing back how its sopose to. HELP!?

I have Pomeranians as well. If your dog is a puppy between 4-8 months old, she/he may be going through a totally normal stage of what Pomeranian breeders call "puppy uglies".

Puppy Uglies info:

Look up puppy uglies on Google to see if the pics look like her fur.

All Pomeranians go through this stage. If you don't think its puppy uglies, I'd contact a veterinarian to get her checked for mange or worms. Keep her away from other dogs incase it's mange or worms, but if its the uglies, its ok to be around other pets.

Tip: You said you wanted suggestions? Well, here's a tip on how to make sure your dog is fluffy. No matter how hot you think it is in the summer, remember that Pom's fur is ventilated. Also, know NEVER TO SHAVE YOUR POM. Their fur will NEVER grow back full (not as in entirely, but as in thick and fluffy), healthy, and soft.

Good luck!

Does shaving make hair grow back thicker or darker?

Shaving hair make your hair thicker is totally a myth.Shaving will neither make your hair grow back thicker nor darker, nor grow any hair faster.Additionally, shaving does not increase the diameter of your current hair follicles or grow back hair that you have lost (these factors are largely determined by genetics).You need to know that it is totally an illusion; the fact is that after shaving the hair the short hair shaft becomes more noticeable.The important thing is that the hair pores or follicles are present deep inside the scalp skin. So, it is clear that shaving cannot reach to the deep root of the follicle. After 12 hours only, the hair starts appearing from the follicle.In a nutshell, going bald is not helpful for hair growth or healthy hair.Benefit of shaving head is that the new hair growth happens better without any damage and it is away from chemical treatments or regular day to day wear and tear.That is why the appearance of new hair looks amazing and healthy.Moreover, regular hair trimming or cutting remove all the split ends and damaged parts. But apart from that, if somebody is having dandruff on their scalp then shaving hair is a great move.It even makes sense to go bald because it clean the scalp from dandruff form the core.Remember that if your hair growth is not visible or you are having problems with hair thickness and volume, please consult a doctor who are expert in hair related problems, they help you to diagnose your problem and provide corrective method to stop hair fall.Today everyone is facing the hair fall problem. You will get the best clinic for hair treatment in India. The best way to find the clinic is by having proper knowledge and research about them.

Hair falling out after relaxer, will it grow back?

yes i think your hair will grow back all you can do is start doing the right things to see if it can but you have to be serious about it. ill share with you a really helpful video on how to grow your hair. its on LisavetVlogs on youtube. called how to grow your hair long fast, something like that. its loaded with tons of great tips to make your hair grow faster and how you should be caring for your hair. its supperrrr helpful!! i love it! go check it out and do everything she says in the video. i really hope you get your results soon=)

After men straighten their hair, does it look weird?

i actualyy love straightened hair ;] it really depends how long or greasy your hair will be
because if its too long then you look like a girl.. but if its too greasy its just gross.
i think ppl will be able to tell if it looks too long and greasy
here are some guys that straighten their hair(theyre smokin hot :D):
danny jones

joe jonas

steve rushton

straighteners you can use:
wet to straight hair straightener (about $25) i use it :]
or a mega-hot ceramic straightener
-cost more and theyre not as good :[

hope that helped :]


Everyday, when I take a shower, I can't run my fingers through one little part of my hair without taking out A BUNCH OF HAIR!! I'm thirteen, my hair is this horrible, tangled, poofy, frizzy, dandruff-filled, uneven, weird dark-brown nest on my head.

I tried brushing it before I went in the shower, but I just shedded more hair. If I don't pull out all the excess hair, the water pulls it down into places you don't want to have hair in!!

Please help me, I use shampoo sometimes, but conditionor everytime. It doesnt help with my shedding problem.
