How Well Can You Hold Your Temper

How can I control my temper?

There are natural supplements that you can try, if you don't want to go to your doctor to see if there is a physical reason for your temper.

Try SAMe and see how that works for you. My husband has a light-wsitch temper and it works great for him, calms him down and things that would normally throw him over the edge roll off his back now.

To be on the safe side, though...check with your doctor. You could have a hormone imbalance or something that you can't self-medicate or treat on your own.

How to control your temper?

The only way to gain control of deep seated temper problems is to adapt an alternative way of thinking in situations that previously made you loose your temper. First, I want you to consider the rationality of loosing your temper. At best loosing your temper will make you look foolish and immature. Logically, you know nothing good will ever come from irrational anger. Next, you need to alter ingrained patters of allowing certain stimuli to cause you anger. Research shows we have brief moment of decision between a stimulus and our reaction, and with practice we can STOP in that moment and choose a more rational reaction. You must start small when using this technique. For example, you spill a glass of milk on the carpet. This may typically trigger a irrational anger response, but instead you take that brief deciding moment and tell yourself not to respond with anger. The milk has been spilled and you already have to clean it up. How will anger make the situation better? It sounds simple, but if you have never consciously acknowledged that fraction of a second between stimuli and reaction it can be very difficult spot it. Over time you automatically begin to STOP at that moment which then allows you the time to DECIDE your response. Like I said, it takes a lot of practice and you must start with small irritants and you will eventually be able to apply the technique to the most infuriating moments. It works, but can take a long time to gain such control over your emotions. Those who know you best and expect you to respond with the loss of your temper will be amazed! Its not very often someone takes the time and effort required to control their temper. It's a wonderful feeling to gain control of your emotions.

Did your temper mellow as you have gotten older or gotten worse?

you and I are just alike as far as my temper is concerned.

What makes you lose your temper?

I'm a pretty chilled out kinda person , but there are instances where i lose my shit. These are some examples , in general which make me very angry.If I'm talking about something that I'm very happy / proud of but the person I'm talking to finds a way to redirect the conversation about “ them” or “their life”If someone says they'll meet me at 3 , and i reach there only to find out their 3 means 6. I hate when people get late.When I'm sad or upset about something and someone says “that's not a reason to be sad ,other people have got worse problems”. I know , but in this moment i need you to listen to me and not provide Gyaan.People who text like this “ it's kewl ,no issuez ”. This makes me cringe. Text like a sane person or Go Home.If I'm angry over something and someone says Calm Down. Omg, i almost didn't think of it. Thanks :-|When I've headphones on , and someone keeps talking.When people debate/ over analyze stupid stuff over the internet. Fan Clubs fighting over their favorite Singer/YouTuber/Actor etc. They probably don't even Know you exist. Take a chill pill guys.People who take my food without asking. Joey doesn't like sharing food. Be like Joey.